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View Full Version : Mora,"Masajista" in Belgrano

09-14-11, 14:54
Another Belgrano classic, and contender for the city's most famous non-published masajista.

She works in an apartment on the corner of Olleros and Cabildo, next to the McDonalds. Clean apartment, clean shower facilities etc.

She is arguably the best value for money in this city. For AR$150, you get a 20-25 minute massage, and then 30-35 minutes of something that can only be compared to a Texan bull ride. Stay on till you can, because you're not going to last. Everything you want can be arranged with her. Including a servicio completo and besos negros. She doesn't mind if the time overshoots. And is very, very good at setting the mood for the explosion that's about to take place. The best part is that everything is one price: AR$150. All inclusive.

The thing with Mora is, however, that you have to close your eyes to really enjoy the fun. She isn't a looker by any measure, and is on the older side (I would say early 40s). But don't let it take you away from trying out the masajista that is considered THE masajista with extras in the city right now on the local forums.

PM me for her number. Introductions are a bit complicated and you will be asked a few questions about how you got the number since she doesn't publish.

Also, general warning: her English is likely to be limited (I've never spoken to her in English). But if you're up for an adventure. You will have a good time, at a very affordable rate.

Meforu 2000
09-15-11, 20:22
I knew of a Mora in belgrano, it's been a long time but a frend of mine got the clap from her, thats what he said and told me to avoid her at all cost, which I did. It was about a year ago and she charged 150. 00 too.

Her ad runs in the (altosex. Com. Ar) , (Mora ). Take a look and see if thats the same one. Report back, good luck.


09-16-11, 02:15
No, definitely not the same one on Altosex. This Mora is a bit older and has a more brownish skin tone, and most importantly has a gold star reputation. She doesn't advertise. Your friend must have been with someone else.

I knew of a Mora in belgrano, it's been a long time but a frend of mine got the clap from her, thats what he said and told me to avoid her at all cost, which I did. It was about a year ago and she charged 150. 00 too.

Her ad runs in the (altosex. Com. Ar) , (Mora ). Take a look and see if thats the same one. Report back, good luck.


Traveller 75
01-30-12, 02:51
Hi there!

Not too sure how to PM so I thought I'd ask here. I like the sound of Mora so how would I get in touch with her?


Another Belgrano classic, and contender for the city's most famous non-published masajista.

She works in an apartment on the corner of Olleros and Cabildo, next to the McDonalds. Clean apartment, clean shower facilities etc.

She is arguably the best value for money in this city. For AR$150, you get a 20-25 minute massage, and then 30-35 minutes of something that can only be compared to a Texan bull ride. Stay on till you can, because you're not going to last. Everything you want can be arranged with her. Including a servicio completo and besos negros. She doesn't mind if the time overshoots. And is very, very good at setting the mood for the explosion that's about to take place. The best part is that everything is one price: AR$150. All inclusive.

The thing with Mora is, however, that you have to close your eyes to really enjoy the fun. She isn't a looker by any measure, and is on the older side (I would say early 40s). But don't let it take you away from trying out the masajista that is considered THE masajista with extras in the city right now on the local forums.

PM me for her number. Introductions are a bit complicated and you will be asked a few questions about how you got the number since she doesn't publish.

Also, general warning: her English is likely to be limited (I've never spoken to her in English). But if you're up for an adventure. You will have a good time, at a very affordable rate.