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View Full Version : Looking for a duo in Buenos Aires this Friday

10-23-12, 20:29
I am in Buenos Aires this week and looking for a duo (two girls) to meet me at my hotel. Any suggestions?

10-23-12, 23:23
I am in Buenos Aires this week and looking for a duo (two girls) to meet me at my hotel. Any suggestions?I would recommend Luciana Love and whichever friend she brings over. You can PM her here on the board.


10-26-12, 23:30
I am in Buenos Aires this week and looking for a duo (two girls) to meet me at my hotel. Any suggestions?They are downstairs waiting for you Nick!

Have fun and let us know all about it!


P. S. The blonde one does D. Ps if you need any help!

10-27-12, 06:07
You really think that we buy this horseshit TL. Most of us that have been around a while just see right through you. First time poster looking for a threesome. Magically two un-named chicas are in the lobby. WOW. You are amazing dude! Stop posting drunk, high or both. You are fooling no one goofy dude. Back to your thread retard, you are just polluting the board with TL Spam. Really, at the end of the day, it's quite sad really. Get some help dude OR just go away. Happy Mongering All. Toymann

Ps. You are already banned from the AP house, maybe it's time for you to exit stage door left from the board as well till you get your sh*t together, assuming that is possible!

10-27-12, 11:59
You really think that we buy this horseshit TL. Most of us that have been around a while just see right through you. First time poster looking for a threesome. Magically two un-named chicas are in the lobby. WOW. You are amazing dude! Stop posting drunk, high or both. You are fooling no one goofy dude. Back to your thread retard, you are just polluting the board with TL Spam. Really, at the end of the day, it's quite sad really. Get some help dude OR just go away. Happy Mongering All. Toymann

Ps. You are already banned from the AP house, maybe it's time for you to exit stage door left from the board as well till you get your sh*t together, assuming that is possible!

You are a complete MORON with too much time on your hands.

You can PM the member yourself and you can call the girls to double check you fucking IDIOT!

I get 10 calls or PMs a week from guys that have 1 to 3 days in BA and they don't want to play the Escort Rulette game so they call me and I send them what they want !

I get a kick out of the Boys calling me a great guy and saying that I will receive my good Karma for what I do ! Can't you get it ? Obviously you don't get SHIT or SHINEOLA in Sex Prison !

The 2 girls, (Mia 2 and Sabrina) arrived at the Sheraton and took the guy to a Telo since that Sheraton does not allow 2 girls in your room at the same time.

WHY the FUCK would I make this up you fucking IDIOT?

You are just unbelievable!


The ONLY place I'm banned from is the USA ! Asshole !

You are the one that needs to go away , you bring NOTHING to the table and you would never help anyone on this board .

The guy called me at home just like anybody else does and I gave him a few phone numbers .

Oh yeah , Fuck You !

10-28-12, 14:50
You really think that we buy this horseshit TL. Most of us that have been around a while just see right through you. First time poster looking for a threesome. Magically two un-named chicas are in the lobby. WOW. You are amazing dude! Stop posting drunk, high or both. You are fooling no one goofy dude. Back to your thread retard, you are just polluting the board with TL Spam. Really, at the end of the day, it's quite sad really. Get some help dude OR just go away. Happy Mongering All. Toymann

Ps. You are already banned from the AP house, maybe it's time for you to exit stage door left from the board as well till you get your sh*t together, assuming that is possible!Toymann. No alias. I was a lost monger in BA and TL set me up with two hotties and the evening f-ing out of this world. Great rate, great girls and a great night. Any monger looking (and lost like me) reach out to TL.

10-28-12, 15:03
Toymann. No alias. I was a lost monger in BA and TL set me up with two hotties and the evening f-ing out of this world. Great rate, great girls and a great night. Any monger looking (and lost like me) reach out to TL.Then share some info, who, what was the rate, what did she do, etc? You guys that supposedly use TL's service write almost the same thing,"fucked so and so, it was great, thanks TL".

10-28-12, 19:36
Then share some info, who, what was the rate, what did she do, etc? You guys that supposedly use TL's service write almost the same thing,"fucked so and so, it was great, thanks TL".At least Nickstands made an effort and thanked me for helping him out.

95% of the guys do NOT post a review when I help them out.

95% are Lurkers that I have never met and have never even spoken with, it's very annoying when I take the time and effort (and cost) to help someone out and they don't even Thank me or post a review to help the girls out.

I get PMs, E-Mails and Text Messages from these guys instead of a phone call; that really shows you how shy or introverted a lot of guys are.

So yes, they may not have the time or interest in going into an indepth review on a web site that they use for 2 or 3 days a year or a life.

Sent 4 different girls on 4 consecutive days to the Marriott the other day to the same guy and I never even heard his voice! Or Thanks!

I ask the guys to please post and they all say they will when they get back home or something like that.

Still, every post has been positive and some have been glowing.

There was a semi negative post about 6 months ago about one of the girls but she has deleted everything from this board and she had 30 glowing reviews or more.

That's about it, most guys don't post or spend much time on this board if they don't live here or come here very often.

There are more Lurkers than registered members from what I can tell.

I have made many, many good friends from this site that are loyal and grateful and always call me or meet up with me when they are in BA.

They do post.


Member #3320
10-28-12, 21:10
At least Nickstands made an effort and thanked me for helping him out.

95% of the guys do NOT post a review when I help them out.

TLSeveral Mongers the other evening felt, that it is this very reason, that you resort to creating new profile ids on this board and then proceed to thank yourself aka TL. I would just say "Be generous, help the newbies and do not expect anything in return". I request you not to create new ids to thank yourself if that is what you are indeed doing I have no proof but this rumor is catching a lot of steam.

10-28-12, 21:28
Several Mongers the other evening felt, that it is this very reason, that you resort to creating new profile ids on this board and then proceed to thank yourself aka TL. I would just say "Be generous, help the newbies and do not expect anything in return". I request you not to create new ids to thank yourself if that is what you are indeed doing I have no proof but this rumor is catching a lot of steam.I absolutely do not create different screen names.

What a silly rumor, if you guys look through the posts there are so many different screen names that it would be insane!

I would imagine that Jackson can look up our IP Addresses or e-mails and check if he wanted to do so.

Anyway, when I do go out of my way to help someone I should expect at least a Thanks whether they post it or not.

Even a PM is good enough.


TL, the one and only I'd I have on this board.

I have helped 3 girls create accounts but 1 of them can't turn a computer on. 1 of them is doing great and the other one deleated herself, her pix and everything ever written about her. (almost everything)


10-29-12, 00:18
when I do go out of my way to help someone I should expect at least a Thanks TLDon't worry about it TL. Christ was also pissed off when he cured ten lepers and only one came back to say thanks. Consider yourself in good company. Hahahahahahaha

10-29-12, 00:21
If JC had been smart he would have hung the lepers on a clothesline and waited for a wind storm. At least he would have gotten a skeleton out of the deal and you can sell those.

10-29-12, 00:47
Yes, true but don't give TL any strange ideas. Hahahahahaha

10-29-12, 00:53
Nos falta poco por ser el día de los muertos y por lo tanto pienso en los esqueletos. Hay que buscar los disfraces.

10-29-12, 01:33
Nos falta poco por ser el día de los muertos y por lo tanto pienso en los esqueletos. Hay que buscar los disfraces.

Halloween has always been my favorite Party for picking up girls but I don't have a venue to throw a party anymore. Back in the states I threw a new Year's Eve Party for 11 consecutive years. It started with 100 people at my friend's house with a $5. 00 dollar cover and grew into 660 people with a $40. 00 dollar cover in a rented Night Club. The parties would cost about $16k to put together by the end of the run. They were Black Tie or at a minimum a Jacket was required but it was always an Open Bar with appetizers.

Anyway, you were always pretty much guaranteed to meet new girls, makeout with 3 new ones, maybe score 5 phone numbers and have sex in some hidden part of the Club for sure! I used Sponsors to pay for the party and I always brought in a few "Ringers" (Hookers) to hit on the sponsors and make them say " Hey, Ramiro's parties are the best!" BA is starting to get the Halloween thing going but it's nothing like the USA.

As for a New Year's Eve Party, it will never work here like it did back home. Here it's a family thing until about 2am then the people get out and throw down, in the USA it starts at 9pm and by midnight you want to be tongue wrestling with a stranger and poking them by 2am. Damn it! I want to rent the old Harrod's ground floor (Cordoba and Florida. San Martin) and stuff about 4000 people in there at about $600. 00 pesos per person. Same thing, Open Bar, etc but it would have to start at 2am! Shit, we can stuff 10, 000 people in there. Next time you go to Orleans just peak in through the filty windows, it's MASSIVE and nice.

Anybody want to be a Sponsor?

Remember the "Ringers?"

Nice R. O. I!


Can probably get $1000.00 per person if we have a couple of bands and celebs involved .

Now were talking serious cash even if it is Monopoly money .

By the way Dickhead , do you like the way I write now ?

I have really blurred vision so the space bar makes it a lot easier for me to read .

10-29-12, 02:14
Yes, TL, that is much easier to read and raises your apparent IQ by at least 15 points. Remember the importance of appearances. It also raises the possibility that you can append two or more coherent thoughts versus the purely binary thought processes that you sometimes display when wasted. You even know how to use a semi-colon correctly. All this makes it very easy for me to tell whether you are creating aliases or not. Of course, your ability to suddenly avoid the carriage return strengthens Member #Whatever's contention you are cleverly faking all this shit. He tends to overanalyze. I think at some point while you were a wetback in the US unethically attending our public schools and draining our resources, you got a pretty good command of the spelling and grammar and shit. Then at some point the cops got involved and now you have fewer options as far as location goes. A lot of people, if they had Argie citizenship, might possibly get a job or something but more power to you if you can continue to avoid it.

10-29-12, 02:53
Yes, TL, that is much easier to read and raises your apparent IQ by at least 15 points. Remember the importance of appearances. It also raises the possibility that you can append two or more coherent thoughts versus the purely binary thought processes that you sometimes display when wasted. You even know how to use a semi-colon correctly. All this makes it very easy for me to tell whether you are creating aliases or not. Of course, your ability to suddenly avoid the carriage return strengthens Member #Whatever's contention you are cleverly faking all this shit. He tends to overanalyze. I think at some point while you were a wetback in the US unethically attending our public schools and draining our resources, you got a pretty good command of the spelling and grammar and shit. Then at some point the cops got involved and now you have fewer options as far as location goes. A lot of people, if they had Argie citizenship, might possibly get a job or something but more power to you if you can continue to avoid it.You are funny at times. I was "Made" in Houston but I was born in BA out of sheer bad luck; I arrived by 1st Class to Miami, was given a Greencard (be tough to swim from BA) and flew into Houston for the next 40 years or so. Fortunately I did not have to attend Public Schools and have to be exposed to those kind of people. I attended Catholic Schools and I was an Altar Boy, although the fucking queer priests never altared me; I learned to turn the other cheek. I am almost unemployable in this country, if your over 35 years old nobody will hire you. That's why I bought a resto-Bar. I'm just counting the days Boy! Looking for a Plot! There are a shitload of people in the states that owe me their lives and they are the ones that take care of their debts.

My job is to help the "newbies" get laid and have fun, it's the least that I can do for the boys on this board. I have been rich and I have been poor and the ONLY difference is the amount of friends that you have; I think I'd rather be poor and know who the REAL friends are. As for the Police getting involved, it was a fucking woman that caused my demise! Poetic justice for a so called "Love Broker!"


I do actually prefer not hitting the space bar, thanks for helping me but it won't last too long.

P. S. You are still welcome to call me when you need something like always.

Chicago Guy
10-29-12, 19:37
As for the Police getting involved, it was a fucking woman that caused my demise!Sounds like an interesting story. Care to share some juicy details?

10-29-12, 21:42
Sounds like an interesting story. Care to share some juicy details?It's in the book!


05-31-17, 17:45
Hello all,

I am new to this site but have been on USA and International sites. I have only been to BA one time and did not do any mongering last time. I will be in town only 1 night on July 21 for a flight stopover. I land at 9PM and leave at 8AM and will stay one night in Puerto Madero. I won't really have time for hunting so want to plan ahead. I was thinking of having a duo to my hotel for a few hours if the rates are right. My question is if anyone has any good recommendations? Some of the girls on the Baires site look good and have gotten decent reviews. It also looks like Romina and maybe her sister have also received good reviews.

I am looking for 2 spinner types that offer great BBBJ and lots of DFK. I like thin girls with flat stomachs. Tits are not so important to me so small or large either way is fine. If anyone has any recommendations it is much appreciated. If I can return the favor in any way would be happy to. I have toured US and parts of Europe many times.



06-02-17, 17:30
Hello all,

I am new to this site but have been on USA and International sites. I have only been to BA one time and did not do any mongering last time. I will be in town only 1 night on July 21 for a flight stopover. I land at 9PM and leave at 8AM and will stay one night in Puerto Madero. I won't really have time for hunting so want to plan ahead. I was thinking of having a duo to my hotel for a few hours if the rates are right. My question is if anyone has any good recommendations? Some of the girls on the Baires site look good and have gotten decent reviews. It also looks like Romina and maybe her sister have also received good reviews.

I am looking for 2 spinner types that offer great BBBJ and lots of DFK. I like thin girls with flat stomachs. Tits are not so important to me so small or large either way is fine. If anyone has any recommendations it is much appreciated. If I can return the favor in any way would be happy to. I have toured US and parts of Europe many times.


Joe.Howdy Joe ,

These are your absolute best choices if you can put the deal together:

Sabrina and Tamara or Mia. Also Romina and Carolina are excellent choices.

Avoid the internet mercenaries.

Nothing good could possibly come from trying to have a 3-way with 2 girls that are NOT good friends or into each other and the only thing that they have in common is to take as much as possible from the Gringo.

Good Luck with that.

My Whatsapp:

+54911 6116 4254.



P.S- I just spoke to Sabrina and she is ready , willing and anal 100% ! Has friends and will travel.

Let me know asap if you want her contact info.

Please disregard the entire post. I misread the actual date of your arrival.

I apologize.

06-09-17, 21:01
Howdy Joe ,

These are your absolute best choices if you can put the deal together:

Sabrina and Tamara or Mia. Also Romina and Carolina are excellent choices.

Avoid the internet mercenaries.

Nothing good could possibly come from trying to have a 3-way with 2 girls that are NOT good friends or into each other and the only thing that they have in common is to take as much as possible from the Gringo.

Good Luck with that.

My Whatsapp:

+54911 6116 4254.



P.S- I just spoke to Sabrina and she is ready , willing and anal 100% ! Has friends and will travel.

Let me know asap if you want her contact info.

Please disregard the entire post. I misread the actual date of your arrival.

I apologize.Hey TL..thanks for the suggestion. Before you posted I went ahead and made contact with Romina. She seems pretty cool. I made arrangements to see her and her sister.

06-09-17, 21:06
Hey TL..thanks for the suggestion. Before you posted I went ahead and made contact with Romina. She seems pretty cool. I made arrangements to see her and her sister.Hola Joe,

They are both very cool and very hot !

Guaranteed Good Time .

Happy Trails,