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02-15-13, 17:53
I just got back home and it was snowing when I got off the plane. It's a good thing I have some red hot memories of my trip to keep me warm. Stranger kept telling me to write this trip up on the board so that's exactly what I'm going to do. It may take a few days to get it all posted. There was a lot of drinking involved (The herd has been thinned out) but I'll give you the best my memory can manage. Anyone else who was present can feel free to add on to what I miss. I spent 6+2 nights in Buenos Aires this trip. I was scheduled for 6 but things were getting so good I had to stay for 2 more. We'll get to that later. Lets start at the beginning.

Night 1 (Wednesday)

I have been to BA several time but this was my first time staying at the AP house. I knew from looking at the schedule that someone would already be in suite 1 when I arrived and a few days later someone else would occupy suite 3 but I had no idea who they would be. I was hoping they would be cool guys that I would get along with. I pretty much hit the jackpot. I got to the house around 10:00 am and got a warm welcome from my friend Daddy Rulz. I asked him who was in suite 1 and he told me it was Stranger. Then he thought for a minute and said "You know what? From what I know about you and what I know about him; I think you two are going to get along really well together". Truer words have never been spoken.

I was tired from the flight so I took a shower and had a little nap and exchanged some currency. I met Stranger and we hit it off so well he canceled his plans and said the two of us were going out on "The Stranger Tour". When I say he canceled his plans I mean he had a night with "The Personality" planned that he already paid for. He said, It's no problem. I'll just give her the night off. The people on this board who already know Stranger probably aren't surprised by this but for me just meeting him I was immediately impressed with the kind of guy he is. He told me to be ready to go at 10:00. The first stop on the Stranger tour was Nuevo Estilo.

We take a cab to Nuevo Estilo and it's not really the kind of place you could ever find if you didn't know where it is. 100 pesos to get in but that gets you a free drink. We both got gin and tonic's. My eyes almost pop out of my head when I see one of the most beautiful girls on the planet. Guess what, Stranger is already friends with her. We walk up and start talking to her. I say "holy shit!" Stranger says "It's what I do." He tells me she is the most feminine woman in Buenos Aires. He also tells me everything on her is perfect. He says "Even her pussy lips are perfect". He was right, but I'll get to that later. His nickname for her is "The Retard" because she is dumb as a box of rocks. Since my Spanish is not really good enough to have much of a conversation with her that does nothing to dissuade me. She is there with her cousin who is brand new to the business. It was her first week as an escort. He tells me he doesn't buy girls colored water and he orders them a couple of beers. The beers arrive and he says "magic pocket" and there is a 100 peso note in his hand ready to pay. Lesson 1: Always be the cool guy. Quickly followed by lesson 2: Magic pocket. Both lessons have a lot more to them then I am going to say. It's not my place to give away the lessons I was taught on a public board.

There was a lot of talent at Nuevo Estilo that night. Stranger and I kept drinking gin and tonic's. All of a sudden he tells me the cab will ready in two minutes. The Stranger Tour has a schedule that must be kept. There was a girl there that I had my eye on. She had such a sexy walk and an amazing body I had to at least get her name before we left. I said "give me one minute" and I ran out to the smoking patio where she walk talking to an Asian guy. I had no time so I apologized and butted into their conversation. The guy was cool and even offered me a cigarette. All I needed was a few seconds to tell her how beautiful she was and get her name (Mallory). I got back to Stranger slammed the rest of my gin and tonic and we were off. It can be difficult to get a cab there but Stranger has his own cab driver ready to go.

We get in the cab and Stranger tells me it's time to take a walk on the wild side. The cab driver takes us on a drive through Transvestite park. A walk on the wild side indeed. Half of these transvestites I thought, no, there's no way. That has to be a woman. Then she would say "Hey, baby" in a voice deep enough to make dick to retreat into my pelvis in shear terror. They don't hide anything either (Well they hide one thing). Half of them are topless with their big fake titties out for the world to see. Some of them had their pants around their ankles so you could see their ass implants. Some were just wearing a thong and nothing else. I have never seen anything like it. Enough of that, off to Hook.

We walk into Hook and the owner comes over and gives Stranger and I kiss on the cheek. It seems a little slow in there. There are 4 poles in Hook but there is only one girl dancing. A few seconds after the owner kisses us on the cheek all 4 poles have girls dancing on them and there are girls everywhere. It's almost like the owner went in back and yelled "vamos chicas, Stranger's here". The gin and tonic's continue. I get mine and it tastes like a glass full of gin with 5 drops of tonic water in it. Stranger just smiles and says "Life's good". I couldn't agree more. Four new girls hit the poles and the one dancing about 6 inches from where I'm standing is crazy hot. Really long and thin with a nice set of fake titties. She is a solid 10. In the United States she would be a 14. I ask Stranger about her and he say's "Yea, I was her first customer when she started working here. We're friends on Facebook". My jaw hits the floor. He say's "It's what I do". I'm trying to find out where I can get an engagement ring this time of night so I can ask this girl to marry me and Stranger say's it's time to go. We have a schedule to keep and there are 4 more clubs on the tour.

We get to Newport and the gin and tonic's don't really seem to have any tonic in them at all. It's pretty much a glass full of gin with a slice of lemon in it. There isn't much good at Newport so Stranger tells me to finish my drink, we are going to Madahos.

When we get to Madahos Stranger introduces me to "The Manager". She is the one to ask about any girl you want to take out of there. That way you don't have to worry about getting a dud. She gives you the straight scoop on all the girls and will make recommendations for you. The place is packed, the girls are all smoking hot and I am drunk as a motherfucker. Stranger is drunk too and we're still drinking gin and tonic's. I have on idea how strong the drinks are at this point I'm just drinking. The girls are all so hot dancing on stage my American strip club reflexes kick in and I start tipping them. Stranger already told me not to tip the dancers when we were at Hook. He said "Don't tip them. If you like one go fuck her". I'm not a Rockstar yet. This is only my first day of training. I still have a lot to learn. We are back at the bar and "The Manager" asks me which girl I want to fuck. A smoking hot brunet in a sexy little black dress caught my eye when we first walked in. I look through the sea of chica's and spot her. With the discretion of a drunk fool I stick the entire length of my arm out to point at her and firmly say "her" like I'm the Caesar of Madahos. She comes over and the brain cells that were holding onto our conversation are no longer with me, so I don't really remember that part. I do remember Stranger telling me if I'm not going to take her home and fuck her he will. I ordered 4 shots of the most disgusting Tequila I have ever tasted in my life. Imagine if you went to a Mexican prison and your cell mate converted the toilet into a still for making tequila out of rubbing alcohol. That's how bad it tasted. Stranger and I settle up the bill, I tip "The Manager", take my chica and leave. It's 5:00 am and there were still two more clubs on The Stranger Tour. I would eventually make it through the entire tour start to finish but not until my last night in Buenos Aires. We'll get to that story. A lot happened between my first night and my last night. You wouldn't want me to just jump right to the end.

02-17-13, 17:21
Night 2 (Thursday).

I wake up a 2:00 pm with a bad hangover. I stumble downstairs and plop down into the chair next to Daddy Rulz. I ask him if Stranger is up yet. I think Stranger must have been born with two kidneys to process alcohol faster than humans do. He also only needs a few hours sleep because he has already hit the gym and he's been drinking at Exedra since noon. Just thinking about it makes my head hurt even more at this point so I ask Daddy Rulz for some suggestions. We talk about a few options and then he tells me about the Paola Vieira experience. I'm intrigued and he even offers to call and make an appointment for me.

Paola doesn't do incall and he place is out in Bellgra or something. As luck would have it Daddy Rulz is heading out that way to meet a couple friends. We all head out on the Subte together. Sardines in a can. Good lord it was like the taking the green line on the upper east side during rush hour in New York. It was worth it though. Paola is amazing. Things started out really sweet like a girlfriend doing some sexy things for Valentine's day. Whip cream, an ice cube and more. Then things went into a P.S.E. Then things moved into a level I haven't even seen in porn movies. That was a good time. I even found my way back on the Subte on my own and it was much less crowded.

I get back to the house and Strange is there. He tells me to take a nap because the tour bus is leaving at 9:45 pm. He has already had his 3 hours sleep for the day and "The Personality" is coming over in a few minutes for some aerobic activity. Rocky2 shows up at the house to join us and we head out to Nuevo Estilo.

We arrive at paradise (Nuevo Estilo) and Joe 23 is there with a friend of his. As soon as we arrived "The Retard" (I hate that nickname, she is so hot) is heading out with a client. I am still hung over and I need a pick me up, so I order a vodka / speed as my free drink. To my surprise there is no extra charge for the can of speed. The most beautiful woman in Buenos Aires (that's a better nickname for her) is gone so I look around for Mallory. She doesn't seem to be working that night. There is still a lot of talent there and as the alcohol starts to battle the hangover I start thinking about who I might like. That's about the time Stranger gives me the 2 minute warning bell. I know there is more good stuff to come so I don't mind.

We all pile into the cab. There are 5 of us so it's a bit like a clown car. We arrive at Hook and the owner is there to greet us with a kiss on the cheek. There is a lot of talent there. Stranger introduces me to the Mendoza girls. Four beautiful college girls from Mendoza. They are on break and have come to Buenos Aires to make some extra cash. Stranger tells me they are really cool girls and I should take one. He even gives me a money back guarantee. They are all hot but it's difficult to choose. He tells me the blonde one is the best kisser in Buenos Aires. They all love Stranger. I decide to see which I have the best connection with but they are all more concerned with flirting with Stranger then talking to me. No big deal. There are plenty of girls to choose from. Stranger even points out "The Lone Ranger" to me and tells me she is Gato Hunters girl. She looks really good but I'm not going to step on any toes so I consider her off limits.

In walks Cielo. Beautiful blonde with a great attitude and a smile that lights up the room. She is also a really great dancer, which I would find out later when she had her turn on the pole. She already knows Stranger and he locks in on her. I meet Delores, a former English teacher who found out she can make a lot more money working in Hook. She has a beautiful face and we have a really good connection so I buy her a drink. She took 6th place in a pole dancing competition last year and she teaches a pole dancing class during the day. I tell here there is a pole at the house and she says she knows, she's been on it before.

Strangers attention is fixed on Cielo and he tells me he is making his last stand here. I'm having a good time with Delores so that is fine with me. I buy her another drink and she tells me when we go she doesn't have to come back. I'm having a good time with Stranger so I'm not really in any rush to leave. I ask her about the price and she says between 600 and 800 pesos depending on what I want. It's around 3:00 am and I take Delores back to the house. She tells me all the girls at Hook have a nickname for Stranger. He is the king of giving girls nicknames so I have to know what nickname the girls have given him. They call him "The Friend" I laugh at the irony of "friend" and "stranger" having opposite meanings. I can see why they call him "The Friend" and it would still take me a few days before I figure out why he chose "Stranger" and his name on the board.

Delores and I get back to the house and I have a professional pole dancer and a stripper pole. What would you do? Hell yea! I fired up the stripper pole and some music for my own private show. We head up to my room for the main event and a good time is had by all. About an hour later Delores and I hear Stranger fire up the stripper pole and she starts laughing. I ask her what's so funny and she tells me Cielo had told her she wanted them to take Stranger and I back to the house for only an hour because she "didn't want to end up on the stripper pole" I found out later that Stranger took someone else back to the house but it was still pretty funny.

02-17-13, 20:03
To be honest I don't really remember Friday. I remember waking up with the same hangover from the previous day. I think I remember starting the day with Stranger, Joe 23 and Rocky2 drinking beers at Exedra around noon. I'm pretty sure Stranger spent the evening with either "The Personality" or "The Girl Next Door" I'm drawing a blank on Friday. Sorry. I know it was a good day because I was in Buenos Aires.

02-17-13, 20:48
Daddy Rulz warns me to barricade my door with sandbags because things are going to get crazy. I've always been a great one for charging in where angels fear to tread so I say bring it on. I walk in the living room and there is Gato Hunter with "The Stealth Hooker" I like where this day is going already. I need a pick me up so I go to the corner store for 4 Red Bulls. Stranger's still in his room but I know he'll want one. Gato Hunter and I are hungry and it turns out we both love that fugazzeta pizza from El Cuartito. We decide to split a large and have it delivered. Jackson is already there and some of the other guys are starting to show up for the stripper party. The evening is unfolding nicely.

The girls finally arrive for the stripping and the show begins. I think Lunita and Pamelita are both cute. They have coordinated outfits and it looks like they have rehearsed some moves together. There is some production value to their show. They strip each others clothes off and give each other time to showcase their talents. It's not just two girls on stage awkwardly bumping into each other. I can appreciate that. Pamelita seems a little more shy while Lunita really seems to like watching herself in the mirror. There was an intermission and a costume change. I had a good time. Stranger gave me a 10 minute warning but I got so caught up in the show I missed the bus. I wasn't worried because I knew they were starting at Hook and I could catch up with them. I was talking to Daddy Rulz and Joe 23 after the show and the girls came up to hang out. Jackson told me to pick whichever one I wanted or both if I was into that. I'm a sucker for a pretty face so I took Lunita up to my room. We had a great time together. Later she told me my skin was the perfect temperature and we both fell asleep. We woke up around 4:00 and I walked her out and got her a cab. Another great night in Buenos Aires.

Gato Hunter
02-19-13, 00:44
Your a rock star no doubt but Ilona set the bar highher. I bought a table at a very high end club this weekend. It will be me one other board member and his chica. And 8 chicas I'm iviting.

Not Charlie sheen but billy idol would be proud.

Stripper party is Sat. Night I will leave from party to disco.

And then I will go fishing.

Gato Hunter
02-19-13, 00:47
To be honest I don't really remember Friday. I remember waking up with the same hangover from the previous day. I think I remember starting the day with Stranger, Joe 23 and Rocky2 drinking beers at Exedra around noon. I'm pretty sure Stranger spent the evening with either "The Personality" or "The Girl Next Door" I'm drawing a blank on Friday. Sorry. I know it was a good day because I was in Buenos Aires.Friday night you fucked the blonde fom hook. And we had a little drama from the past guests in las casa.

02-19-13, 20:46
Your a rock star no doubt but Ilona set the bar highher. I bought a table at a very high end club this weekend. It will be me one other board member and his chica. And 8 chicas I'm iviting.

Not Charlie sheen but billy idol would be proud.

Stripper party is Sat. Night I will leave from party to disco.

And then I will go fishing.Thanks. That is a story I'm looking forward to hearing.

02-19-13, 20:47
Friday night you fucked the blonde fom hook. And we had a little drama from the past guests in las casa.That was Monday. That is a funny story.

02-19-13, 20:57
Sunday (Gato Hunters birthday).

Stranger told me to refer to the last member of our group as "The Monger from California" to keep him under the radar. I'm pretty sure nobody will figure him out from that name. LOL. From this point on Stranger, Gato Hunter, Rocky2, "The Monger from California" and I hang out a lot together. It's a really good group. For the most part we are together from the first meal of the day until the wee hours of the morning. Instead of listing everyone's names every time I'll just say the Fantastic Five. Sometimes there is only 3 or 4 of us together but eventually we all get together.

It's Sunday afternoon and the Fantastic Five meets up at Bullers. We are just hanging out having a good time and we feel a few rain drops. We move inside and it starts a torrential downpour. Eventually it gets so bad the power goes out. Our waitress closes out or tab and kicks us out. It's not the kind of weather you can catch a cab in but one of us is staying a couple blocks away and he invites us over. The power is out so there is no elevator. It's a long, long way up. The good news is there was plenty of vodka and Red Bull to quench my thirst once I made it to the top. We hang out for a while and Strangers "Girl Next Door" comes over to join us. Let me just say her nickname has nothing to do with her looks. She is smoking hot. Eventually the power comes back on and we agree to meet up at Black around 11:00.

Stranger is in for the night with "The Girl Next Door" but the rest of us meet a Black. Gato Hunter said it best: "meat on a hook" We are early and pretty much the only guys in there. There must be a rule that says the chicas can't come within a meter of us without being invited and the can't speak to us unless spoken to. We are standing at our table basically surrounded by girls staring us down trying to make eye contact with us. There are a couple of hot ones dancing but I didn't even finish my drink before the guys decided to leave.

Off we go to Hook. Yummy Mendoza girls, check. Hot as fuck blonde that dances sexy as hell but has a bad attitude, check. There is some good stuff in the house. Even though Stranger is not there we seem to be keeping his schedule because before I can try out a Mendoza we are off to Newport.

Newport has nothing and off we go to Madahos. I must have learned lesson 1 well because when "The Manager" see me she yells my name and gives me a big hug. We sit down and get some drinks. I see a smoking hot chica and I ask "The Manager" about her. She tells me "No. That is a 5 minute girl" She wants to finish you off and be out the door in 5 minutes. Gato Hunter told me he likes tall girls so I look around and she a girl who looks really tall and thin. I'm 6'2" so I tell him I'm going to go stand next to her as a reference. I can't just stand next to her so I talk to her for a minute. She is very pretty and she says that she is 1.75 meters without the heels. Her name is Alexa or Alexis. I go back to Gato Hunter and he is not really interested in her. He has VIP wrist bands for Kika and he wants to stop by the house to get them. I want to leave with Alexa but it's Gato Hunters birthday and I want to be a good wingman. I have also never been to a disco in BA and VIP promises some good advantages. We are leaving and "The Manager" stops me to ask if I want any of the girls. I tell her I like Alexa and if she isn't doing anything later she should meet us at Kika and I'll take her home with me. I tip "The Manager" and we go to Rocky2's place for a beer and some mate (my first time trying it).

We get back to the house for the wrist bands and Gato Hunter isn't up for it. He just wants to go to bed and it is after 3:00 am. I have been drinking since about noon so I'm a little tired also. It's another couple of days before I would get "The Managers" phone number. If I had it then I would have tried to order some delivery service, if that is possible. Gato Hunter taught me to always get the girls phone number. All things considered, it was another great day in Buenos Aires.

02-20-13, 00:49
To be honest I don't really remember Friday. I remember waking up with the same hangover from the previous day. I think I remember starting the day with Stranger, Joe 23 and Rocky2 drinking beers at Exedra around noon. I'm pretty sure Stranger spent the evening with either "The Personality" or "The Girl Next Door" I'm drawing a blank on Friday. Sorry. I know it was a good day because I was in Buenos Aires.Reminds me of High School in Texas.

Feeding the Girls "Boone's Farm" wine and fucking them but not remembering a thing about it.

Glad you had a good time.

Come Back Soon.

Take Care.


02-20-13, 02:02
I wake up Monday afternoon with a strange feeling. I'm in Buenos Aires but it's been more than 24 hours since I've gotten layed. I don't like this feeling one bit. It's a holiday but I need to exchange some cash. The usual place is closed but Daddy Rulz tells me the Chinese cambio might be open since they don't care about Argentina holidays. He tells me there is a privado near the cambio so I can take the edge off. I'm in luck. The cambio is open and so is the privado. It's the one on Esmerelda. I select a tall thin pretty brunette and we go back to the room. She askes me what I did last night and I say I went to some bars with some friends. She ask's is I went to Madahos and I say yea, we went there around, She says 1:00, finishing my sentence. I say, that's right. How did you know? She tells me she saw me there. She works there. Even at a privado I end up with a Madahos girl. I love this town.

As I'm leaving the privado I get a text from Gato Hunter asking if I'm done. The Fantastic Five is at Bullers and I jump into a cab. We spend the rest of the day drinking and having a good time. Later that night Gato Hunter and I hit Hook together. He grabs a girl right off the bat and I'm looking around for what I like. There is not a lot to choose from. His girl brings over two of her friends for me but I don't really like either one. I see Cielo, the beautiful blonde from the other night that Stranger was going to take but ended up with someone else. Unfortunately she is already busy with someone else. I tell Gato Hunter and he says "Fuck that" and gets the owner of the club. Two seconds later the guy she was with is gone and Cielo is delivered into my arms. Now that is service. Gato Hunter and I both have what we want and we head back to the house.

We get to the house and fire up the stripper pole. Gato Hunter takes a time out for some pregame and I talk to Cielo a little. She only wants to stay for 2 hours and she wants to get paid in advance. At the bar I thought it was the whole night but that's no big deal, it could have been my mistake. I was told never to pay in advance. She tells me some guy, I won't post his name, was staying at the house and didn't pay her. Gato Hunter come in and I tell him she wants to get paid in advanced. He starts yelling at them to "get the fuck out"! She explained the story and I agreed to show her that I had the money and she would be paid afterward. It pissed us all off that someone staying at the house would cheat a girl out of her money. When we got up to my room I put the money on the dresser under a glass and said it was there for her when she wanted it. She didn't seem to concerned about it. I think by that point she knew I wasn't the kind of guy who would rip her off. We had an awesome time together and she even gave me her phone number. Rockstar's collect phone numbers.

Gato Hunter
02-20-13, 10:30
I don't know how you remember things so well. I can barely remember last night.

02-20-13, 17:45
I don't know how you remember things so well. I can barely remember last night.Well you see, Gato Hunter, it's like this... A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo and when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Now, as we know, excessive drinking of alcohol kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. And that, Gato Hunter, is why you always feel smarter after a few beers.

LOL. Stranger turned me on to that theory one afternoon at Exedra.

Gato Hunter
02-21-13, 00:15
You're coming back the day after I leave.

Go fishing for me!

02-21-13, 14:18
YOur coming back the day after I leave.

Go fishing for me!I wish I was coming back that soon. Hopefully in a couple of months. I don't want it to get too cold down there before I come back. The view from our table at Exedra would not be as nice in cold weather.

02-21-13, 17:57
I was scheduled to fly home on Tuesday but I just could not do it. I was having to much fun and I had a really good feeling about Wednesday night. With all the chicas coming back to work after a 4 day weekend I figured they would have spent all their money and be ready for work. I was right but we are still on Tuesday. The Fantastic Five had breakfast at La Madeline, a quick stop at a mongers house and then Bullers. I had been drinking Bullers Oktoberfest the past couple of days but it tasted flat this time so I switched to a pilsner which is what Stranger was drinking. That was a mistake. Gato Hunter left to check out Orleans and the rest of the guys left one by one until it was just Stranger and I drinking together. The two of us had a great time and when the evening rolled around we went home. His stalker was blowing up his phone all day and he decided to stay in with "The personality" for the night. Gato Hunter and I were planning to go to Hook but my stomach was bothering me. I ended staying home that night but Gato Hunter kept me in the loop via text message. He was on the hunt for "The Lone Ranger" but she wasn't out. The next morning we went to the drug store for some cheap generic Viagra and some stomach medicine. Stranger told me his stomach was hurting him all last night also and we think there was something wrong with the pilsner at Bullers. Tuesday probably was not worth a posting but it was such a crazy week, it helps me keep it all straight in my head. Wednesday was epic.

02-22-13, 21:22
This is the night I have been waiting for. Stranger and I had a plan and a schedule. I'm getting ahead of myself. The Fantastic Five starts the day at Exedra. We start talking about Orleans and decide to go check it out. Gato Hunter goes first to scout it out and when I get the "meat on a hook" text I know we are good to go. We get there and Gato Hunter gives us the scoop on all the chicas there. I make my final decision, a big titty blonde that comes highly recommended by Gato Hunter. Stranger tell me to make my move because in here "You snooze, you lose" and just as he says the word lose a guy sits down with her. The rest of the Fantastic Five thinks this is really funny, me, not so much. A few minutes later she leaves with the guy and Gato Hunter stops her to tell her I'm interested. She says she will be back in an hour. The thought of jumping in the pool right after someone else gets out is not something I'm into. We leave and Gato Hunter tells me about Cielo Private. It sounds good and we decide to go.

A quick stop for an awesome straight razor shave right buy the house (highly recommended) any we get to Cielo Private. They put Gato Hunter and I in a viewing room and tell us there are currently 3 girls to choose from. Since I'm leaving tomorrow Gato Hunter graciously offers me first choice. Here is their web site: http://www.cieloprivate.net/eng/model.htm.

First girl in is Belen quickly followed by Claudia (I think) Girl number 3 is not ready yet so we wait and Gato Hunter tells me about an amazing girl he used to see here a couple of years ago. Finally in walks Romina. I take one look at her and I've made my decision. Gato Hunter asks her a couple of questions and she leaves for us to make our decisions. As soon as she is out the door Gato Hunter tells me that is the girl he was just telling me about. He tells me he wants her and I can come back tomorrow before my flight and have her if I want. How can I say no? All three were good choices anyway so I take Belen. A drink is included in the price, I think 450 pesos for the hour. When I get to the room everything is in sealed bags and there are clean seals on everything in the bathroom. It's a very nice hygienic place and my glass of scotch is waiting at the bedside table. Belen was a great girl but she had some extra skin on her belly that is Photoshopped out of the pictures and is undetectable because she wears some kind of Spanks thing under her dress. Other then that she is great.

We get back to the house and Daddy Rulz felt like cooking so he made Chicken Marsala. The Fantastic Five was there and Jackson even stopped by. It was an amazing dinner with good company. Special thank you to Daddy Rulz for that.

There were so many of us we took two cabs to Nuevo Estilo. Since the "The Retard" is so smoking hot, total perfection, she can rack up a lot of mileage pretty quickly. The plan Stranger and I came up with involved getting to Nuevo Estilo early. Before any of the girls arrive. That way as soon as "The Retard" reports for work I can grab her and take her straight out to the Telo. It's "The Monger from California's" first time to Nuevo Estilo and he has the exact same reaction as I did my first time. We get there and it's dead, perfect. After about 10 minutes the girls start to arrive. In walks perfection and she goes in back to change into her sexy outfit for the night. She comes out and I grab her and take her to the Telo for a half hour. After the days earlier activities Gato Haunter had a talk with me about sperm management. I also don't want to be gone an hour with everyone waiting for me. I will say that "The Retard" is even better with her clothes off. Every square inch of her is total perfection. There is not a single flaw, no trouble area to hide. How something so perfect could just happen naturally is amazing. When I get back the club is in full swing. There are a lot of incredibly hot women there. I even managed to get Flor "The Retard's" number at the Telo. She even took a picture of herself in the mirror with my phone for the contact info. Nuevo Estilo would be my favorite place in Buenos Aires if it wasn't for the fact that you can only take the girls to the Telo.

We have a schedule to keep so off we go to Hook. There is some good stuff there and Gato Hunter finally runs into "The Lone Ranger" "The Monger from California" can't get the girls at Nuevo Estilo out of his head, exactly the same boat I was in my first night. Gato Hunter has what he wants so the rest of us go to check out Newport.

There are a lot of girls at Newport. The place is packed but not with anything good. There is one girl that looks pretty good. "The Monger from California" has been bitten by the Nuevo Estilo bug and wants to go back there. I tell them to just give me a few minutes to talk to the one girl in Newport that I like. I go over and talk to her and get down to business pretty quickly because Stranger and The Monger from California are ready to leave. She tells me $200 USD. I tell her I only have pesos and that is more than the normal rate. She tells me $200 is nothing to me which kind of pisses me off. I'm not sure if she is thinking blue rate or official exchange and she tells me 1000 pesos. That's a little high but in the right situation I would pay that. This is not the right situation. She has a hostile attitude toward me because I'm from the United States. I politely thank her for her time and leave. As we are leaving we run into this hot little girl who is a dancer from somewhere. Things are hectic outside and I kind of really want to take her back to the house. At this point it's just me "The Monger from California" and Stranger going back to Nuevo Estilo. I know "The Monger from California" is going to grab a girl or two and head to the Telo which means Stranger will be alone there for about an hour. Not that he is ever really alone, there are always girls around him. We've become good friends and my wingman brain says go with him so I do. I keep thinking about that hot little Brazilian dancer and I almost tell the cab driver to stop so I can get out and go back. I've already received a couple texts from "The Retard" and I know any minute spent looking at her is a minute well spent so I stay with the team.

We arrive back at Nuevo Estilo and "The Retard" is out changing someones oil. I feel good that I was able to be the first one there for the day. If "The Retard" was built to be in Playboy the one "The Monger from California" liked was built to be in Penthouse. He took her out just as "The Retard" was coming back in. Stranger and I decided to hang out with "The Retard" her cousin and her friend. The friend had braces and spoke very good English. Her clothing was not very revealing but you could just tell that there was some really good stuff under there. Stranger and I took turns buying rounds of beers for the three girls. We had a lot of fun just hanging out and talking with them. At one point "The Retard" started making her fake orgasm noises and the other girls joined in. All three of them moaning in fake orgasm together. Then I would say "No falso con mi" and they would laugh and start making the orgasm noises again. "The Retard" kept asking me to say my line so they could make their fake orgasm noises again. It was pretty funny. When "The Monger from California" returned he bought a round for the girls and we stayed a while longer because we were having such a good time.

Finally it was time to go. Stranger and I went to Crocadillo's. There were not a lot of people there but there was one girl on the dance floor in a black cat suit that was dancing so sexy I could not take my eyes off her. There were some gang banger's there and Stranger said she might be with them so I didn't approach her on the dance floor. She went to the bathroom and I was going to try and intercept her on the way out to find out the deal. That's when the lights came on. Stranger and I had just shut down an after hours bar. We went outside and there were three girls outside that were in the club. All three of them were hot but there was one I especially liked. Stranger talked to the cute blonde and told me she and her friend were good to go. I told him I really liked the third but she wasn't giving me the look back and she looked like she wanted to leave. He said no problem and tried to talk to her. Then he said that she just wants to go home but I should take the blonde. I liked the blonde but compared to the girls at Nuevo Estilo and the Brazilian dancer at Newport and the girl I had just seen in the cat suit my palate was set a little higher. I had already been relieved three times that day so I wasn't feeling the pressure to grab whatever was available. The big head was driving the bus for once. Stranger said he knew an after, after hours club and we went there.

There was a 100 peso cover charge but that included two drinks. There were lots of girls in there. I talked to a lot of them. A lot of then came up to talk to me. I forgot the name of the place but a girl coming up to you and grabbing your cock is considered a polite greeting in there. I saw one girl that I particularly liked. I went up to talk to her and brought her over to where Stranger was standing. She told me I had to buy her a drink if I wanted to talk to her. She wouldn't even talk to me for one minute without me buying her a drink first. This was the complete opposite attitude of every other girl in the club. I learned everything I needed to know about her right there. There wasn't anything else in there that I was interested in so we left. When we got outside it was straight up daylight. We were walking to get a cab and a cute girl with green fingernails jumped out of a cab and walked past us. I stopped her because she was cute and we talked a little. Stranger thought there was something off about her so he grabbed me away from her and we jumped into a cab. It's good to have a wingman to watch your back. That was the last stop on the Stranger tour. It was my last night in Buenos Aires and I had finally made it all the way to the end.

We got back to the house around 9:00 am and Daddy Rulz was already up for the day. "The Personality" had been waiting in Strangers room all night so he went down to pound it out with her and I went to bed. A few hours later Stranger pounds on my door telling me I missed my flight. I get up and he is ready to go for the day. I tell him I need to shower and pack and I'll meet his at Exedra. What do Rockstars eat for breakfast? Beer and eggs, that's what. My cab to the airport was schedule to arrive at the house at 5:30 pm. Stranger and I hung out at Exedra drinking until then. The Fantastic Five came by, Joe 23 came by. I got to say goodbye to everyone. That's when Stranger told me I had to write this shit up on the board. It took me some time to get it all posted but there it is. If you were there I hope it brought back some good memories. If you weren't I hope you enjoyed hearing about it.

Daddy Rulz
02-22-13, 21:42
It was Chicken Picatta not Marsala, but thanks for the idea. If I can find some Marsala wine that will be happening soon.

02-24-13, 01:22
Nice interesting stories by Kamikaze. Almost felt asleep reading them. Maybe all these stories can be combined into a book. Who knows? The book may make into Kindle top 10? Any takers?

I wish their were some serious details here in this never ending rhetorics below. As to how much are the girls charging, contact details of girls or some way to contact the girls, details of the session with girls, services offered etc etc etc.

And then I went to Houston Space centre to continue with my job...

Daddy Rulz
02-24-13, 14:28
Nice interesting stories by Kamikaze. Almost felt asleep reading them. Maybe all these stories can be combined into a book. Who knows? The book may make into Kindle top 10? Any takers?

I wish their were some serious details here in this never ending rhetorics below. As to how much are the girls charging, contact details of girls or some way to contact the girls, details of the session with girls, services offered etc etc etc.

And then I went to Houston Space centre to continue with my job...

Why rain on a guys parade that was only passing on his good time? Why piss on one of the nicest guys posting on this board? Sheesh.

Second and Third person added to ignore list in 12 years. RockStar and the real person behind the alias.

02-24-13, 15:00
Life is always so full of conspiracies with you. Too funny. Rock star is entitled to his opinion, in spite of your point of view. His point about groupies must have touched a chord with you! This was point 7 I believe. Wonder why. LOL. The Sun Here in the Dominican Republic has been awesome the last week. Sidney says Hi to all his old friends. Heading to the airport in a couple hours. Monger on fellas. Toymann.

02-24-13, 17:38
Nice interesting stories by Kamikaze. Almost felt asleep reading them. Maybe all these stories can be combined into a book. Who knows? The book may make into Kindle top 10? Any takers?

I wish their were some serious details here in this never ending rhetorics below. As to how much are the girls charging, contact details of girls or some way to contact the girls, details of the session with girls, services offered etc etc etc.

And then I went to Houston Space centre to continue with my job...

This is about living like a Rockstar not living like a accountant. Rockstars don't care about how much things cost. Maybe "RockStar" wasn't the best choice in names for you. You go out for the night with 3000 pesos in you pocket. You spend what you spend. It's not about going out, grabbing a girl and going straight home. It's all about partying and having a good time. Building up your reputation in the chica network. I posted in the Travel Reports section because that's what it was. You seem to be looking for escort reviews. It looks like some people agree with you so I'll try and give you what you are asking for. I'm not going to post the specific details of my sessions because I feel that would be crass on a public board. If you want to know something about a girl in particular send me a PM and I might go into more detail. As far as contact details go I told you where they can be found and the names that I could remember. Go there and get them. They are not published anywhere. The phone numbers I collected were given to me by the girl and I don't think she would want me to share them. I'll be brief so you don't fall asleep.

Nuevo Estilo:

100 pesos to get in but that includes a drink. I think beers were 50 pesos. Flor was 550 pesos including the cost of the telo. Everything covered conventional only.


No cover charge. Beer is 80 pesos. Chica drink was 180 pesos but I think Gato Hunter said it just went up to 200 pesos. Delores was 700 pesos and stayed for 2 hours. Everything covered conventional only. Cielo was 800 pesos and stayed for 2 hours. Everything except the tip BBBJ, conventional only, she was amazing.


No cover charge. I don't remember how much the drinks were but they were expensive. Stranger and I ran up a 2000 peso bar tab pretty quickly. I forgot the girls name I took out of there but she was crazy hot. She was 800 pesos for an hour. BBBJ, conventional only.

Lunita Hot (she has her own thread).

I think there is plenty of info on her. She stayed about 4 hours and charged me 600 pesos. We both fell asleep after round two.

Estrella (from the escort section).

I didn't mention it but I saw her while I was there. An amazing BBBJx2 for 250 pesos. What a great way to start your day.

Paola (from the escort section).

I think I paid 600 pesos for an hour. Maybe it was 700, I don't remember. Everything is on the menu and then some. It's not easy to see her but worth the effort.

The privado on Esmerelda:

I forgot her name. It was 500 pesos, BBBJ, conventional. Completo was on the menu under the right circumstances.

There you go. The time the girl stays and the price she charges are YMMV. There might be a douche bag up charge and more items may be on the menu depending on size. If you talk to Jackson I'm sure he can change your screen name to TheAccountant if it's available.

Daddy Rulz
02-25-13, 00:20
Paola remains 600 pesos and IMHO a must see for visiting monger. No I don't get commissions or discounts. I plug her a lot (both meanings) because of the excellent service.

Kamikaze you forgot to add tips, taxis, post ravishment taxi donations for the girls to go home, cost of condoms, lube, apportioned (is that a word?) Share of room rental for sessions, any meal costs related to fueling your debauchery, any meals, gifts, or trinkets you may have bought the girls, donation at stripper party, Gatorade for rehydration the morning after, or shoelaces. Also don't forget the peso sixty you owe me for the bus when we went to Esmeralda VIP.

Oh Jesus how did I forget about airport transfers, tickets, visa costs, baggage allowance, loss of overtime from being on vacation, alibi fees for ducking the shorty, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, deodorant, depreciation on shoes from walking, and the freaking bombilla! I'm pretty sure I saw you eat a candy bar on Tuesday as well.

I can't speak for anybody else but I agree with Big Boss Man, I for one am enjoying your blog. It's really great to see somebody come down here, throw most caution to the wind, firewall the throttles, and just fucking go for it! It reminds me of why I moved here.

Right on and write on brother.


P.S. You forgot the charge for the elephant rental and the additional cost of cleaning the elephant poo off the rug in Suite 2. The maids are still pretty pissed off about that, you might want to toss your hat through the door first to see if anybody shoots at it before entering when you come back.

02-25-13, 03:31
Paola remains 600 pesos and IMHO a must see for visiting monger. No I don't get commissions or discounts. I plug her a lot (both meanings) because of the excellent service.

Kamikaze you forgot to add tips, taxis, post ravishment taxi donations for the girls to go home, cost of condoms, lube, apportioned (is that a word?) Share of room rental for sessions, any meal costs related to fueling your debauchery, any meals, gifts, or trinkets you may have bought the girls, donation at stripper party, Gatorade for rehydration the morning after, or shoelaces. Also don't forget the peso sixty you owe me for the bus when we went to Esmeralda VIP.

Oh Jesus how did I forget about airport transfers, tickets, visa costs, baggage allowance, loss of overtime from being on vacation, alibi fees for ducking the shorty, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, deodorant, depreciation on shoes from walking, and the freaking bombilla! I'm pretty sure I saw you eat a candy bar on Tuesday as well.

I can't speak for anybody else but I agree with Big Boss Man, I for one am enjoying your blog. It's really great to see somebody come down here, throw most caution to the wind, firewall the throttles, and just fucking go for it! It reminds me of why I moved here.

Right on and write on brother.


P.S. You forgot the charge for the elephant rental and the additional cost of cleaning the elephant poo off the rug in Suite 2. The maids are still pretty pissed off about that, you might want to toss your hat through the door first to see if anybody shoots at it before entering when you come back.Haha that's right. I forgot about all that stuff. I would make a terrible accountant. Take all that and then at the end put "living like a Rockstar for a week in Buenos Aires.......Priceless".

02-25-13, 21:13
Why rain on a guys parade that was only passing on his good time? Why piss on one of the nicest guys posting on this board? Sheesh.

Second and Third person added to ignore list in 12 years. RockStar and the real person behind the alias.Pretty easy to spot who Rockstar is alias of when you read all his posts and compare the diction, style, and grammar of his colonial British-English word choices with another senior member's. E.g. "sozzled" - obviously not a yank and you can practically see the head bobbing if you've met him.

02-27-13, 03:01
Pretty easy to spot who Rockstar is alias of when you read all his posts and compare the diction, style, and grammar of his colonial British-English word choices with another senior member's. E.g. "sozzled" - obviously not a yank and you can practically see the head bobbing if you've met him.The member in question doesn't need to create alias' to speak his mind dude. If that is who you are eluding to then you are wrong as usual. Not his style in the least! Just face it that your analysis is most likely off base. If that is not who you are eluding too then my apologies in advance. Why not just come out and stop being so indirect in your accusations, just like your buddy DR. Then again "birds of a feather fly together" LOL. Toymann out.

02-27-13, 03:44
The member in question doesn't need to create alias' to speak his mind dude. If that is who you are eluding to then you are wrong as usual. Not his style in the least! Just face it that your analysis is most likely off base. If that is not who you are eluding too then my apologies in advance. Why not just come out and stop being so indirect in your accusations, just like your buddy DR. Then again "birds of a feather fly together" LOL. Toymann out.A statement is not an accusation. An accusation requires a specific charge and defendant. I stand by my statement though, and you've yet to offer any expertise to disprove the analysis.

Let me enlighten you with an example of an actual accusation.

You, Toymann, are a statutory rapist or a lying braggart. Take your choice and inform us which please.

You admitted as such in front of witness when you verbally enlightened us with your exploits of bare back banging "next level" sexual prowess with the ladies, how none of us are unfortunately at this great "next level" you are, how once you get one chica to this "next level" you get the dubious advantage of her bringing over friends that also do you bare back, and to the heart of the accusation - how you'd been "having sex with Jessica for over 5 years".

This was in your trip here in Oct 2012. Jessica's birthday is Oct 13 and "over 5 years" ago she was 17.

So which is it? Are you simply a lying braggart boasting of your sexual conquest, which at least isn't illegal, or are you a freely admitted and witnessed sexual predator that committed statutory rape?

See, that's an example of an actual accusation. How do you like them apples?

02-27-13, 04:11
Thanks for answering my question Mplexy. You never fail to amaze nor disappoint. I will only assume by your rantings that at a minimum you now realize that the member in question was not in fact, rock star. Keep up your little fantasy stories, as they make for hilarious reading. Time to crawl back under your rock. In fact, got quite a nice email from the girl in question a couple of weeks ago. Keep the hits coming. Toymann.

Ps. Try at a minimum going forward to at least stay on point. You and your sad wingman, and your crazy stories just sound... CRAZY.

Daddy Rulz
02-27-13, 04:27
That a guy keeps talking about you when he knows I have him on my ignore list and unless somebody quotes him I won't see what he says. Maybe that's why, who knows, it's just fucking creepy. He's the only person I've ever ignored on this board, yet he keeps talking about me.

I really think it's ludicrous that I'm being accused of being a conspiracy theorist and just making shit up when I have admin privileges on this board. Do you think I didn't check my conclusions? Do I have a history of self aggrandization and attacking people here for no reason?

I know I'm talking to him here, but I was really happy not seeing him on the board and now, after I post something that had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with him. A small, offhand, insignificant remark where I didn't even call out the name of the guy in question, he felt the need to open his yap and attack me for being a loon.

I really think it's bizarre that he's going to comment about this post when he knows, unless somebody quotes it, I won't see it. Please, don't anybody quote it.

Just So Fucking Weird.

Seriously, please don't quote whatever pablum dribbles out of his mouth in response, I swear I don't care. After this he is forever nothing but dust on the trail.

Monger on Dudes,


02-27-13, 04:31
Thanks for answering my question Mplexy. You never fail to amaze nor disappoint. I will only assume by your rantings that at a minimum you now realize that the member in question was not in fact, rock star. Keep up your little fantasy stories, as they make for hilarious reading. Time to crawl back under your rock. In fact, got quite a nice email from the girl in question a couple of weeks ago. Keep the hits coming. Toymann.

Ps. Try at a minimum going forward to at least stay on point. You and your sad wingman, and your crazy stories just sound... CRAZY.Self admitted with witness Rapist. Enough said. Crawl back under your rock please.

02-27-13, 04:50
He's the only person I've ever ignored on this board, yet he keeps talking about me. DR.This is getting more amusing by the moment. So now based on DR's own words, if fact, he was insinuating ol Toymann was rock star. When you read the next paragraph it endlessly goes on About how he wants nothing to do with ol Toymann and that Toymann keeps commenting on DR.

Next, after Mplexy, and his sad wingman figure out it couldn't be me, Mplexy insinuates the fine member is now rock star. Maybe now all will understand why stories made up by DR and then confirmed by Mplexy, or vice versa should never be taken seriously.

When Daddy comes on the board, claims that rock star is obviously an alias of the only person he has ever blocked (which he has now announced several times to all how would listen, like it is some badge of honor) this is somehow NOT talking about ol Toymann. IALOTFLMAO.

Here is the post.

Second and Third person added to ignore list in 12 years. RockStar and the real person behind the alias.

He's the only person I've ever ignored on this board, yet he keeps talking about me.

I really think it's ludicrous that I'm being accused of being a conspiracy theorist and just making shit up when I have admin privileges on this board.

As you can see from your own words you started this mess with your insinuations regarding me. And hell yes, many board members have concerns about you having admin priveledges for this very reason! Having admin priveledges, boasting about me being your only block, combined with your origional insinuation regarding the identity of rockstar reaks of exactly the issue I speak of DR.

Now back to the guts of the matter.

At the end of the day, I have only been addressing the insinuations made by first, DR and then second, Mplexy. Me thinks you both protest way too damn much.

Enough said, on the issue of the identity of rock star. Most likely it is just a member wanting to voice his opinion. Something you both love to champion when it suits you! When that opinion is contrary to the beliefs of DR or Mplexy, that's when the dribble really starts with elaborate exaggerated stories and vitriol.

Just for the record Mplexy, statements using innuendo and arrogant characterizations are designed by nature to lead to accusation or worse. The following post is a classic example.

Pretty easy to spot who Rockstar is alias of when you read all his posts and compare the diction, style, and grammar of his colonial British-English word choices with another senior member's. E.g. "sozzled" - obviously not a yank and you can practically see the head bobbing if you've met him.

As far as DAddy goes. I have never referred to you by name in quite some time. I have only referred to mplexy's sad wingman. I guess if the shoe fits, so be it.

Glad we have gotten to the bottom of the rockstar identity controversy. Both Mplexy and DR will need to go back to the drawing board.

In summary, it is neither myself or the fine member 3320. Case solved. LMAO. Toymann.

03-15-13, 06:32
I read with amusement the "critic" of the post, especially the one from some wanker that sound like a nasty piece of work indeed! (Fuck I read his "funny" post with nearly the same title; where he put out his anti-rules. What a sad, sad man! No respect for girls, his wingmen and basically sounded like a boring fart, get a life! And to those that "liked" his post, nice to know where I have you).

BA have so many variable things to do, I do my thing you do yours, but I definitively have more fun that some miserable cunts and get service from girls they can't even dream about. Yeah that's right, I am bragging dickheads!

And then I went fishing.


03-16-13, 17:20
But I think it's very usefull, that you remember wanking.

Do not cross my way, fisherman...don't want to get boooooooored.

Saludos cordiales.

03-20-13, 19:54
It took me some time to get it all posted but there it is. If you were there I hope it brought back some good memories. If you weren't I hope you enjoyed hearing about it.Now that I've caught up with Kamikaze's posts here, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading them. It takes time and trouble to put together these long reports and make them entertaining and informative. I might not buy the book but I feel like I've just lived along with a part of the adventure! That final Wednesday tour struck a chord with me as I've done similar crawls on my last night in BA, a beer or two in Buller to begin, then off to sample the Recoleta clubs, later on to Cocodrilo and back to the late late club to spend the last of my pesos, a final outing with a chica then straight to the airport after packing. If a few friendly girls who deserved it got a chica drink out of me on my way through then I wouldn't have been worrying.

Some might dismiss this kind of stuff as a bunch of guys out on an ego trip but for me this thread was all about a guy getting drawn in to a whole new scene which lifted his appreciation of what BA has to offer up to another level. There was a warmth and generosity of spirit that shone through and I'm very surprised by the negative comment. Saying all that, I'm no rockstar and have no aspirations to be. As a low profile 'typeB' personality, who reacts to life as it comes, I couldn't handle the attention (or the daytime alcohol consumption)! Slipping in to a club under the radar, playing the waiting game and by luck or judgement, pulling out the most eligible girl is more my way. I'll normally fly solo, but when I have tagged along with other guys on these tours, it's always been a good time. You always learn something. I don't think you'll get that social element just from visiting privados or hooking up with internet chicas. And I've certainly had 'rockstar moments' in BA. Small things like stumbling out of the telo with a chica in the early morning sunlight, wrecked but on a high, laughing together and realising she's actually prettier in the daylight than you gave her credit for in the club. Or stopping off for café and medialunas on the back of an epic all-nighter before bed, when everyone else is just getting up to start their day. Or getting the timing right and pulling two head-turning chicas who are good with each other for a threesome, the fun and anticipation in the back of the club before the party starts. The kind of moments that make you feel like a king, small things to look back on and feel good about when you're back at home in a grey and depressing reality space.

I wish I was coming back that soon. Hopefully in a couple of months. I don't want it to get too cold down there before I come back. The view from our table at Exedra would not be as nice in cold weather.I hope you manage to make it back to BA before the winter. And if you do have some more of these adventures, come back and tell us about them!

03-20-13, 21:41
I'm feeling the pull really hard to come back down. With the blue rate at 8.1 I don't think I can afford not to get my ass back there. I have a couple of things I need to do down there. Daddy Rulz knows what I'm talking about.

03-20-13, 23:02
I'm feeling the pull really hard to come back down. With the blue rate at 8.1 I don't think I can afford not to get my ass back there. I have a couple of things I need to do down there. Daddy Rulz knows what I'm talking about.I enjoyed every one of your posts. I have mongered in BA since the late 70's and your posts took me back to those first years. I look forward to your return to the city to read more of your posts.

Gato Hunter
04-03-13, 20:23
I'm feeling the pull really hard to come back down. With the blue rate at 8.1 I don't think I can afford not to get my ass back there. I have a couple of things I need to do down there. Daddy Rulz knows what I'm talking about.This weekend was legendary took us till today to get back to normal. My first night we went to a huge electronic show, I brought a threesome home good start to the trip.

My second night (Sunday) we went to the big club super VIP style, new rule I will never bring a chica to disco I'm just going to fish there. I got home 1:15 PM Monday Lots of afterclub underground action.

Blue rate is 8.3 were getting 8.0 in reality.

Ill be here rest of April unless I get bored then I'm going to Go somewhere else.

04-04-13, 03:33
Ill be here rest of April unless I get bored then I'm going to Go somewhere else.Good luck GH. Hope it all works outs. Toymann.

04-04-13, 12:15
This weekend was legendary took us till today to get back to normal. My first night we went to a huge electronic show, I brought a threesome home good start to the trip.

My second night (Sunday) we went to the big club super VIP style, new rule I will never bring a chica to disco I'm just going to fish there. I got home 1:15 PM Monday Lots of afterclub underground action.

Blue rate is 8.3 were getting 8.0 in reality.

Ill be here rest of April unless I get bored then I'm going to Go somewhere else.

A GREATE thanks to Fred for driving us to the disco Rocstar style, jeje, that was a first and somthing we will continue!


04-04-13, 13:35
That sounds awesome! New fishing methods are always fun. Count me in. Let me finish up a few things up here and I'll be right down.

04-07-13, 14:23
Personally I find these kinds of reports a lot more useful and a lot more entertaining than a list of statistics about a girl who uses several false names and changes her workplace more than she changes her underwear which makes it almost impossible to know if it is the 'right' girl.

Besides, her attitude and prices are going to change depending on the guy anyway, YMMV, right?

I just want to know which clubs, bars or cafes are worth going to, what the general price level is, and can you have a good time or not. Then I can go and check it out myself. I never heard of this nuevo estilo place before, now I will go and see how it is. My tastes in women are probably completely different than 80% of others so why would I search for 'Estrella' that I read about when I can meet each girl up close and judge for myself. As long as she's not a thief, I think I can judge pretty well.(Although recently I took home a chica that was gorgeous, but stand offish, and I thought would be a dud, but as always I take looks as a priority so I decided to take a chance, and once behind closed doors her attitude changed completely and she's now a favourite. You just never know for sure until you try).

Always seemed very strange to me that people complain about other reports, yet they still seem to read them all. Why not skip them? Seems to be some kind of other agenda there if you ask me, and I don't know any one on this board (not that I know of anyway).

Final point: I'm getting ever more careful about posting exact details here, as I've been 'outed' a couple of times already by chicas who either read all this stuff or had it pointed out to them by some pathetic sob trying to win some points or something. Sad, but true.

Gato Hunter
04-07-13, 15:21
That's why we have code names if I said I was going to Newport and going to bang the condom nazi and the girl next door you would not know who I was talking about but my friends would.

Tonight Fred will pick us up in the Lincoln at my place in mintues and we will be in RockStar mode. One of the crazyiest discos in the world and we have the Best VIP table. Biggest party night of the week, Sunday night.

04-07-13, 23:15
That IS the codename for the flypisher. In The Rockstar bars from out the staff's mouth.

AND I'd does not mean identity. It ends with od in a way.

Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee cannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.