View Full Version : I need a new place to go

07-08-14, 02:11
BA is my favorite city in SA. I really don't know how many trips I have made to BA since retiring. I also have spent time in Peru. Uruguay - Chile. Costa Rica. Columbia. I travel on a budget I suppose like most people. I also read this forum daily. I need a new place to go. Like everyone I am looking for cheap p4 p, good food, and a beach would be nice. Anyone have any ideas. Please don't tell me to RTFF. Like I said I read it daily.

07-08-14, 03:49
BA is my favorite city in SA. I really don't know how many trips I have made to BA since retiring. I also have spent time in Peru. Uruguay - Chile. Costa Rica. Columbia. I travel on a budget I suppose like most people. I also read this forum daily. I need a new place to go. Like everyone I am looking for cheap p4 p, good food, and a beach would be nice. Anyone have any ideas. Please don't tell me to RTFF. Like I said I read it daily.Thailand maybe? But. Stay away from all the places that everyone already knows about (Bangkok, Pattaya, etc). You got to go off the path most travelled if you stand a chance to actually play. A LOT has changed about Thailand from the time most people speak of it. The overwhelming abundance of information about that place actually comes from early to late 2000's. Believe it or not, the scene has COMPLETELY changed since then.

07-08-14, 07:24
Thailand maybe? But. Stay away from all the places that everyone already knows about (Bangkok, Pattaya, etc). You got to go off the path most traveled if you stand a chance to actually play. A LOT has changed about Thailand from the time most people speak of it. The overwhelming abundance of information about that place actually comes from early to late 2000's. Believe it or not, the scene has COMPLETELY changed since then.Thailand is nice except for the extremely high percentage of the population with aids. I read a report around two years ago where the NIH and WHO were concerned that 35% of all new inductees to the military in Thailand are infected. Its probably worse among the working girls. The Dominican Republic also got bad reviews in this area but I don't remember specifics.

07-08-14, 21:38
Why not try a combo of Vienna, Austria and Bratislava, Slovakia? Less than an hour apart by train. 175 to 180 cm women who could snap you in half. Built like a brick shithouse too. Legs that go way up and make an ass of themselves. Bratislava is cheaper by 30 to 40%. You could throw in Budapest too, an easy train ride from Bratislava. I have been all the places you mention and that is where I would go next, if I had been to just your listed places and was on a budget. No beach, though. Quito was fun and was not on your list. But with a beach I would say go to the south of Spain. Great food (I have been to 43 countries and rate the food in Spain #1), many levels of P4 P, and low rents in the off-season. I spent an off-season on the Costa del Sol and while P4 P is more expensive than in Latin America, it is not too bad by European standards. If you are on a tight budget, I would say look at Fuengirola and if it is not that tight, look at Málaga. BTW while a lot of things are expensive in Europe, food is not expensive in southern Spain and you can thrive on the 3 A diet: avocados, asparagus, and artichokes. The food in BA is unimaginative to say the least. Shit, you can survive off the oranges on the trees in Andalucia, if you have to. And if you live in the Yew Ess, the airfare to Europe is half the airfare to South America.

Rev BS
07-08-14, 22:55
I read that the incubation period for HIV is around 50 years, so I will be safely 6 feet underground before the manifestation of AIDS will appear. Just don't give me a hug or shake my hand when you see me, your immune system might not be as hardy as mine.

But it's true that the PAP in Thailand has change since globalization and the internet appear. But that is across the globe, too and Thailand is no exception. But even today, if you cannot be happy in Thailand, then I don't see you being able to be happy anywhere. My opinion, which is worth not quite 2 baht.

07-09-14, 02:10
if you cannot be happy in Thailand, then I don't see you being able to be happy anywhere.That is a very bold statement. Please pardon the peanut gallery if we require specifics.

07-09-14, 02:31
BA is my favorite city in SA. I really don't know how many trips I have made to BA since retiring. I also have spent time in Peru. Uruguay - Chile. Costa Rica. Columbia. I travel on a budget I suppose like most people. I also read this forum daily. I need a new place to go. Like everyone I am looking for cheap p4 p, good food, and a beach would be nice. Anyone have any ideas. Please don't tell me to RTFF. Like I said I read it daily.Hi sweety,

What parts of Colombia have you been too? Have you tried Cartagena? If you haven t, it is beautiful! You have warm climate, nice beach, good food and not that expensive. Also, any parts of Europe interest you?



El Perro
07-09-14, 03:33
Thailand is nice except for the extremely high percentage of the population with aids. I read a report around two years ago where the NIH and WHO were concerned that 35% of all new inductees to the military in Thailand are infected. Its probably worse among the working girls. The Dominican Republic also got bad reviews in this area but I don't remember specifics.I don't believe that AIDS stat for a second. More statistical fear mongering. Promoted by the same people who would have you believe every working girl in the world has been trafficked. Rubbish.

07-09-14, 06:10
Cartagena is high on my list of places to visit. I have been to every western and most eastern European countries. To me any country using the euro is expensive. Thats why I have spent so much time in SA. I miss Europe but until Our interest rates go up and the dollar gets stronger ill stick with SA or Asia. I am looking at Bali but its a little difficult to get to.

Rev BS
07-09-14, 06:11
That is a very bold statement. Please pardon the peanut gallery if we require specifics.So I will answer you this way.

If you like good temperate weather all year, go to California coastline.

If you like great food, maybe NY, LA, London or Tokyo.

If you like jazz, Paris, NY and Tokyo.

If you like hanging around beautiful people, you might like St Tropez, Mallorca, Cabo San Lucas, Palm Beach.

If you like good theatre, it's London, NY, Vienna.

If you like history, Rome, Istanbul, Beijing.

If you like a city with good ambience, San Fransisco, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro.

If you like to do hash, perhaps Kathmandu, I don't really know.

But if you really like smiling people and getting by with just English, together with a variety of affordable housing, eateries, transport, nightlife, PAP, English bookstores, good & affordable medical & dental care, low tourist crime, and a city that is open 24 hours, then it is humble Bangkok that fits the bill. There is still a semblance of what the word "exotic" means when you describe Bangkok. A city that is very tolerant of the individual. And where for sure, you will see something everyday that will make you laugh and shake your head. There will be days when you feel very wealthy, and there will days when you know that you are not. Everything is relative and everything is possible in Bangkok.

07-09-14, 07:23
So I will answer you this way.

If you like to do hash, perhaps Kathmandu, I don't really know.

But if you really like smiling people and getting by with just English, together with a variety of affordable housing, eateries, transport, nightlife, PAP, English bookstores, good & affordable medical & dental care, low tourist crime, and a city that is open 24 hours, then it is humble Bangkok that fits the bill. There is still a semblance of what the word "exotic" means when you describe Bangkok. A city that is very tolerant of the individual. And where for sure, you will see something everyday that will make you laugh and shake your head. There will be days when you feel very wealthy, and there will days when you know that you are not. Everything is relative and everything is possible in Bangkok.If you like to do hash, why not Amsterdam? Its an obvious answer, but because it is so obvious, you might actually find hash there. Not the best, but at least something that is a pinch above bullshit.

Anyway, it seems like you have an appreciation of Thailand that I just don't have. Especially in the p4 p dept. , but in many many others as well. To say the least, I was not impressed, and I doubt I will ever go back. I certainly did not get out of it what you did.

Rev BS
07-09-14, 09:01
If you like to do hash, why not Amsterdam? Its an obvious answer, but because it is so obvious, you might actually find hash there. Not the best, but at least something that is a pinch above bullshit.

Anyway, it seems like you have an appreciation of Thailand that I just don't have. Especially in the p4 p dept. , but in many many others as well. To say the least, I was not impressed, and I doubt I will ever go back. I certainly did not get out of it what you did.There are mongers who are not turn on by Asian women. For that matter, Asian food. It's just not in their DNA, that's all.

I did South America and in particular, Argentina for a quite a stretch. All I could think about was Latin women and bife de lomo. And it was very good and the price was right when the dollar was 3-3. 5 pesos. But Thailand is a superb fit for me now and for the long haul. The Thailand Tourism Board does not need me, Bangkok is one of the most popular destinations year after year.

El Perro
07-09-14, 09:37
Tell 'em about the fishbowl girls and the WC football replays Rev.:)

There are mongers who are not turn on by Asian women. For that matter, Asian food. It's just not in their DNA, that's all.

I did South America and in particular, Argentina for a quite a stretch. All I could think about was Latin women and bife de lomo. And it was very good and the price was right when the dollar was 3-3. 5 pesos. But Thailand is a superb fit for me now and for the long haul. The Thailand Tourism Board does not need me, Bangkok is one of the most popular destinations year after year.

07-09-14, 09:42
Argentina will come back around. Its always been a roller coaster here, lots of ups and downs! Right now, until there is a new government in place things will only keep getting worse because the current administration doesn't have a clue!. The problem as I see it is that even though Cristina will be gone, the fools here will keep her party in power. The opposition is too fragmented and no one party gets more then 15 to 20% while the FPV (Cristinas party for those of you who don't know) keeps getting 45% plus. Like the other posters have said, things where better here when the exchange was 3 to 1. Today at 12 to 1 you get less, a lot less. When things get back to how they were in 2001, when the many of the populace here really did not have enough food to eat, things will begin to change again. Argentinos are strange in that even if they are starving to death they will not lower their prices to make a sale or lower their expectations because they feel that they deserve more. I know at times in the past that I have lowered my prices to have enough work to keep my employees in work even if I made little or no money. An Argentine would never do that, they would rather starve! The truth is (getting back to this forum) is that there are LOTS of good affordable chicas here. From what I see, most of you just go to the wrong places, and then when you find a good one you spoil her and over pay through the nose and create a monster! Good luck to you all, and have fun!

Member #4112
07-09-14, 10:02
Gandolf, just wait a bit longer, with Christina and crew in charge it appears Argentina is headed for it's second default this year. When that happens and the economy really goes to hell we may see a return to those days of yesteryear when the chica quality was high and the price was low or at least reasonable.

07-10-14, 20:45
Gandolf, just wait a bit longer, with Christina and crew in charge it appears Argentina is headed for it's second default this year. When that happens and the economy really goes to hell we may see a return to those days of yesteryear when the chica quality was high and the price was low or at least reasonable.In my experience here Argies NEVER lower their prices. Look at gas prices for example (nafta) . A few years ago when crude went to $150+USD gas prices world wide went up. When the price of crude dropped back down to the $100 USD range, gas prices world wide dropped. EXCEPT for here in Argie land. While I do remember one boliche lowering its prices after they raised their prices so high that they literally had NO customers. At that time there was 6 other boliches within a 15 minute radius and these fools made their hourly rate 40 pesos to 60 more then the competition. In two weeks they were dead. But it took them two months to come to their senses and drop their prices a little bit! These girls in the clubs today will starve to death before they admit they are not worth what they think they are and drop their prices. Argentina is a economic disaster. Where else do used car prices go up every year? I bought a new car six months ago, the dealer has called me and offered me 10 k more then I paid if I will sell it back to them! (of course they want me to buy a "newer" new car that is now 30 k pesos more expensive then when I bought)! Once again I could go on and on but no one really cares. My point is don't think that a Argie will apply any type of common sense (common sense from a US point of view anyway) to a economic transaction or problem.

07-11-14, 04:17
I agree with most of what you said. Here I am on a fixed income. Thank god for SS. I don't remember working that hard but OK maybee I did, I retired early at 63 and I receive 1700 a month. This was a surprise to me.

07-11-14, 07:01
There are mongers who are not turn on by Asian women. For that matter, Asian food. It's just not in their DNA, that's all.Rest assured that is not me. I didn't miss the boat, I just never got a ticket. I didn't get a fair chance from a single provider while I was there. Not a fucking one.

Gandolf, just wait a bit longer, with Christina and crew in charge it appears Argentina is headed for it's second default this year. When that happens and the economy really goes to hell we may see a return to those days of yesteryear when the chica quality was high and the price was low or at least reasonable.I had a long reply written out but I didn't save my work and the session timed out so I lost it. Basically, don't hold your breath. This default isn't going to help matters at all, and in fact it will probably make things worse for us.

There are 2 factors that exacerbate the talent drain past the point of revitalization.

First off, men exponentially outnumber women, and always have. This is what generates the hobby to begin with. But since the financial crash, the players are out. The scene cannot sustain itself on fewer players.

Secondly, unlike men, between welfare and scholarships, work is an option for girls. They can easily be happy working a part time job. If they fancy, they get choice govt program placement, well paying jobs that require only the soft sciences, or if the mood strikes them, they get first crack at engineering positions, and usually with 20% greater pay over the men. If they just want to jack off all day, then there are 20 somethings pulling in 7 digits on their w2's that mop up anything 7 and up straight out of the discos well before they ever even have a chance to worry about making the rent. This is not by happenstance, but I won't get into that here.

But long story short, your money, whatever it may be, is simply not going to be worth it for her to open shop. Make your peace, for there will be no recovery.

07-11-14, 07:17
In my experience here Argies NEVER lower their prices. Look at gas prices for example (nafta) . A few years ago when crude went to $150+USD gas prices world wide went up. When the price of crude dropped back down to the $100 USD range, gas prices world wide dropped. EXCEPT for here in Argie land. While I do remember one boliche lowering its prices after they raised their prices so high that they literally had NO customers. At that time there was 6 other boliches within a 15 minute radius and these fools made their hourly rate 40 pesos to 60 more then the competition. In two weeks they were dead. But it took them two months to come to their senses and drop their prices a little bit! These girls in the clubs today will starve to death before they admit they are not worth what they think they are and drop their prices. Argentina is a economic disaster. Where else do used car prices go up every year? I bought a new car six months ago, the dealer has called me and offered me 10 k more then I paid if I will sell it back to them! (of course they want me to buy a "newer" new car that is now 30 k pesos more expensive then when I bought)! Once again I could go on and on but no one really cares. My point is don't think that a Argie will apply any type of common sense (common sense from a US point of view anyway) to a economic transaction or problem.But why lower prices if hyperinflation will just catch up anyway. If they stick around long enough the new higher price will end up being the older sale price by comparison to everything around it.

Price breaks be damned, when money is short, people don't increase consumption or stock up, because they just simply can't spend the money if they don't have to. They are just happy to see a place they can find something at a price that doesn't hurt their wallet so badly, but that difference is usually gobbled up by something else they least suspect at a time they least suspect it to. They are afraid that they must always be prepared. This is the fate of a society conceived for war, and bred for turmoil.

Rev BS
07-12-14, 01:18
Rest assured that is not me. I didn't miss the boat, I just never got a ticket. I didn't get a fair chance from a single provider while I was there. Not a fucking one.(Smile) Not to belabor the point, with the kind of luck you had in Bangkok. I don't post in the Bangkok / Thailand thread in ISG, simply because there are so many happy campers there. Enlighten us, El Jefe, as to the busiest and most up to date thread in ISG.

07-12-14, 03:40
(Smile) Not to belabor the point, with the kind of luck you had in Bangkok. I don't post in the Bangkok / Thailand thread in ISG, simply because there are so many happy campers there. Enlighten us, El Jefe, as to the busiest and most up to date thread in ISG.Well I don't know about the ISG forum posts on the matter but this is a portion of an adventure report I turned in to the author of a guide on the subject, at his request.

- Pattaya is absolutely NOTHING like you described it. In fact it is predominantly homosexual. And like everywhere else on earth, men vastly outnumber women. Pattaya is not an open air adult disneyland. Its just small, tight, congested cluster of homosexual nothingness and disappointment. Lots and lots and lots of disappointment. Throw your condoms away. You won't need them. You will be sleeping alone. I guarantee it. Oh yeah, and everything only stays open until 2 am, just like in the USA.

- gogos are unaccessable, claustrophobic, and have thugs stationed outside. When they stop you, their first question is "where are you from? My only answer to them was "do you want business?" they looked dumbfounded as a realization washed over them that I was not going in now, and that ultimately they lost. Whatever. I tried a few others and saw that I wasnt missing anything. There are only a handful of girls that work in them (less than 10) in contrast to the male clientele, who are in serpentine queues outside just waiting for the privilege of being seated inside, bound in a bunch. Balls turning blue.

- the ladies are antagonistic and vitriolic. I understand that the word "smile" most likely used to mean something completely different a few decades ago, but the term needs to be updated. More accurately, in today's speech, this country should be called the land of scowls. They kept trying to pawn off mama san on me. Mama san is a narcissist. And then all she does is try to get me hooked up with a ladyboy. But the girls don't want anything to do with me. All you have is a millisecond to "make your decision" between a gaggle of shitheads who don't make any attempt to do anything then yell loud noises at you as you pass, and that's it. If you stop for any amount of time, they clear the way and mama san steps up to fuck your shit up. You don't even have time to see if any of the girls strike your fancy. The brothels are the only place a man can get any. So of course, what do you see when you show up? They are teeming over and circling outside with men. There are only about 20 or so girls that work in these places to service all those guys. Yuk. But its our only option. They make all the rules, they dictate the pace and the procession of the service, it is cold and mechanical, and those girls have lots and lots of mileage on them. As far as companionship this place is a total lie and rip off. At the end of day 2 I threw away my box of condoms in sheer frustration. I also slept alone every night I was there. Of course the people that were getting laid were the ones who brought their gfs with them. I got to hear them the whole time I was in the hotels.

- beer bars. Your advice on these is outright unconscionable. These are obscene. Absolutely obscene. The beer bars are a complete myth. They don't understand what a mixed drink is. They don't understand that a mixer shouldn't cost as much as the drink, or that a bar tab shouldn't look like 500 bhat for 2 drinks. But the most important thing they do not seem to understand is that I am not there to socialize with mama san's house ladyboy.

We talked on the phone for a couple of hours after he read it. The last time he was able to be out there was 2007. He was shocked at how much had been flipped on its ear / outright evaporated in the 5 years since his trip and mine (2012).

El Perro
07-12-14, 08:05
Sounds like you had a tough time in Thailand Shawman. I've been to Pattaya very few times and it ain't my cup a tea, but I didn't see it at all as you describe. Sure, there are more than a few ladyboys wherever you go in Thailand, but I've never had problem one with them. As for the rest of your description. It sounds bizarre. Sure you didn't dream it?

07-12-14, 11:14
I bloody LOVED Thailand. Went there a dozen times over a period of 4 or 5 years. Mind you, the last time was in 1991!

I guess it may have changed in the last 23 years. ;-)

07-12-14, 17:17
Sounds like you had a tough time in Thailand Shawman. I've been to Pattaya very few times and it ain't my cup a tea, but I didn't see it at all as you describe. Sure, there are more than a few ladyboys wherever you go in Thailand, but I've never had problem one with them. As for the rest of your description. It sounds bizarre. Sure you didn't dream it?Hey, if dreamed it then I'd like my first class ticket back LOL! But I don't think even my worst dreams ever involved blue balls hehehe.

But I bring this up in the Argentina forum because I think we can learn something from the autopsy. The two experiences (Argentina and Thailand) were very comparative for me. Neither country have actual strip clubs but instead the two countries have this god damned lady drink system that serves to shoot customers right in the ass, and its impact on the scene is undeniable. Both govt claim to be liberalized but in truth are strictest conservative orthodox as all hell. Between BA and Issan, the chica psychology is very much the same. The govt seems to be equally corrupt in both countries, but the locals are far more corrupt in Thailand. Believe it or not, this is an important aspect that spills into every other aspect of life. The nature of people cannot rise above the nature of reality that envelops them.

Worse over, there is nothing to suggest that clubs owners view any of this as a problem. If anything, the symptoms are metastasized. This post mortem is evidence that Argentina may very well be only a few short years away from dead and gone as far as the scene goes. But beyond that it is an amazing country and, although I don't think I would ever move there, I know that I am not done with it. I want to travel a bit more, but I am coming back one day. Probably for another month long excursion. And Thailand too. Life is bigger than the hobby.

I bloody LOVED Thailand. Went there a dozen times over a period of 4 or 5 years. Mind you, the last time was in 1991!

I guess it may have changed in the last 23 years. ;-)EXACTLY my point! The artifacts are there of a scene that lived once upon a time, but those are the fossils of yesterday, dead and irrelevant with no recognizable function to today's living example. Again, by my reckoning, it looks like a paradigm shift took place, alongside a cataclysmic talent drain.

Even the author I spoke with admitted that by the end of 2007 he was able to see the horizon closing in. But yeah, according to my calculations, the early 90's must have been something golden :)

Miami Bob
07-13-14, 16:56
Cartagena is a beach resort with good tourism infrastructure. The monger scene is not to my liking. It is very rarely to find those sweeter gems who will provide any semblance of the GFE. The clubs are generally like USA strip clubs: separate you from the max money in min time and you receive robotic service with a taxi meter running.

I have visited Barranquilla. Very little tourism structure. Mongering is not out in the open and not geared towards tourists like in Cartagena. More difficult to monger and really no english except with educated people. More friendly kinder place than Cartagena.

I do not have enough Bogota experience to make an intelligent comment. I have never visited Cali. In miami, the girls from Cali are the top colombian performers generally.

Medellin works well for me. Go to the sister website to learn more:


The people of Medellin and the area call themselves paisas. Their culture is different, locale and differs from other parts of Colombia. Sweeter kinder softer. Medellin is far more violent than the BA I know. I have never had a problem, but I am primarily in the upper class areas of the city, except for the casa sceen--like privados in BA. Reports are that in the lower class parts of town, life in cheap and the culture is far more violent than in BA. In a low rent district a tour guide like TL was shot in the eye and killed as a result of negotiating price with too much vigor with a lady run by a drug group. In te lower class, cheaper parts of town the woman do not come with labels. The guide who was shot and killed lived in Medellin and ran a guide business so he was not a nubie.

The paisa ladies are --as a group--kinder and sweet and more GFE than one generally meets in this hobby. I personally prefer the portenas--when you have a very good girl.

Ba is a larger much more interesting city than Medellin for me. Ba is really a world class capital city. Medellin area is about 3. 5 million population. It is beautiful and the setting in a high mountain valley about 5500 feet about sea level is quite gorgeous with near perfect weather. 3 hours from miami by air or connect through the west coast of USA via Panama city.

08-31-14, 23:30
Hi sweety,
What parts of Colombia have you been too? Have you tried Cartagena? If you haven t, it is beautiful! You have warm climate, nice beach, good food and not that expensive.

Cartagena? Hard core robotic hardnedd pros
Cartagena is a beach resort with good tourism infrastructure. The monger scene is not to my liking. It is very rarely to find those sweeter gems who will provide any semblance of the GFE. The clubs are generally like USA strip clubs: separate you from the max money in min time and you receive robotic service with a taxi meter running.

I'm with Maria on this one. I love Cartagena! Miami Bob, You just haven't been looking in the right places. There are submissive, sweet nonpros there that don't care about your money and whose service is anything but robotic. You might have to lower your standards a little, as far as appearance, but it's well worth it. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VKWLC87Uzw.. (Vice Guide to Sex: Asses of the Caribbean)

09-01-14, 01:42
I'm with Maria on this one. I love Cartagena! Miami Bob, You just haven't been looking in the right places. There are submissive, sweet nonpros there that don't care about your money and whose service is anything but robotic. You might have to lower your standards a little, as far as appearance, but it's well worth it. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VKWLC87Uzw.. (Vice Guide to Sex: Asses of the Caribbean)Hi! Cali is beautiful also, but I would stick to Cartagena. About Bogota, it is a nice place to visit, walk around (the nice areas), but I wouldn t say it s a party city, if your looking for girls I would go to another city!

Huge hug.


09-01-14, 02:09
Hi! Cali is beautiful also, but I would stick to Cartagena. About Bogota, it is a nice place to visit, walk around (the nice areas), but I wouldn t say it s a party city, if your looking for girls I would go to another city!

Huge hug.

Maria.Girls? Who said anything about girls? There's a reason why Juan Valdez walked around with a burra and a big smile on his face. See the video link in my post.

Seriously, I agree 100% that Cartagena is a beautiful city, much more so than Bogota, Baranquilla or Medellin.

Member #3320
09-01-14, 12:41
I go to Cartagena almost every 2nd month for business related issues.

Very touristic.

For mongering, its ideal for you if you are in to dark skinned girls.

The other problem for me is that mostly working girls there as I saw : are in 18-20 age group; which is too young for me as I prefer 25 33 age group. Even after having a strong doses of viagra, I am simply unable to get up mine if the girl is 20-21 years old.

The most pretty girls, I saw here were from Medellin and they stand out for their looks (are really very pretty) but they quote astronomical prices; so might as well go to Medellin for mongering.

The best hotel to stay in Cartagena is Hampton Inn by Hilton. I always stay there. The lobby is on 16th Floor; so you just enter the hotel with a girl and go straight to your room. No walk of shame per se. Their is no guard at the enterance.

Cartagena is a beautiful city with lot of nice restaurants.

Hope this helps.

09-01-14, 19:40
One of my old employees was from Medellin and I had the pleasure to visit his home several times. Beautiful women! We went out to normal clubs and bars and I never had to pay for a women! . Being a foreigner had a lot to do with that I'm sure. But not one girl ever asked for a dime. They did get dinner and drinks etc. But it was just like having a normal date.

Member #3320
09-01-14, 19:49
During my several trips to Cartagena, I met amazing number of American mongers who are in to dark skinned girls and actually getting married to them and taking them back to USA.

Interestingly the mongers were 50 plus and the girls 19-20 years old. I even attended 2 such weddings wearing my 3 peace suit etc!


Cartagena is ideal for you if you are into day time mongering sitting on beach drinking local beers or coconut water and eating mangoes, while chatting with chicas ( dark skinned 19/20 year old) and another chica or two giving you a prolonged leg/head massage. After 4-5 beers and 3-4 hour massage, one picks up a couple of girls and goes to one's room to do his deeds.