Thread: Internet Access

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  1. #62

    Post moved

    Post moved to thread titled "Cellphones: Calling-Using-Buying-Importing-Activating-Renting".

  2. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaquero
    I'll be visiting Buenos Aires soon for about a week. I have a laptop, but the safe at the rental apartment isn't big enough for it.

    Would it still be worth bringing the laptop, or is it better to rely on the internet cafes?

    Any advice would be much appreciated.
    Get a Kensington Lock, I use mine all the time.

  3. #60

    I always bring mine and never lock it up. The safe is more to protect against light-fingered visitors rather than a break-in.

    There's some risk doing anything sensitive on computers in internet cafes. There is always the possibility that the machines have been compromised with a key logger. I'd never use one for any financial site or even an e-mail if that account is where your password resets get sent.

  4. #59

    Worth bringing a computer?

    I'll be visiting Buenos Aires soon for about a week. I have a laptop, but the safe at the rental apartment isn't big enough for it.

    Would it still be worth bringing the laptop, or is it better to rely on the internet cafes?

    Any advice would be much appreciated.

  5. #58

    Ecuador 1418 [near Sta Fe]

    This internet cafe has large booths that have privacy curtains[for those of you that don't want to be seen viewing in public!]

  6. #57


    A VPN connection just guarantees a point to point service. It is not necessarily fast just means there should be no latency between the two locations.

    Failing this there is a leased line which means you are the only user on that connection unlike ADSL / CAble were you are 'sharing' with many other users.

    Does anyone have any +ve reports of ISP usage as it all seems fairly negative.

    Thanks in Advance

  7. #56


    Arnet works reasonably well, but the modem they give you for free sucks. Bring a decent ADSL router from the states, or buy one locally - in the Computer mall off Florida (Galeria Jardin) you will find a good enought selection. Stick with reliable brands like Linksys, Netgear, Dlink etc. (just to name a few)

    I did this in my apartment nearly 2 years ago, and am quite happy with Arnet's performance.

    El Aleman

  8. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by AllIWantisLove
    I'm not an Internet expert, but my understanding of VPN is that it gives you a secure connection, not a faster connection nor a more reliable connection. Is my understanding wrong?

    Think you are correct. After I did a re-read of the post, the man is probably out of my league. Do day trading my self and plug along OK on Fibertel. Maybe they are moving Goldman to Buenos Aires. More worried about security than anything.

  9. #54


    I'm not an Internet expert, but my understanding of VPN is that it gives you a secure connection, not a faster connection nor a more reliable connection. Is my understanding wrong?


    Quote Originally Posted by Benswift2
    Hi All,

    I wil be relocating to BA in Mid Nov. I will be trading US stocks and need to know the fastest internet available. Has anyone had any experience using Leased or VPN Lines in order to improve speed and consistent connection.

    Thanks in advance.


  10. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Damman
    Fibertel: Customer service is something to be desired for sure.
    Hey, we're in Argentina. If anyone finds a telecom, cable, or internet service with good customer service, please post and let us know.

  11. #52
    Fibertel: When the market is open, speed is good, in the evening, falls flat on its ass. Customer service is something to be desired for sure. When I first initiated service, it was the nightmares of nightmares to get things sorted out. One big cluster f@$#. Could be better for sure, but it gets the job done.

    Good Luck

  12. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Benswift2
    Hi All,

    I wil be relocating to BA in Mid Nov. I will be trading US stocks and need to know the fastest internet available. Has anyone had any experience using Leased or VPN Lines in order to improve speed and consistent connection.
    Speed very inconsistent. Though generally usable. I don't know of anyone that provides "leased" lines. I use a VPN everyday all day (except when I am not viewing AP) and am able to work without problems.

    IF you need to transfer large amounts of data, Argentina in general will frustrate you.

    If your transfers are small, but you need them quick (I. E. Email w / out attachements, web page views) you may have problems at certain times of the day, but it is generally stable.

    That said, it is usable, and WiFi is everywhere and free.

    PM me and I can give you more specifics.

  13. #50

    Ben Swift2

    Hi All,

    I wil be relocating to BA in Mid Nov. I will be trading US stocks and need to know the fastest internet available. Has anyone had any experience using Leased or VPN Lines in order to improve speed and consistent connection.

    Thanks in advance.


  14. #49
    Is mobile internet (HSDPA /3.5G) available in Argentina? If yes, which operator do you recommend? Are there any prepaid offers?

    And thanks for that forum to Jackson and all the active members. It is a great resource for all aspects of being in Bunoes Aires and helped me a lot so far.

  15. #48

    Posts: 2556

    Venues: 398
    Greetings everyone,

    I want thank everybody for diverting this thread titled "Internet Access" into three entirely different subjects. As a result...

    1. I have moved all the posts regarding the options for bringing a flat screen monitor through Argentina customs to the existing thread titled "Bringing computers and electronics through Customs".

    2. I have moved all the posts regarding the options for acquuiring DirecTV to a new thread titled "DirecTV".

    3. I have moved all the posts regarding the options for bringing a flat screen monitor through Argentina customs to the existing thread titled "Computer and Internet Security".

    If you want to discuss Internet Access in Argentina, then this is the correct thread.

    If you want to discuss bringing TV's through customs, or buying DirectTV service, or how to secure the data in your laptop, then please visit the appropriate thread.



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