Thread: Clubs and Boliches - General Info

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  1. #219
    Hook was closed last night with the official "closed" strip on the door.

    Ness was open, but the old head bartender was standing outside looking like he was awaiting the axe.

  2. #218

    I said it before and I'll say it again

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandolf50  [View Original Post]
    This is true. But with the elections coming, if the FPV loses control..!
    Hope springs eternal in the human penis.

  3. #217
    Seems to me Nuevo is even more illegal than the rest because of the tying arrangement with the hotel. But those guys are pretty seriously mobbed up.

  4. #216

    Will Out of the Way Boliches Survive ??

    Quote Originally Posted by ElPerro  [View Original Post]
    I was hoping the boliches on the other side of Avenida de Julio would be spared, but I'm losing faith.

    Soon, for kicks, I'm going to check out La Casa Blanca in San Telmo. I wonder if the anti-boliche/gato squad will be targeting out of the way places.
    I'm curious also about Estilo Nuevo in Belgrano? I wonder if that's next on the list to get shut down?

  5. #215
    Quote Originally Posted by JamesBond69  [View Original Post]
    You're probably right. It was just a matter of time the triangle would go next after Recoleta. I'll drop by Hook tonight - IF it's open and report back if it's not.
    I was hoping the boliches on the other side of Avenida de Julio would be spared, but I'm losing faith.

    Soon, for kicks, I'm going to check out La Casa Blanca in San Telmo. I wonder if the anti-boliche/gato squad will be targeting out of the way places.

  6. #214

    Last roundup at Hook?

    Quote Originally Posted by ElPerro  [View Original Post]
    Got a report from a friend that the coppers were at Hook last night after 2AM.

    FYI, Sens is closed for what that's worth.

    Looks like last roundup.
    You're probably right. It was just a matter of time the triangle would go next after Recoleta. I'll drop by Hook tonight - IF it's open and report back if it's not.

  7. #213


    Got a report from a friend that the coppers were at Hook last night after 2AM.

    FYI, Sens is closed for what that's worth.

    Looks like last roundup.

  8. #212


    Are there any clubs in recoletas open ... Was there Wednesday and everywhere was shut...

  9. #211
    Quote Originally Posted by JamesBond69  [View Original Post]
    It's just about over for BA now. There are hardly any boliches left. How long before they close them all...days...weeks....I suspect at the rate it is going it's more days than weeks.
    This is true. But with the elections coming, if the FPV loses control.... All should be back to normal by Christmas!! By the way, now is the time for those of you having trouble with your DNI's and other paper work, they are bending over backwards to accommodate you!

  10. #210

    Enjoy it when you can

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyRulz  [View Original Post]
    She told me they got shut down because they didn't have a posted evacuation plan and would be reopening soon.
    It's just about over for BA now. There are hardly any boliches left. How long before they close them all...days...weeks....I suspect at the rate it is going it's more days than weeks.

  11. #209

    I talked to Moni

    Quote Originally Posted by ElPerro  [View Original Post]
    977 Marcelo T, Monica's place, was closed last night and closed one night earlier this week when I walked by there. Not sure what's up.
    She told me they got shut down because they didn't have a posted evacuation plan and would be reopening soon.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to Daddy Rulz For This Post:

  13. #208

    Another ?

    977 Marcelo T, Monica's place, was closed last night and closed one night earlier this week when I walked by there. Not sure what's up.

  14. #207
    Quote Originally Posted by BigBossMan  [View Original Post]
    Maybe BA should go to the Red Light District model like you find in Mexico or Singapore.
    The idea is not bad. But some one would have to organize and regulate the district. Meaning increased pricing due to pay offs, graft, bribes etc. This is Argentina after all.

  15. #206

    A modest proposal

    Maybe BA should go to the Red Light District model like you find in Mexico or Singapore.

  16. #205
    Quote Originally Posted by Dickhead  [View Original Post]
    The more those suck ass overpriced clubs get shut down, and the more nasty, dingy privados get shut down, the more argentinean and paraguayan women will be selling pussy on Craigslist and in their own apartments. Selling pussy out of your own apartment is not illegal, no matter how much KFC (I call her that instead of CFK because her neck wattle reminds me of poultry) wishes that it were. Now, don't get me wrong: I love nasty, dingy privados but I am adjusting to nice, clean apartments stocked with paraguayans operating as independent entrepreneurs. Catto's was my favorite club, except for the golden days of Oro, but I don't miss it one bit.

    Prostitution will never be stamped out in Latin America. Crtez and Pizarro made sure of that!
    I like your way of thinking DH, making lemonade out of lemons!!!

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