Thread: Clubs and Boliches - General Info
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04-26-08 13:16 #85
Posts: 995Franklin Pub
I know some folks who are involved in running a new place in Recoleta - Franklin Pub, Junin 1621. Thew way I hear it, the place offers food and chicas.
Anyone been there yet? I haven't been out lately due to some health concerns but would appreciate any feedback that I can direct to my contacts - like - are they legit and reasonable?
PS: they were handing out fake 100 dollar bill flyers with a promo for the second drink free last week.Last edited by Thomaso276; 04-26-08 at 13:18. Reason: typo
03-23-08 17:21 #84
Posts: 41Club Research
Last night I was in the mood to do some research on the places of the night which had been my favorite spots on my last trip.
At first I went to J a z z.
I arrived at midnight. No entrance fee, no guests inside and only 4 below average looking chicas dancing. Within less than 10 seconds I was out.
Next to S a l o m e.
Almost the same as Jazz. No entrance fee, only one guest (not sure, could be also part of the staff) and six average looking girls. Again, less than a minute and I was out and went to.
S o l I d G o l d in Recoleta.
The place was more busy. 50 Pesos entrance fee, two drinks included. About 8 guests and maybe 15 girls. Only one guest was sitting with a girl.
Again the selection of the girls didn't impress me at all. But it wasn't a waste of time, because I enjoyed the sex shows. They were worth the entrance fee.
There have been some reports of high pressure in this club. I had no problems and felt comfortable. Only two girls approached me, but when I made it clear, that I want to stay alone, they were friendly and accepted it.
I left at 1am and went to a club, where I have never been before -
L A L o p e z.
More spacey than solid gold and better music. But no sex show, only some.
Dancing. 50 Pesos entrance fee, but only one drink included.
Friendly atmosphere. I saw at least 20 girls and about 12 guests. Again only one guest was sitting with agirl.
After a while I decided to have at least one drink with a girl this night and choose a skinny girl who has the cutest face I have seen so far on p4p places on this trip. The name is Fior, and she told me that she is from the Dominican Republik. She must have seen some kind of disappointment about this fact on my face, because she immediately asked me whether this is a poblem. I said no, but that was not the truth.
Anyway, after some chatting we talked about prices and she wanted 400 pesos for one hour. I wasn't in the mood to do a lot of negotiation, beause the main purpose of the night tour was to do some research on the clubs.
I left and went back to my appartment, alone.
After all, at both places in recoleta I saw no takeout of a girl and was surprised, that the places were not packed with tourists at the eastern weekend. Business seem to be very slow, so it is a mysteery for me why they insist on this skyhigh prices.
Lueck Hoff
12-20-07 19:34 #83
Posts: 59Names
Originally Posted by Esten
12-20-07 01:12 #82
Posts: 1740One thing I don't like about Black is the dancers will come over and dance next to you if you're seated at a table, or dance in front of you on the table if you're seated on a couch. They expect a tip, unless you wave them off as soon as they start with a 'no gracias'.
12-20-07 01:08 #81
Posts: 1740Vitrea, thanks for the very helpful and informative post.
The drinks (both guy's and chica's) at La Lopez were slightly lower when I was there recently but maybe they have gone up.
You did quite well on the take-out prices. As you may have experienced, the chicas often start out with higher quotes but can be negotiated down. I'm curious if you found much resistance for the minimums you got or if they were agreed to quite readily, and if you found any correlations with price vs service or club vs service.
Also for the benefit of other readers - any names (chicas) to avoid, or any really good recommendations?
12-17-07 20:48 #80
Posts: 59Top three club comparison (subjective)
Even with all the extensive info on this site, it is hard to keep track of the pricing structures of the clubs. Here is a summary of the top three club pricing based on MY experience in the last two weeks. The club that is best in that category is marked with "BIC". Please feel to correct misinformation as this is mostly meant for newbies and I do not want to mislead anyone.
Madahos: 60 pesos which includes one free drink.
La Lopez: 60 pesos which includes one free drink.
Black: 50 pesos which includes one free drink (BIC)
Specials / coupons.
Madahos: 60 pesos with a second free drink. You can get this coupon from several waiters in the restaurants and disco clubs in the area. Best bets are at the Silver pub and La Chacrasa (sp? Next to Newport.
La Lopez: Loose the touts and ask at the door if you can just look inside. Worked every time both on weekends and weekdays. That way you get in without cover and hangout as long as you want. If you do want a drink, it is 60 pesos. (BIC)
Black: Tell the cabbie that you have been there before and tell the front door guy that you were there a few nights ago. Works if he recognizes you. If not try."I am staying at the Marriott". Gets you in for free.
Chica drinks
Madahos: 1 drink, 100 pesos.
La Lopez: 1 drink, 80 pesos (BIC)
Black: 2 drinks, 80-120 pesos. This got very confusing. See my discussion with one of the managers, Daniel on this issue.
Take out prices (based on at least 9 takeouts from these clubs)
Madahos: 350 minimum to 400 maximum (2 takeouts)
La Lopez: 250 minimum to 300 maximum (4 takeouts) (BIC)
Black: 400 (3 takeouts)
Madahos: Minimum three on stage. 8-10 n looks (BIC)
La Lopez: one to two, sometimes none. 7-9 in looks. On Saturday nights, mostly the working chicas were getting up on the stage in groups and having a good time. I did not see any professional dancers over a period of two hours.
Black: Minimum three on stage. 8-10 in looks. The dancers also come to you, dance in front of you and expect you to stuff some pesos in their thongs (North American style)
Madahos: Has the typical north american strip club style set up with a stage and poles. Good music. There is an elevated balcony and mainstage with setup for 3 to 4 dancers at a time and the seating allows you to check them all out out. Large bar.
La Lopez: The setup is classy but the place is cozy. One stage. Small bar but the bartender is the friendliest and she is generous with her drinks. (BIC)
Black: No stage to speak of. Dances happen on the bar and side tables.
In-House services
Madahos: None that I know of.
La Lopez: They have a "VIP" area upstairs, 160 pesos for chica drinks. I was offered services there for 300 pesos for one hour by at least two chicas.
Black: None that I know of.
11-17-07 01:17 #79
Posts: 5My first post. Hey all.
In my travels around central and South America, I usually find having a GF with you at a club is like having a "chick magnet". On occasion, the girls will get together for shopping, lunch and partying. Women love to be around their own kind.
BTW. Its my first trip to Argentina next week. Can anyone recommend the best boliche for a M / F couple looking for some fun.
11-08-07 13:33 #78
Posts: 754Originally Posted by Art Vandalay
11-08-07 09:07 #77
Posts: 173Bringing a chick to a club
Yes I have seen it and done it a couple times.
Some places will ask the cover for the girl, others no.
The girl just better be prepared to get a few evil eyes from the girls there.
11-08-07 08:25 #76
Posts: 67Stupid Question
Do any Argentinos or tourists ever take their regular girlfriends into places like Madahos or Nuevo Estilo or other places where they have regular floor shows? Just curious. My buddy was asking me if he should take his gf into some of these places just to watch since she's bi.
11-01-07 19:39 #75
Posts: 1196Checkers Pub
I peeked in the door of this place a couple of times, and I will have to agree with Member #3314 this time. The chicas are scary!
11-01-07 15:39 #74
Posts: 133Checkers Pub
On the election day I was walking by this place and I stopped to ask the bartender when they started serving again, he told me 10 but that the chicas start at 11.
Then the next night I was putting my newport chica in a cab right across the street and she told me before she got in don't go to checkers the chicas are no good.
I had never realized this was a working girl place.
I decided to check it out for myself, its across the street from my apartment. I went in having got laid 20 minutes before.
This is a scary place. There were probably 8 chicas none younger than 45, most missing front teeth. I talked to one girl who would go for 80 pesos, but I would not fuck her for anything. I am also pretty sure that the girls were doing blow with the guy in the kitchen, there was a steady rotation of girls going to the kitchen every 10 mins or so and it was offered to me from a chica.
Stay away from this place, its bad news.
10-01-07 01:45 #73
Posts: 2556
Venues: 398Originally Posted by Master J
I've been to several of the BariesGirls and BariesPlat parties. They're cool because they give you the opportunity to personally meet and exchange contact info with a number of their "advertisers" at one meeting.
My advice it to get there early as the girls who do attend are generally receptive to offers of commerce, and thus their ranks tend to thin rather quickly as the night progresses as many of them leave the party with new-found clients.
09-30-07 20:36 #72
Posts: 266BG House
For those familiar with Baires Girls site, there seems to be a party thrown every so often where the escorts attend the event. If you look at the Baires site there was just a party recently September 21st at Fiesta de BairesGirls / BGHOUSE (en Barrio Norte) The admission was 60 pesos, but one forum poster says that many of our favorites attented, ie Sofia, Aolony, Betina and over 20+ more were there. I for one would have definately attented. Was wondering if any BA resident or Forum member / visitor has attended these events?
09-28-07 20:04 #71
Posts: 23I spoke with the owners of Pipers regarding purchasing the place as they had informed me they were selling. They were asking some silly price of US$ 300K, which is absurd considering the place definitely needs a lot of work. They took me on a tour of the place, which only made me want to pay no more than US$ 50K. Como dice los portenos, que vas a hacer? Hopefully, the new place will be better, if it reopens as a new club.