Thread: Clubs and Boliches - General Info
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09-22-07 23:37 #70
Posts: 754I am sad to announce that Pipper's, the fourth side of the triangle, for some reason ignored by this website opened it's doors for the last time last night. The owners, two dickheads which are probably the reason the place is / was ignored, told me that they will be opening at a new location either on the next block of Suipacha or around the corner on Paraguay but it seems they have no solid plan.
Anyone interested in adopting / employing a few unemployed, overweight middle aged hookers please get in touch! LOL.
But really it's a shame as I have always had a soft spot for this place from way back when it was in it's full glory.
04-24-07 21:44 #69
Posts: 49Hippo
Any recent intel on Hippo? Is it still open? Any pussy running around? It was great on my last trip in May of 06
(I am posting here because I doubt anyone is reading the Hippo thread)
Thanks for the intel.
03-14-07 21:25 #68
Posts: 21Black is becoming toilet.:-(
Originally Posted by MiddleAgeGuy
Trying couple more times before and after between December 2006 and now. Every time disappointed, paying for drink and leaving with nothing. After you finally chose SOMETHING, which is not easy, chicas like to complain and ask for some galactic high price of U$S 300. After losing drink for chica it becomes even more disgusting. Dancers are ok, some of them going out too, but ARG$ 250 goes to trash (balerina drink) if she doesnt like you and doesnt want to go.
In general - for now, last 3 months visited around 10 times - AVOID!
Low level, higher prices, harder negotiations, similar level at Madaho's but much better atmosphere, chicas almost at fixed price ARG$ 300.
Last min: Prices at Madahos went bit up, chicas not up yet;-)
Entrance / drink included: ARG 50
Good luck!
10-25-06 16:39 #67
Posts: 173A round of Club Visits September, 2006
Rather than place an individual report under each club, I thought I would put a brief thought down for each place visited in September. Prices etc. You can get on the individual club threads. These are in the order of best times had at the club where the intent was to go with some of the boys, have a couple beers and cozy up for some in-club company for the price of a drink or two for the girl. Over the years I have truely reduced my club visits to a minimum but this time went to a few.
1. Madaho: I have to say hands down the best club this time around. Many different types to choose from and you can stay near the entrance for the not-so-intimate conversations and to the back area after a selection to the cozy couches. There were a number of very good english speakers, and great lookers, some with great attitudes. I had asked the waiter to bring some around a couple times as I was with some none Spanish speakers. I think you are fooling yourself if you think you can pull someone out of here for less than AP300.
2. Hippopotimos: A couple of times here, once with the boys, once with company for a little dancing and watch the shows. The girls got very freindly on the couches to the point I almost broke down and brought one home. The dancers all around were pretty hot.
3. Sens: Believe it or not, went here. The Jazz doorman suggested it and we just about left when we walked in but decided to stay for a drink. The buddies had their picks going, I had turned 3 away and finally, the one I liked came off the couch when her buddy left and preceeded to practically make love with me on the bar stool. All girls told us the semi-private area upstairs could be used if we wanted. The pole dancers had to be the most pathetic bored bunch I have ever seen.
4. Jazz: Just could not get into the place this time, not many good lookers.
5. Verde: Not a club but a dance place next to Jazz. If you want some minor defected older types, this is your place. Jazz, I hope it is not my future!
6. Newport: Always good for a bit more reasonably priced beer. Went a few times but did not see anything of interest but my wingmen had a great time on some other occasions I did not go there; one of them the Colombiana.
7. Black: The saddest I have ever seen this place. Mind you it was early, 11:30 to 12:30 but the quality was pretty sub-par. Come to think of it, many I met in Madaho had come from Black saying they have too many stiff rules at Black, (no approaches, no talk, times to come, etc. Compared to Madaho.
Just did not make it to the Triangle this time but if you want a no hassle AP150-200 time, those are the clubs to go to. Also, Hippo and Sen quoted in the AP150-200 range for those we talked to. We also gave all the girls a tip comenserate for hanging around 1-2 hours to make up for not mingling. I had to spend a bit of time errasing all the quick dial phone numbers the various girls entered into my rental cell phone at the various places. So that is a method of getting a number when they are not allowed to write on the napkin. There were actually 2 girls at the ater part of the evenings who were willing to go for free, (after the tip) as it was obvious there would be no other business that night.
10-24-06 22:05 #66
Posts: 2Strip bar
I'm travelling to BA shortly with colleagues and find seeing a few strippers sets the evening up nicely - especially as some won't be (or won't admit) participating in p4p.
So, what's the best strip / lapdance bar in BsAs in your opinion - with or without "extras"?
And what can gringos expect in terms of prices and performance?
09-22-06 16:21 #65
Posts: 362Le Piaf closed
The great ripoff "piano bar" (cough, cough) Le Piaf, at the head of Florida near the Mariott, is closed, I noticed. I took my buddy on a walking tour of Microcentro and brought him up there to have some fun with him. I figured I'd let the girls on the street talk him up, and act as if this was some special surprise I had waiting for him (give me a chance to fuck with the girls' heads, too) But as we approached the end of the street, I saw no girls. So I told him what I had planned, and then we walked down the stairs in the mall to see if the place was even still there, which it wasn't.
My apologies if this old news to everyone else on the board.
Needless to say, good riddance.
07-02-06 21:20 #64
Posts: 51Drop me a line.
I will be here till July 30.
El G
07-02-06 18:44 #63
Posts: 3Thanks for the input. I appreciate you guys sharing your knowledge with a soon to be '1st timer'. I will be checking out the streets of BA for the 1st time ever in roughly 6 days - can't wait!
06-30-06 01:44 #62
Posts: 12Good call. I agree whole heartedly. Best to stay out of trouble areas
06-30-06 00:52 #61
Posts: 131Bouncers and unpaid wild tabs
Grandote: Read the reports under Rouge, where two foreign guys were restrained and physically beaten by a team of bouncers and hawkers over an unpaid and disputed bill over one grossly overpriced drink. If you try to leave or you argue a bill in a rip-off club, you accept some risk of a violent response.
The rip-off clubs cannot always back down or they risk having everyone know that there is no credible threat. They are obviously making strategy calls all the time, as they risk being closed by the police when ordering bouncers to rough up foreign customers. [[Many and probably most police are honest, and all report to a government that favors tourism. Incidentally, it was reported that Rouge was closed by the police for 'noise violations' the weekend after the incident in which two guys were beaten. That may or may not have been a coincidence.]]
Best advice: do your research, and do not enter one of the known rip-off places under any circumstances. This stuff never happens in the clubs that are discussed widely on this forum. Do not let any drink you did not order even get put down in any club. Immediately leave any club that attempts to deliver an unordered drink. If you still end up in a trouble situation, you have to make the call at the time.
06-29-06 21:17 #60
Posts: 51I concur
I agree. Don't let these boliche bouncers bully you. I had a similar experience at Hot Point (name changed) and told the bouncer to step aside please, and believe it or not, he complied, but he did ask me not to come back. Are you kidding me like I would go back. Lol.
El G
06-29-06 20:15 #59
Posts: 12mystery place
There is a place a few doors down from Cafe Florida. It is in the area by the porn shop on Florida Street where the club hustlers hand out free entry coupons with the come on. Let me buy you a drink. You have to go up a flight of stairs to get there. I'd go find the name but it's not worth the walk.
Anyhow. Once up stairs two girls approach and start asking questions. With each correct answer they clap and drinks appear. Bottom line. They clapped me into $190 worth of drinks in 5 minutes of which I never took a sip. They told me I couldn't leave without paying. Wrong answer on their part. I invited the bouncer / doorman to stop me from leaving unpaid. He stepped aside.
Lesson learned. If they clap, leave. You are always in control of your environment don't be bullied. I'm a big guy so that helps.
06-27-06 12:42 #58
Posts: 211There's a place on Anchorena, name? And next door is Anchorena Swingers.
The boliche has a live sex act and the swingers club is a complex of rooms on different floors.
No dogs or donkeys.
At Hippopotamus you can watch a midget grope the topless dancers.
06-25-06 21:31 #57
Posts: 995You are coming to the wrong country for that type of entertainment. Of course you can hire a couple of chicas to put on a show in your hotel.
Sex trade here is kept reasonably discreet.
06-25-06 12:56 #56
Posts: 3Where is the best viewing entertainment in BA
I am going to BA on business for the 1st time next month. I am happily married and will not fool around, but IT DO want to check out the most outrageous (and possibility bizarre) adult entertainment that BA has to offer. Can you clue me in on locations for live sex acts and the like?
Headed to BA for 1st time.