Thread: Clubs and Boliches - General Info

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  1. #10

    Easter weekend

    I am arriving in BA on Good Friday, and am curious what the clubs will be like over the holiday weekend? Also, does the city get quiet over the Easter holiday weekend (shops & restaurants)?

    Many thanks.

  2. #9

    Disco fire

    The main reason it did not make the news the way it otherwise would have, is that it happened 2 days after the Tsunami.

    Close to 200 people, mainly youngsters were killed when the interior of a dance club cought fire, and all the emergency exits had been locked to prevent people to get in unpaid. It also prevented them to get out of this trap.

  3. #8

    Club openings

    There was an article in Clarin on Monday with information on the club re-openings. This has been a white hot topic in BsAs ever since the fire with major government introspection, charges of irresponsibility at the level of the mayor, arrests, marches of protest and daily play in the newspapers.

    At the club level I think only the discos and places that focused on dancing were actually closed. The boliches remained open but the dance floors went unused except in some of the smaller clubs where the dance spirit couldn't be smothered all together.

    Now it seems that the dance clubs that have passed the new citywide beefed up inspection can re-open on a case by case basis after being granted permission in particular by the government. And it looks like they're shooting for March 1st to be back in business in general, which marks the end of summer and the return of portenos to Buenos Aires from summer vacations. A practical turning point as well as an acceptable period of public mourning.

  4. #7
    There was a big fire a couple of months back. Many people died. It was all over the news in the US. And since Americans tend not be concerned about goings on in the rest of the world, I assume it made the news world wide.

    Quote Originally Posted by Red Cork
    Does anyone know the reason for the closures?

  5. #6

    Why the closure?

    Does anyone know the reason for the closures?

  6. #5

    Which clubs have been closed?


    Does anyone know which clubs have been closed?


    Y & R

  7. #4
    Boliches are open but regular discos may still be closed.

    I was down in BA about a month ago and was disappointed that all the dance clubs were closed. However, Black, Madahos, Cattos, etc, are open.

  8. #3

    Question Are boliches still closed?


    Are the boliches/clubs still closed? And what's the effect on mongering activities?



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