Thread: Clubs and Boliches - General Info

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  1. #243

    Keep your eyes open online

    Quote Originally Posted by BigBossMan  [View Original Post]
    She heard and is hoping that Hook will reopen in a week. Because all the boliches are closed she has no where to go. She writes in informal Spanish so this is the best I can infer using Google Translate.
    I just left Ness, no Hook chicas there, my money says that the internet will soon be exploding with new chicks. Wonder what will happen when they discover that 700 is the new 1700? And that the majority of 700 pesos chicks are offering trips around the world.

    I also suspect that if you returned now, you wouldn't be so quick to hear that "I only work at Hook" again.

    No pity.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Daddy Rulz For This Post:

  3. #242
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1740

    TL will become the David of BA

    His "black book" will be the most coveted mongering resource in town !

  4. #241

    Cafe o

    Was in Cafe O earlier and it was dead. Indeed the usual offerings came in a straight out after talking to the bartender. Me thinks it's effectively closed.


  5. #240
    Senior Member

    Posts: 319

    Next step

    After the state destroys the free market, the state provides the service.

    Will there now be state run brothels in Bs As?

    Don B.

  6. #239

    Right Up Your Alley !

    Looks like you Boys are going to have to use a Guide's recommendations whether you want to or not at some time .

    You don't have to call me .

    If you are a quick visitor , a long timer or just another horny frog ; sooner or later you are going to have to build yourself a Harem !

    I can deal with about 10 calls and PMs a day but after that It gets really boring !

    It's going to pain you . I know .

    Unless you are an old dear friend and or good client .

    You Boys get 1st. Choice.

    I can see it now ;

    A LOT of "I'm really Sorry TL but I just kind of went along with the Horse-Shit that a few morons created but I never really meant it !

    Can you help a Brother out Man ? No more BS ! I promise to kiss the ground you walk on .".

    Just send me some names and numbers because the girls are out of Biz !

    Are they ALL going to become street walkers ?

    Will my "Office" overflow with cooze ?

    All Dressed Up and No Where to Fuck !

    I can see it now and so can you so don't blame me .

    I'm just a lowly Tour Guide !


    Although we are entering a Buyer's Market the Argie Economics 101 just does not work that way !

    No place to work !

    No place to corner drunk clients ?

    Better triple my rates then !

    That's Argie Hooker 101 !

  7. #238

    Denial is the first stage of grief

    From my experience, it takes time to recalibrate after losing a job. In all probability, the boliche scene is over and the Hook girls are holding on to false hope. Look out, anger is also a stage.

  8. #237

    I said it before and I'll say it again....

    Quote Originally Posted by BigBossMan  [View Original Post]
    She heard and is hoping that Hook will reopen in a week.
    Hope springs eternal in the human vagina (and penis for that matter) Lots of hope all around but I doubt any of these boliches will reopen anytime soon - if at all.

    How long has Black been closed? Six months? Madaos?

  9. #236

    My friend from Hook emailed me

    She heard and is hoping that Hook will reopen in a week. Because all the boliches are closed she has no where to go. She writes in informal Spanish so this is the best I can infer using Google Translate.

  10. #235

    Miracle in Buenos Aires - Ness Stays Open - Against all Odds

    Quote Originally Posted by ElPerro  [View Original Post]
    If it stays open through this week it will be a miracle. If it does it will be ironic that the lowest on the totem pole club was the only one to beat the odds. But extremely unlikely and the onslaught probably only took the long weekend off.
    It is amazing that Ness is still in business in the famous triangle, now reduced to a single site of sin. The atmosphere at Ness last night was grim, with about 20 somewhat older women staring hard at four men, possibly the only four potential boliche customers left in a city of 3 million. A small town in the American midwest now has more boliches than Buenos Aires.

    Tonight is my last night in Buenos Aires. It was my fourth trip and I've been here four months this time.. How things have changed over that time.

    Anyone know if Nuevo Estilo is still open. I was thinking that's where I will go tonight, as if there was much of a choice:-).

  11. #234
    Quote Originally Posted by JamesBond69  [View Original Post]
    For what it matters Ness is still open for business - as of 1:35 am on May 26th.
    If it stays open through this week it will be a miracle. If it does it will be ironic that the lowest on the totem pole club was the only one to beat the odds. But extremely unlikely and the onslaught probably only took the long weekend off.

  12. #233

    Ness Is Stil Open

    For what it matters Ness is still open for business - as of 1:35 am on May 26th.

  13. #232
    Quote Originally Posted by JamesBond69  [View Original Post]
    I have a gay friend - well not a "close" friend and he told me that not a single gay boliche - and there are dozens - has been shut down, just almost all the straight ones. What's next - a ban on marriage between a man and a woman ?
    Not surprising. This anti-prostitution move seems to be part of the worldwide battle against the "scourge" of sex trafficking. Not that any of the hookers AP members have sampled here have ever been trafficked or anything of the sort. But that is immaterial to those leading the movement as they are intent on stamping out prostitution, no matter if the sex trafficking charges are legit or not.

    Catering to the LGBT movement is one of the cornerstones of Argentina's tourism strategy. I seriously doubt if the gay clubs will be touched, even though same sex and tranny sex is widely available in many of the clubs themselves.

    A hypocritical joke and infuriating. I could go on a rant about all of this as well as the abortion issue in Argentina but what the fuck.

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to El Perro For This Post:

  15. #231

    Revenge of the gays blitzkrieg

    Quote Originally Posted by ElPerro  [View Original Post]
    Periplo ?

    Marcelo T Monica place ? I'm betting if not permanently shut it will be soon. Why wouldn't it be given the crackdown ?

    Its a no holds barred blitzkrieg.
    I have a gay friend - well not a "close" friend and he told me that not a single gay boliche - and there are dozens - has been shut down, just almost all the straight ones. What's next - a ban on marriage between a man and a woman ?

  16. #230
    Senior Member

    Posts: 577

    How Much

    Quote Originally Posted by Maxuk  [View Original Post]
    Was in Cafe X last night.

    3 x 8-9s at least particularly a black haired girl in a white top. She said places, as in New Port, may open soon.

    How much was the girl in the white top asking for an hour?


  17. #229

    More information

    Was in Cafe X last night.

    3 x 8-9s at least particularly a black haired girl in a white top. She said places, as in New Port, may open soon.


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