Thread: Jackson's Club Maps

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  1. #55

    The Complete Buenos Aires Map

    Here is a City Map.

    A few clubs areopen.

  2. #54

    Skokka in DR

    How good and reliable are the ads in Skokka DR?

    In Mexico Skokka ads are 95% fake, posted by some agencies somewhere, no girls, baits and switches, ugly girls. Looks like they post fake pics then try to raise any locally available housewives to take calls. I suspect this is standard in all Latin countries.

    I bagged a few of those plain housewives in Tijuana and Ensenada, nothing worth paying for.

    Quote Originally Posted by WorldTravel69  [View Original Post]
    Try D. R.

    My Buddy will take his temperature check two days in advance.

    He is going next week to a resort area at Punta Cana. Getting his Chicas from

  3. #53

    Clubs That Used To Be Hot

    Here is a few photos of some of the Clubs.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Ness.jpg‎   Cafe Castelar.jpg‎   Cattos.jpg‎   Newport.jpg‎   Exedra 1.jpg‎  

    Hippos.jpg‎   Ladies.jpg‎   Pussy Cat.jpg‎   Cafe Orleans.jpg‎   Cafe La Madeleine.jpg‎  

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to WorldTravel69 For This Post:

  5. #52

    Trip to D. R.

    He went, had fun and is going back next week.

    Quote Originally Posted by WorldTravel69  [View Original Post]
    Try D. R.

    My Buddy will take his temperature check two days in advance.

    He is going next week to a resort area at Punta Cana. Getting his Chicas from

  6. #51

    Dominican Republic

    Try D. R.

    My Buddy will take his temperature check two days in advance.

    He is going next week to a resort area at Punta Cana. Getting his Chicas from

    Quote Originally Posted by DonB  [View Original Post]
    Is Haiti closed?

    Don B.

  7. #50
    Senior Member

    Posts: 319


    Quote Originally Posted by SlyOne  [View Original Post]
    Corona is bad here...Very prick has it both the neighbors and the people below me....FUCK.

    I'm not game to put my pecker out of the front door....

    So I staying locked up waiting for things to quiet down.

    All of Miraflores ,Lima is closed up out of say 7 shops 5 are closed and 3 are up for rent ? The other 2 are open with no customers with everything on sale.

    I imagine the same in Buenos Aires ?.

    Any of the old girly bars open.??

    Take care.

    Is Haiti closed?

    Don B.

  8. #49

    Hanging In here Peru

    Corona is bad here...Very prick has it both the neighbors and the people below me....FUCK.

    I'm not game to put my pecker out of the front door....

    So I staying locked up waiting for things to quiet down.

    All of Miraflores ,Lima is closed up out of say 7 shops 5 are closed and 3 are up for rent ? The other 2 are open with no customers with everything on sale.

    I imagine the same in Buenos Aires ?.

    Any of the old girly bars open.??

    Take care.


    Quote Originally Posted by TejanoLibre  [View Original Post]
    Nothing Like Going To Jail in a Foreign Country and not being able to speak the language, aye ?

    So how the Hell have you been lately Pal?

    I sent you some of the Boys a while back but I don't know if they ever found you.



  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Sly One For This Post:

  10. #48

    Nothing Like Going To Jail in a Foreign Country !

    Quote Originally Posted by SlyOne  [View Original Post]
    Sounds perfect arriving at some foreign place with a false passport and getting your arse thrown in jail. You can't really use the excuse I thought it was real can you....

    Nothing Like Going To Jail in a Foreign Country and not being able to speak the language, aye ?

    So how the Hell have you been lately Pal?

    I sent you some of the Boys a while back but I don't know if they ever found you.



  11. #47

    False Documaents

    Quote Originally Posted by Borgeusr  [View Original Post]
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    Sounds perfect arriving at some foreign place with a false passport and getting your arse thrown in jail. You can't really use the excuse I thought it was real can you....


  12. #46

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  13. #45

  14. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to WorldTravel69 For This Post:

  15. #44

    2016 Clubs News

    Quote Originally Posted by Questner  [View Original Post]

    What has survived on the list?

    D'Lirio - open, New Port - open, MT977 - open, La Pancheria - open, Cocodrilo - open.

    Can we add addresses to survivals? For example, La Pancheria is open, but I can't find the address.

  16. #43

    Flores Map

    There is still some action in this area.

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  18. #42

    Recoleta Map

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  20. #41

    MicroCenter Chica and Club Map

    There are still many street walkers in the this area.

  21. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to WorldTravel69 For This Post:

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