Thread: Cocodrillo
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05-18-13 21:20 #299
Posts: 56Cocodrilo now?
Hello fellow mongers. I plan to pay a visit to BA after the several years of absence. I was wondering what is the current state of Cocodrilo (cover, quality,...) It used to be one if my favorite spots and I would like to know what can be expected. Thanks in advance!
01-06-13 14:40 #298
Posts: 3040Is Nothing Sacred?
Originally Posted by ElReyalto [View Original Post]
I hope he's just on vacation and they were trying to get you on the Gringo pricing.
01-06-13 12:13 #297
Posts: 9No Juan no entry
Went here last night (well this morning) and doorman said Juan hadn't worked there in months. Now I'm a 6'8" white dude so I definitely got the gringo tax attitude but I also speak Spanish and this guy made it clear I wasn't getting in for under $200 pesos. I said fuck that and went to Tocka next door. Ended up having a blast there but still puzzled what exactly happened at Coco. Heck I even had a stupid Cowboys item to hand out and I hate the cowboys!
12-09-12 05:36 #296
Posts: 3040Our Ladies of Negotiable Affection
Originally Posted by PatoCasaNova [View Original Post]
Are the hotter "Dancers" worth the money? Usually NOT! Don't take this wrong, but to a "Kid" a Trophy girl may be a big deal but after 30 years years worth of mongering and very attractive American and Argie girlfriends they are not.
Your usually better off with a 7 that fucks like a 10 than a 10 that fucks like a 5. Not always.
Keep in Touch,
Mind you that the 7 face has a 10 body and or technique.
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12-09-12 05:26 #295
Posts: 8Thanks Tejano! So in retrospect, Hippo has hotter dancers that would be worth the money? Also, thanks for the list of non-pro clubs I'll def be looking into those when I visit in March.
12-09-12 05:16 #294
Posts: 3040Bars, Clubs and Sex
[QUOTE=PatoCasaNova;430248]Thanks for the response. I read escorts have fake pics but the dancers who are supposely off limits? Thats kind of strange, I'm just assuming people also go there to see some eyecandy but I'll take your word for it. Have you personally seen some nasty looking dancers there recently? Just curious and thanks for the help, I'm mostly interested trying to find the hottest pro girs (dancers or whatever) I can find. Also, me and my friends want to go to regular clubs as well and see the local no pro talent.[/QUOTE
]A lot of the "Dancers" are just Wallpaper and will not go out at ANY price but will ALLOW you to waste 500p on a drink just to talk to them! Horse Shit! The manager at Hippo will tell me if the girl goes OUT or not.
Nasty looking dancers? Yes, in a word, and in a good way too at times. Buyer beware, some are Men! Or were, technically. Sick mother fuckers!
Non Pro Pick-Up Bars :
Crowbar, Esperanto, Rumi, Tequila, etc. Those are in your age group, good luck.
Museum, Milion, Danzon; those are for older guys at times.
Eazy Lays : American Sports Bars, The Alamo, Shamrock, Kilkenny's. Kilkenny's has an occasional "ringer" thrown into the mix; a working girl.
Any questions?
Have Fun,
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12-09-12 05:04 #293
Posts: 8Originally Posted by TejanoLibre [View Original Post]
12-09-12 04:55 #292
Posts: 3040Hippo Is The Best
Originally Posted by PatoCasaNova [View Original Post]
Black is fun sometimes too but has fewer dancers.
Sorry but I just keep going back to Hippo, it's still the best on a wed. Or thurs. Night after 1am.
Have Fun,
P.S - Pictures ? Probably girls that they hired for a photo shoot or maybe a few girls that may have worked there at some moment in time but are surely LONG gone .
Down here a "Picture is worth a thousand pesos worth of Foto-Shop!"
12-09-12 04:49 #291
Posts: 8Originally Posted by TejanoLibre [View Original Post]
12-09-12 04:44 #290
Posts: 3040Have You Seen Them in Person?
Originally Posted by PatoCasaNova [View Original Post]
Throw everything that you have learned in Vegas out the window when you Party in BA .
What's wrong with the stripers in Miami ? Great Titty Bar town ! You just need really good bullshit , really good blow and an Italian Sports Car that gets really shitty gas-mileage in the parking lot .
I just think 600. 00 Dollars for a Coco Dancer is too much for one of Those "Hoes!"
Have Fun,
12-09-12 04:06 #289
Posts: 8Also, I don't even monger in the USA since the last thing I would want to do is get arrested in some sting or something. So I'm a complete noob but in Argentina I'll go all out haha. Thanks for the responses
12-09-12 03:55 #288
Posts: 8Thanks guys. I'm not a pimp or a girl haha, I'm a college student from USA that goes to FSU in Tallahassee, FL. I'm orginally from Argentina but moved to USA when I was 10 years old and I'm now 22. The point is I'm going down to Argentina to party with some friends and visit my dad over spring break and wanted to know the deal. I'm not rich but I do have a job and I have been saving for some time so 600USD is not an insane amount of money for a scorching hot girl IMO. For example, bottle service in a good club in Vegas costs 600 and one only hopes he can pull away a girl haha. Anyways just wanted to point out I'm not a pimp, just a newbie.
12-04-12 13:36 #287
Posts: 823Fine then, I will respond to our new poster in your style.
Originally Posted by PatoCasaNova [View Original Post]
Ps. My response to you Mplexy is really about your logic and statement about Chica value. Its your money and you can pay what you want. It's common sense, thus why make the statement? Very redundant and unequivocal, don't you think? We will see if the new poster really turns out to be what you think he is.
12-04-12 10:51 #286
Posts: 428Originally Posted by Toymann [View Original Post]
Originally Posted by PatoCasaNova [View Original Post]
3."Way Over Market". Unless you want to dictate exactly what are the 'market' conditions that all mongers should negotiate for, standards of beauty that floats someone's boat but not another's, etc, it's a fallacy to define anyone else's negotiation as "way over market". Aqualung made a great post re: subjective value and how there are so many factors involved that applying your own budget sense to someone else's play can't apply, I suggest you re-read that.
4. In cases where I had a chica outright lie or negotiate in bad faith, sure, I'd say I got ripped off. But notorious or not, I don't consider myself an overpayer in cases where I got what I negotiated for or more than what was the minimum negotiated for because again the factors I consider that rocks my boat were well worth it to me. When you say I "overpay" you are not only saying I spent $X dollars where you would have only spent $Y, you're also interposing your own ideas of services, time, standards of beauty, etc that makes YOUR market value worth it to YOU, not to me.
Originally Posted by Toymann [View Original Post]
In general, yes, I have not quoted price on all XP posts for the simple reason we're already having this debate. Price police and subjective value. Before Jackson scrubbed the archives, you could see my original posts going back to early 2006 where almost all my XPs were detailed and priced. But the then-price police pounded away, ranted and raved and discouraged me and many others from continuing that practice. A mode I've kept to now given the additional factor of subjective value. I can tell the board that chica X is a rip off artist because she says will do toda la noche but has her panties up in 35 min, or says would do A, B, C services but only did a lick and rip, etc. Those are fairly definitive and non-subjective value qualifiers that can apply for all or at least most mongers and provides information value to the board to avoid her or at least buyer beware if arranging a session. Everything else that is subjective though is just a pissing contest over what one monger finds "hot" and therefore willing to pay for vs. another.
Your own board name and public preference says it all. Clearly to you paying for time to play with toys on a chica is well worth it. Great and more power to you if that rocks your boat. To someone else that may be "goofy" and berate you for being by their subjective value "overpaying" by paying for the right to play with toys on a chica rather than make her pay you for pleasuring her or whatever ridiculous and personally subjective argument to value that monger wants to make.
The person that needs to chill out is you. You clearly berated the OP. You're clearly attacking me for simply stating if you openly say X has value and is worth it to you, as the OP did, then go for it and screw the price police. End of day, your budget conscious rants are reflective of your own value system, not mine.
12-04-12 04:53 #285
Posts: 823Read the post Mplexy!
Originally Posted by Mpexy [View Original Post]
That said, LOOK AT THE POST! Your personal opinion about YOUR wallet is fine with me. Don't care! This is NOT about the price police. READ THE POST! This subject is obviuosly a HOT BUTTON for you and I have noticed that you never comment on what YOU pay (and in fact go out of your way to always qualify chica pricing this way) , BUT, please read the post!
Just because one monger might get a whole week with a hot chica for 4000 pesos and you might pay that for 2 days is not the issue here! Please chill out. My post is specific to the newbie question. The Coco dancer will go for way less than 600 USD or maybe that is the 3 day rate. WHAT IS YOUR POINT DUDE! You are a good guy DUDE but your point about YOUR wallet is getting old. The point about this board is about sharing market information about chica acquisition. You may pay way over market because thats your thing. I am good with that! But lets keep it real. That said, don't expect any referrals from me because once you pay WAY over market it becomes a pain in the ass to bring the chica's expecations back to earth. Thank goodness, if YOU pay a smart chica WAY TOO much she recognizes you are just a dumb gringo and when I come back she tells me you pay mucho plata but knows that she can't expect that from me. Enough said. Toymann
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