Thread: - Chica Reviews

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  1. #365

    She's the girl in the pics

    Quote Originally Posted by Buckinup  [View Original Post]
    As I sit in snow covered Wyoming, gazing out the window at sheep, I'd have to say she don't look bad!
    But the photographer and make up person were pretty talented.

    She's cute but not as hot as the photos. Stop banging the sheep and get your ass down here and you can bang her as well.

  2. #364

    Perspective, Daddy

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyRulz  [View Original Post]

    Not beautiful in anybody's book, but nice and worth the money.
    As I sit in snow covered Wyoming, gazing out the window at sheep, I'd have to say she don't look bad!

  3. #363

    Carolina and company

    Nailed this today, I think the pics are kinda older. She's not as pretty but ok for 500 and her attitude and service was really great. She's Paraguayan, so that pretty much says everything you need to know.

    Funny, I had banged her once before in a threesome with her sister but we had both lost a lot of weight we didn't realize it until we were almost done. She told me the sister I fucked her with was preggers, but her next younger sister had just arrived from Paraguay so I could bang them both if I wanted.

    Really great attitude, exceptional mike skills, cum wherever you want, all ports of call open.

    Not beautiful in anybody's book, but nice and worth the money. The session went long and she didn't say a word.

  4. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Daddy Rulz For This Post:

  5. #362


    Quote Originally Posted by MyPervIdentity  [View Original Post]
    Thanks for the info. The safety issue wasn't what concerned me...I'm a pretty big guy and people usually leave me when scared I can run pretty fast..

    I'll be staying at the Hilton, so I assume that my "hunting grounds" will be Puerto Madero and Microcentro?
    Have fun. Your attitude is perfect, intimidate if you have to and run when you can.

  6. #361
    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyRulz  [View Original Post]
    Some do, most don't. It's a safety issue for them. The fact that their ad may say "hotels and domicilos" has no bearing on if they will or won't. Best bet is to go there. I've been doing it for years and I have never once walked into something dangerous. There have been occasions when I wasn't happy with what I saw, or the service I received, but it has never been a set up for a robbery. That being said, I only go to chicks with apartments in Barrio Norte, Centro, or Recoletta. If you go to Flores, Boca or neighborhoods like that you might have an issue.
    Thanks for the info. The safety issue wasn't what concerned me...I'm a pretty big guy and people usually leave me when scared I can run pretty fast..

    I'll be staying at the Hilton, so I assume that my "hunting grounds" will be Puerto Madero and Microcentro?

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to MyPervIdentity For This Post:

  8. #360


    Quote Originally Posted by MyPervIdentity  [View Original Post]
    I have been reading the reviews here and it sounds like most of the girls have their own apartments and customers go to them? Do they also go to hotels that are in their area? Any upcharge? I'm just wondering, cause I can go either way, but prefer to have my fun in my luxury hotel room with a nice clean shower..
    Some do, most don't. It's a safety issue for them. The fact that their ad may say "hotels and domicilos" has no bearing on if they will or won't. Best bet is to go there. I've been doing it for years and I have never once walked into something dangerous. There have been occasions when I wasn't happy with what I saw, or the service I received, but it has never been a set up for a robbery. That being said, I only go to chicks with apartments in Barrio Norte, Centro, or Recoletta. If you go to Flores, Boca or neighborhoods like that you might have an issue.

  9. #359


    I have been reading the reviews here and it sounds like most of the girls have their own apartments and customers go to them? Do they also go to hotels that are in their area? Any upcharge? I'm just wondering, cause I can go either way, but prefer to have my fun in my luxury hotel room with a nice clean shower..

  10. #358

    He is in Argentina!

    Quote Originally Posted by MiamiBob  [View Original Post]
    The argentines are very explicit in their reviews of exactly what each girls excels at doing in detail. I do not understand your negative reactions to the daddy review? She has been reviewed in the bairesgirls forros in a simular manner.
    I read some of the Argentinian foros, and although I don't approve the fact that some members of those foros make funny jokes about you guys, you have to consider that when you are in other country you need to be as "polite" is possible, no just because you represent the place you are coming from, but because you want to be in good term with the locals.

    PM were created for a reason.

  11. #357
    [Deleted by Admin]

    EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely antagonistic. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

  12. #356
    Quote Originally Posted by Caricoso  [View Original Post]
    He is using a very offensive language in order to describe his experiences with women of this part of the world.
    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! You think that's offensive?
    Here's some language that describes my experience with the men of this part of the world - they're pretty much all inadequate, dim-as-shit, retards with inflated opinions of themselves despite their pathetically small cocks and double-figure IQs. A perfect example of which is Caricoso, who is such a brain-dead wank-stain that he comes on a mongering forum and complains about someone reporting on the services that a puta is supplying!


  13. The Following User Says Thank You to DavieW For This Post:

  14. #355

    Caricoso--read the argentine forros before you criticize this group

    The argentines are very explicit in their reviews of exactly what each girls excels at doing in detail. I do not understand your negative reactions to the daddy review? She has been reviewed in the bairesgirls forros in a simular manner.

  15. #354
    Quote Originally Posted by Thomaso276  [View Original Post]
    Here is some PM language: Virgin Sisters are disappearing as fast as dollars from the Central Bank!
    LOL! Thats why Argentina celebrates "the day of the Virgin" mostly because they are rarer then hens teeth here. They are all trying to collect Cristinas $275 pesos a month!

  16. #353
    Quote Originally Posted by MiamiBob  [View Original Post]
    An independent girl with her own apartment who provides good+ service at a reasonable price. Daddy is giving her good publicity and sharing the type of info that this board was originally designed to share. I cannot comprehend what is wrong about his review in the context of the services she is advertizing. Daddy is not posting about someone's virgin sister.
    Here is some PM language: Virgin Sisters are disappearing as fast as dollars from the Central Bank!

  17. #352


    Quote Originally Posted by MiamiBob  [View Original Post]
    An independent girl with her own apartment who provides good+ service at a reasonable price. Daddy is giving her good publicity and sharing the type of info that this board was originally designed to share. I cannot comprehend what is wrong about his review in the context of the services she is advertizing. Daddy is not posting about someone's virgin sister.

    He is using a very offensive language in order to describe his experiences with women of this part of the world.

    I am from Argentina just like most of mi friends here, and we believe that certain language could be reserve for PM.

    Thank you!

  18. #351

    Daddy--thanks for the informative review--nice to know what 400 pesos can buy

    An independent girl with her own apartment who provides good+ service at a reasonable price. Daddy is giving her good publicity and sharing the type of info that this board was originally designed to share. I cannot comprehend what is wrong about his review in the context of the services she is advertizing. Daddy is not posting about someone's virgin sister.

  19. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Miami Bob For This Post:

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