This is I think is going to happen:

Cristina: Will go for reelelection with Scoli running for the province and Moyano as her running mate. If Scoli defects to Duhalde and runs for president she will ask Moyano to run for the province and has Hebe as a running mate.

Scoli: I can only see him going to go for reelection or run for president with the backing of Duhalde.

Duhalde: Will go for president If Scoli does not run for him.

Macri: Will Probally run for president with 10 percent of the vote. Macri for capital, De Navaez for province and Scoli for president and Duhalde behind the scene.

UCR: No chance and it doesn't even matter If Cobos or Alfonsin runs.

For me the key is in the hands of Scoli