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  1. #3

    CIA Factbook

    Oil. Production:

    796, 300 bbl / day (2009 est.)

    Country comparison to the world: 26

    Oil. Consumption:

    622, 000 bbl / day (2009 est.)

    Country comparison to the world: 26

    Oil. Exports:

    314, 400 bbl / day (2007 est.)

    Country comparison to the world: 38

    Oil. Imports:

    52, 290 bbl / day (2007 est.)

    Country comparison to the world: 84

    Oil. Proved reserves:

    2. 386 billion bbl (1 January 2010 est.)

    Country comparison to the world: 34

    Natural gas. Production:

    41. 36 billion cu m (2009 est.)

    Country comparison to the world: 20

    Natural gas. Consumption:

    43. 14 billion cu m (2009 est.)

    Country comparison to the world: 19

    Natural gas. Exports:

    890 million cu m (2008 est.)

    Country comparison to the world: 37

    Natural gas. Imports:

    2. 66 billion cu m (2009 est.)

    Country comparison to the world: 43

    Natural gas. Proved reserves:

    398. 4 billion cu m (1 January 2010 est.)

    Country comparison to the world: 34

    So if I interpret this correctly Argentina produces more oil then it consumes and has about 5 years of oil left (with current consumption) It is also a net exporter of oil

    Argentina produces less natural gas then it consumes and is a nett importer of natural gas. It also has about 10 years left of natural gas

    Does this seem correct?

  2. #2

    Brazil owns it all

    Quote Originally Posted by Trampa  [View Original Post]

    I am looking for figures about the production and consumtion of oil and gas in Argentina and the prospects in the next 5 to 10 years.

    In general terms I just know the production is on the decline for the last 10 years and the consumption is growing fast. This is offset untill now by importing gas from Bolivia and selling it to Chile for a higher price (Bolivia does not send gas to Chile)

    Just kidding.

    Regarding production and reserves, I would look into Petrobras and you may find some decent reports on the outlook for their ops in Arg.

    On the subject of consumption, I would expect it to continue. Kidding aside, consumption is directly correlated to economic growth. Therefore, start with some broader economic forecasts on the Argentina economy. You might find some relevant info at The Economist, specifically their Intelligence Unit and LAVCA.

  3. #1

    Oil and gas future of Argentina


    I am looking for figures about the production and consumtion of oil and gas in Argentina and the prospects in the next 5 to 10 years.

    In general terms I just know the production is on the decline for the last 10 years and the consumption is growing fast. This is offset untill now by importing gas from Bolivia and selling it to Chile for a higher price (Bolivia does not send gas to Chile)


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