Thread: Reports on each chica
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07-24-23 14:28 #24
Posts: shows a few hot girls. Pics are heavily shopped.
They all want US$200-300 for a session. I guess they don't like Argentina pesos.
Are there escort sites with local rates paying with pesos?
Originally Posted by Bearsputnik [View Original Post]
02-15-22 20:32 #23
Posts: 2How dead is this entire forum?
Just moved to argentina and looking at independents.
Anyone have experience with
Looks way too polished and put together to be legit, but you honestly never know. Too bad this entire forum is so dead. I might have to try a girl or two off of it and hopefully don't get "black widowed".
08-15-21 03:00 #22
Posts: 3040Howdy Amigo!
Originally Posted by Dickhead [View Original Post]
No Doubt!
Be Yourself!
12-19-20 09:58 #21
Posts: 10Hahaha, what a find, right?
03-26-18 10:58 #20
Posts: 2808Sure
Originally Posted by Aiwil2 [View Original Post]
03-26-18 07:30 #19
Posts: 3510Originally Posted by Aiwil2 [View Original Post]
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03-25-18 19:04 #18
Posts: 13But if I understand how it works anyone of us could start a parallel thread and never delete any posts from it. I.E. For every "Whoever" thread there could be a "Whoever Uncensored" thread that Whoever had no control over.
03-25-18 07:42 #17
Posts: 2808Their thread
Originally Posted by Tres3 [View Original Post]
Originally Posted by Dickhead [View Original Post]
So, since it's Argentina, you can just count up the number of deleted posts, compare that to the number of positive posts, then divide by the number of positive reviews written by long time non oligarchical seniors (those guys who just love paying 200 dollars for something that can be had for 100) and that will give you some kind of idea about how good a job she does.
For my money, well you guys know where my money goes.
03-24-18 22:52 #16
Posts: 101Originally Posted by Tres3 [View Original Post]
I was with her once.
Nice lady.
She does post, however, outdated photos of herself.
She’s not bad looking, just not the thin sexy babe that she posts.
03-24-18 15:56 #15
Posts: 3510As does Jesica.
03-24-18 14:53 #14
Posts: 577Augustina
It seems that Augustina deletes any post that does not report her in a positive light.
08-17-14 14:41 #13
Posts: 77Great time with Natacha from Eva's!
I had a wonderful time with Natacha. Although she was not the girl that Eva's advertises, this Natacha was about 10 kilos more heavier and about 10 years older. She had very old fashion pointed glasses that they used in the 1950's. Wonderful GFE and I would recommend her. I will repeat.
I had a great week in BsAs. Full report to follow.
08-17-14 11:31 #12
Posts: 91Originally Posted by Thomaso276 [View Original Post]
The Following User Says Thank You to Cowboy2 For This Post:
08-17-14 00:10 #11
Posts: 995I am not a client but I do know this girl. She's no scammer. I don't know Hollywood but you don't drop $10 worth of candy on the table and get a blowjob. The candy sweetens the deal, it's not the payment!
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08-16-14 23:04 #10
Posts: 239You know what Hollywood, I am really sorry that you misunderstood. The 30 free min. Are after my minumum of 2 hours, you are the only one who misunderstood, every other client understood perfectly well what I meant. How am I going to work for a bag of candy? That is ridiculous, I have a family to take care of.
It is very sad on your part, to write about me, without even knowing who I am, you ruin my reputation. The last thing that I am is a scammer. I am not a clock watcher and at times I stay an hour more and DO NOT charge. The only thing that you show by attacking me this way, is that you have hatred inside as a human being.
Also, the complaints that you were hearing about, they weren t about the Reeses, I have many other beautiful clients that brought me down candy and other things, I was complaining because you sent me a mail whinning that you had NO MONEY and then all of a sudden you get 3 girls. Again, if there was a misunderstanding, as adults that we are, you could have settled it with me, but I guess that putting everything public fills your soul. Good for you, enjoy it. If it makes you happy, keep going.
I am a beautiful human being, and I love what I do. You attacking me without knowing me at all, really bothers me, but hey, I will find it inside me to forgive you. Hatred ruins the soul and I will not stop being sweet and understanding just because one person attacks me. I will ALWAYS defend myself though, and I will always fight for what's right. What you just did here, was uncalled for.
I hope this made you happy.
For the rest of you (many who already know me), I hope you don t really think that I am a scammer.
Huge hug.
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