Thread: Are there clubs in Cordoba or Buenos Aires where I can with several girls before deciding
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08-22-19 23:49 #4
Posts: 54Originally Posted by HotRod11 [View Original Post]
08-22-19 13:06 #3
Posts: 2715TejanoLibre can help
His PMs are not working, but don't let that stop you.
Tour Guide in B.A.
If you need a Buenos Aries Guide contact TejanoLibre.
Whatsapp :
+54911 3 799 5698.
Originally Posted by HotRod11 [View Original Post]
08-22-19 02:52 #2
Posts: 125I miss ba
It has been 5-6 years since my last visit to BA. I love the city and all it has to offer to a tourist. About 7 years ago,( im not sure about these estimated dates) BA for sex purposes seemed to dry up. I have spent the last several years in RIO. RIO is great but I miss BA. I remember reading some were on this site that It might not be a good idea to publish addresses for the local sites for hos. This does make sense but if thats true how does someone find the addresses???? I would appreciate a PM. I will not post any addresses.
08-19-19 01:51 #1
Posts: 2Are there clubs in Cordoba or Buenos Aires where I can with several girls before deciding
In Medellin Colombia, the only place i've mongered, there are clubs like Fase Dos and La Isla where you can chat/grab a drink with high quality girls as you please without having to commit to doing anything with them.
Was wondering if Cordoba or Buenos Aires have anything similar, and if so what are the prices in Argentinan Pesos to actually do something with them if you choose?
I read there were clubs hippopatmus and Hooke that were like this in BA, but they are now closed. I cant decide if I like a girl without first chatting with her so yeah.