Thread: Ripoff Scams
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07-16-15 12:50 #47
Posts: 2808This thread has been dead.
But this is where this article belongs. Certified bad news.
12-27-10 19:41 #46
Posts: 11Irina
I think Irina might be back.
Careful out there.
Check this out at Platynum under the name "Aslyn", but with nose job.
06-08-09 03:49 #45
Posts: 148Originally Posted by El Queso
El queso, after living in Argentina and knowing paraguayans I'm sure you found that some ladies are proud and brag about their kids being real "Don juanes", and when their girlfriends get pregnant probably mom will say to his boy: "She's a tramp, I'm sure the baby isn't yours"
Where I come from, a hundred years ago, the landlord still enjoyed the right of prima nocte "first night" with the wives of his servants. It was almost a sin if women didn't wash the clothes of the father and brothers or if they didn't cook and serve the males.
The big issue I see with developed countries is the opposite, Women are embracing their own "machismo" or extreme feminism and men are getting hit hard.
My question and contribution will be this: "How can we make so both sexes get a fair treatment?"
06-08-09 00:37 #44
Posts: 552
Venues: 8Originally Posted by Xyconyx
Machismo and poverty are big culprits of what you find in latin America and you won't change anything here without changing the society (which I posit to be a degenerated form of feudalism, what I consider to be the problem of many of Spain's and Portugal's ex-colonies, but we argue that in another place lol) The women buy into it as much as the men do. The women are mostly subservient, and even many "strong-willed" latina women will bend to the machismo in a man. Women believe they have to take what they are handed in many cases, particularly in poverty where they "know" that things are going to be shitty no matter what, because it's pretty much what they see all around them everyday.
The truth is, in my opinion, the real sense of machismo that exists today is the habit of a feudal system that lost the "noblesse oblige" portion of the old ways.
The men are filled with machismo and very many of them mis-use it, in my opinion. They abuse it. They take without giving, at the "point of a sword."
06-07-09 15:31 #43
Posts: 2808Nothing
Originally Posted by Xyconyx
06-07-09 08:45 #42
Posts: 34What to do?
You know, I read a book about this worldwide phenomenom.
In my view it really boils down to desperation in most cases, these guys prey on the girls naivete (Argentina has so far the most single mothers I have ever come across) Or the social condition that brings about a desperate need to do anything so a girl will rush into any condition without weighing her options.
I really don't know what to do, my first instinct is to strike, track down these exploiters one by one and stomp on their throats. Unfortunately I don't have the funding to do this indefinitely.
But even if I did, this will only make the world better for a little time, then make it slightly worse.
So I put it to you fellow mongers.
What to do to put these bastards out of business, and to ensure that the women we take comfort with are not suffering?
05-08-09 19:53 #41
Posts: 47Youtube.
If you guys understand Spanish. Watch this!
05-08-09 19:41 #40
Posts: 47Amazing
I was just checking on AP and I found this that I never heard. I am from BA but living in Vegas for the last 20 years. This is so enlighten. It is no even funny. Let me tell you that everyhting that Jackson wrote is absolutly true. Never get intimedated by these thugs! Thanx Jackson. Now I have the description of this girl in case I see her around. Nice!
01-19-09 17:14 #39
Posts: 393I just saw the guy in the picture, on Av de Mayo on the 1200 block, about 10 minutes ago, from writing this. I guess he is not wanted, or I could have followed him, and asked a Policia Federal to stop him.
01-07-09 23:29 #38
Posts: 74Thanks Jackson!
I appreciate your follow up. In essence, it informs and protects members. I wish this pimp could receive some of the same treatment he handed down on these girls! What a loser!
01-07-09 22:45 #37
Posts: 2556
Venues: 398Irina story update
Greetings everyone,.
On November 11, 2008 I received an anonymous telephone call followed up by an email containing the following narrative, which I thought I'd share with the forum membership.
This information dovetails perfectly with other information I had been receiving from various sources in the past several months, thus elevating it's legitimacy to a confidence level that I believe justified it's publication at this time.
07-13-07 12:51 #36
Posts: 60Irina ripp off
Hi Jackson,
Between the time you posted that story and today, did you learn any infos.
That these two creatures realy send these " sexphotos " to the email adresses - stored in the laptop?
I agree, with some of my fellow posters, this Lady should have been beaten up. I am not the type who is agressive anyhow, but law and justice didn't work in this story. I mean I don't care about this guy, but without this " Irina " he never could do the job. So for me, she is the vehicle to crash.
But last not least, for those who have troubles in making a difference between payed sex / emotions and later deveolped (classical grown) feelings, it can be dangerous while they could fall in the hands of such a Vampire. I am thinking of mailing this Irina and play the lovely fool, but it would be a waste of time and poss. Ruine my 2 weeks in BA soon.
To bad, I realy would like to help this guy. Propably he is gay now:-)
Regards, one hand at your purse the other at your balls! Carnevalistico
06-06-07 12:18 #35
Posts: 11Rip Off Chica
They Advertise in BA Herald, under the name ANNA, for 100 peso / hour, which is the cheapest price in Herald for Chica so to make sure I called to see if it was not a hundered dollars, they said no, I called before they said 100Peso / hour, when I called again they said 150/ hour, so I reminded them they said OK, so they play these games.
Anyway it is like a blind date you don't know what you will draw, but I got lucky a decent looking girl showed up at my apartment, small talk, drink, after 15minutes she said it is 11:15 pm, signaling the time starts now, so not a clock watcher, good service paid 100 pesos after, drove her home in my Limo, paid her 5 peso for taxi, to come to my place her name was not ANNA but MYRA, 22 yr, nice rack, no complaints she was looking at my collrction of MARS bars, took one I neverleft her alone for a minute right from under my nose she swiped my after shave cologne valued at 44$, so be careful when you invite them to your place.
06-04-07 23:20 #34
Posts: 3Interesting report Jackson.
It is hard not to fall as some of us might have almost fallen into the love trap with a working girl or two in the past. Having said that, but when thinking correctly, never let your guard down no matter how much a working girl claims she loves you, remember you are dealing with an escort.
This report is just a reminder that most not all girls can't really be trusted being in their kind of line of work. So never allow the little head to do the thinking for you.
As far as the pimp goes. WOW if I was that guy that lost all he lost I would have to set that pimp up and break some serious bones. As for her, she is just as much to blame for doing what her pimp wanted. Most of you might not want to hear this but the only way she would learn from doing something that bad is to be gang raped in front of her pimp with no comdom as he sits tied up to his chair kissing his broken arms and legs as she moans in the pain of not making one fucking red cent during the hours of such gang rape. Which is worst, being hit 20 times by a baseball bat or being gang raped in every hole?
Sad story and I feel sorry for that guy and the report is a good thing to remember when ever having anyone stay the night in your room. I have never trusted any escort enough to allow them to sleep with me over night.
I do believe in Karma and she and her pimp will get everything that they did back 10 times worst.
04-16-07 22:24 #33
Posts: 74Outstanding report and warning!
Hi Jackson,
I was very impressive with the fact that you took the time and action to let everyone know about this criminal activity. You are dead-on correct. When men began to shake in their boots over these types of threats then maybe it is time for them to forsake the "hobby". One has to be very careful about who they meet in BA. You certainly saved plenty of members a ton of grief and trouble from this girl.
Joe Vato