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  1. #5757
    Senior Member

    Posts: 192
    Quote Originally Posted by Esten  [View Original Post]
    Dccpa, the numbers are crystal clear in the first BLS link. In the row "Full-time workers", the number is 118489 for July 2014 and 116156 for July 2013. A difference of 2333 (thousands) or 2. 4 M (rounded up). No lies just facts. In the second link, you are again cherry-picking two points (July 2014 vs. January 2014) which show a very slight increase in part-time jobs. But it's easily within the noise observed over the clear multi-year downtrend, which includes other brief periods where the slope was positive before again going negative. And, there is nothing linking this with the ACA, as the employer mandate hasn't even gone into effect.
    Who is cherry picking again?

    Since you are using the most worthless seasonally adjusted numbers let us go with them.

    May 118,727.

    June 118,204.

    July 118,489.

    That would be 200 k jobs lost in the last two months. But wait, you claimed we have been gaining 200 k jobs a month.

    No need to continuously debate numbers that are fake when there is a trump card to be played.

    Labor force participation rate shows a. 5% net loss yoy. Get back to me with your spin of how all those jobs are being created and yet the labor participation rate is declining.

  2. #5756
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1017

    Expendables, Part III

    Well, what do you know. What an elite force, just the team to go to Iraq and clean up the mess. And take care of Putin on the way home.

    Sylvestor Stallone, Jason Statham, Antonio Banderas, Jet Li, Wesley Snipes, Harrison Ford, Chuck Norris, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger and a host of others. Now if they only could resurrect Steve McQueen and Eli Wallach, I might even join them.

    Funny, I am so out of it that I didn't even know about the Expendables till today.

  3. #5755
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1740

    The NRA should love this news about the ACA

    Dccpa, the numbers are crystal clear in the first BLS link. In the row "Full-time workers", the number is 118489 for July 2014 and 116156 for July 2013. A difference of 2333 (thousands) or 2. 4 M (rounded up). No lies just facts. In the second link, you are again cherry-picking two points (July 2014 vs. January 2014) which show a very slight increase in part-time jobs. But it's easily within the noise observed over the clear multi-year downtrend, which includes other brief periods where the slope was positive before again going negative. And, there is nothing linking this with the ACA, as the employer mandate hasn't even gone into effect.

    Tiny's CBO report is old news, but good news. The CBO clearly stated it's estimates were not of people losing jobs. Rather, they were for people voluntarily choosing to work less as health insurance becomes more affordable. Imagine, someone juggling 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meet and pay for insurance, now can work 1 or 2 jobs, spend more time with their family or pursue more education, etc. That is freedom, and likely to exert upward pressure on both labor demand and wages.

    I know some right wingers are desperate to find any support they can, but it's hopeless. The data is overwhelming that the jobs market keeps getting stronger, and the data is absent that the ACA has significantly affected jobs. Get over it, your propaganda has been exposed as a fraud.

    Meanwhile, millions of Americans are now benefitting from the ACA. Here is just one story of thousands. Even the NRA would applaud an outcome like this one.

    Study: Obamacare helping more youth to get mental health treatment

  4. #5754
    I don't know that we want to go to the European extreme, but as society industrializes, the work week normally shrinks. So it might be time to re-think the idea of 40 hours as full time. I admit it's handy since it divides the 24 hour day nicely and if we wanted to maintain that the work week would have to go to 32 (or 4 eights) and that seems a bit low to remain competitive. You look at carbon footprints and so forth and it argues for more hours per day and fewer days per week. I think moving to 4 tens as the norm would increase productivity and reduce employee expenses. At least in my state, you would still be looking at 20 minutes of paid break and 30 minutes of unpaid lunch whether it's 5 eights or 4 tens, so you'd gain 20 minutes per week as an employer. Employees would largely prefer it and it would have positive externalities.

    No new schools should be built until all schools are operating say 80 hours per week. Government offices should be open from 7 AM to 9 PM. Basically, physical facilities should be used exhaustively like they are in the private sector. That's going to mean more maintenance expense and we need to address the roads and bridges sooner rather than later. Now, the tax burden falls on the transporter. There is a free rider problem. I don't have a car, so I pay no gas tax, but yet I consume products that were transported by rail or truck, so I still have an interest in a good transportation infrastructure whether I drive or not.

    Libertarians and their ilk tend to support usage-based fees and so do I, but the problem is, usage can be really tricky to figure out. I more think that infrastructure should be financed from general rather than specific revenues. Like an airport. Suppose I am afraid to fly so I never fly. Does that mean I don't benefit from the airport? I still do because people can visit me, and I can send freight, and some goods can be marketed more cheaply by air whether I fly or not, and so forth. Non-drivers are free riders. They don't pay for driver's licenses or gas or anything like that, but they still benefit from the existence of roads.

    Obamacare is going to increase the free rider problem, but my guess is that the increase in the coverage rate will offset this. We can now see that the states that somewhat inexplicably decided not to expand Medicaid are not seeing coverage increases, but those states that expanded have seen very significant gains:

    The truest test of any society is how it treats its weaker members and increased health care coverage, especially coverage for preventive care, is a definite step in the right direction. It might take 100 years to hit the tilting point where the future benefits are greater than the past costs, but I don't think so. I think we are already there. Just think about how heinous it was to not cover people with pre-existing conditions. What the fuck were they supposed to do, just curl up and die? I think that ultimately, the Affordable Car Act will increase labor force participation, due to better pre-natal, infant, youth, and adult continuing care, although that might take a generation or two.

  5. #5753
    Quote Originally Posted by Dccpa  [View Original Post]
    We won't know the full effect of the job damage from Obamacare for years.
    The Congressional Budget Office tried to estimate it, and came up with the loss of 2. 5 million full time job equivalents by 2024:

  6. #5752
    Senior Member

    Posts: 192
    Quote Originally Posted by Esten  [View Original Post]
    Cherry-picking and lies. Here is the data from BLS:

    Full-time jobs did indeed drop from May to June. But they increased from June to July. Year-over-year, full-time jobs are up 2.4M while part-time jobs are down 0.1M. The May to June change was a complete outlier. In the BLS chart in the second link, "Part-Time for Economic Reasons" jobs are clearly in a downtrend. The drop in part-time jobs ("Working part time, but want full-time work") is also shown in this NYT table:

    More importantly, there is no clear evidence that the Affordable Care Act is having any significant effect on jobs. There were some right wing propaganda sites that tried to spin the June jobs report that way, but not all. The conservative Washington Examiner wrote last month "There's no conclusive evidence linking Obamacare to the growth in part-time employment. " If it was such a fact, no conservative media outlet would be so out of step. Looks like you've been duped, Dccpa.
    Speaking of lies, how about your first link? Here is a nice simple summary from your chosen web site that doesn't try to dazzle with details. Where oh where is that 2. 4 jobs you mentioned? I only see 330 k you for July and yoy for June showed a net loss.

    Now look at your second link. Notice the increase, let me say that again, INCREASE in part time jobs since Obamacare took effect. And before you try to spin the yoy decrease, that has been mentioned by employers that they cut jobs as Obamacare took effect in January. We won't know the full effect of the job damage from Obamacare for years.

  7. #5751
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1740

    The job trends are clear

    Quote Originally Posted by Dccpa  [View Original Post]
    Suffering from sometimers Esten? You are seriously crowing about 6 consecutive months of 200 k+ jobs when we already exposed the prior month was a loss of several hundred thousand full time jobs and gains of part time jobs? You know those full time jobs that Obamacare killed and the part time jobs that Obamacare created. You can keep on spinning, but those previously employed on a full time basis are not singing BO's praises.
    Cherry-picking and lies. Here is the data from BLS:

    Full-time jobs did indeed drop from May to June. But they increased from June to July. Year-over-year, full-time jobs are up 2.4M while part-time jobs are down 0.1M. The May to June change was a complete outlier. In the BLS chart in the second link, "Part-Time for Economic Reasons" jobs are clearly in a downtrend. The drop in part-time jobs ("Working part time, but want full-time work") is also shown in this NYT table:

    More importantly, there is no clear evidence that the Affordable Care Act is having any significant effect on jobs. There were some right wing propaganda sites that tried to spin the June jobs report that way, but not all. The conservative Washington Examiner wrote last month "There's no conclusive evidence linking Obamacare to the growth in part-time employment. " If it was such a fact, no conservative media outlet would be so out of step. Looks like you've been duped, Dccpa.

  8. #5750
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1017

    Well, how about this.

    Every day when it's time to open up the daily paper, we are so emotionally jaded that the tragic events we read seem like they are from a different planet. And there seem no end to it. So it's nice, that out of the conflicts, natural disasters and craziness, to read about one sane man who can make a major contribution to his fellow human beings. Being humble, generous, kind. I would like to be like that.

  9. #5749
    Quote Originally Posted by Dccpa  [View Original Post]

    "But in the interview, Obama chided business for a lack of social responsibility, citing a "general view" that "the only responsibility that a corporate CEO has is to his shareholders. ".

    The arrogance of that statement is astounding. Why should those running companies only be responsible to the owners of those companies? Maybe because that is their job. Want to be socially responsible with company employees and assets, ask the owners for permission to do so or else do it on your own time with your own money.

    The BO would make a great leader for Argentina.
    I tell anybody who will listen that corporations have no business engaging in charitable or eleemosynary activities but nobody (except obviously you) gets it. Similarly I tell everybody that the corporate income tax is a complete fiction and a total waste of time and effort. These are both areas where emotion and rhetoric trump logic.

    I think the CEO has a responsibility to the environment and to the community in which it operates, since this involves legitimate stakeholders (as opposed to shareholders). But I can't be green if my competitors aren't green, so hence you have regulations and I don't think you can expect a CEO to be any more environmentally conscious than society indicates its desire for (through the particular regulations selected). And, I think the best way the responsibility to the community can be discharged, given that environmental regs are being complied with, is to provide steady employment to the citizens of the community. And, the best way to do that is to be profitable. So I as CEO will seek to be as profitable as possible while complying with all the regulations that the community has indicated it wants. Then I will either pass those profits on to the shareholders as dividends, or retain them for expansion, or some of both. What I won't do is decide for the shareholders that saving the (spotted owl, harp seal, bastard children) is the right cause for them to contribute to. With multiple anonymous shareholders, how could corporate management possibly decide what charities the OWNERS of the corporation want to contribute to?

    But every time I bring this up, I am just an unsympathetic scrooge.

    Here's who the next Argie president should be, in my opinion. Saw him live once in Corrientes street.

  10. #5748
    Senior Member

    Posts: 192

    BO just doesn't get it

    "But in the interview, Obama chided business for a lack of social responsibility, citing a "general view" that "the only responsibility that a corporate CEO has is to his shareholders. ".

    The arrogance of that statement is astounding. Why should those running companies only be responsible to the owners of those companies? Maybe because that is their job. Want to be socially responsible with company employees and assets, ask the owners for permission to do so or else do it on your own time with your own money.

    BO would make a great leader for Argentina.

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  12. #5747
    Senior Member

    Posts: 192
    Quote Originally Posted by Esten  [View Original Post]
    The last time we had 6 consecutive months of 200K+ jobs was 1997. That's right, 1997. Not even Bush and all those tax cuts could do better. Again we see the epic exposure of Republican falsehoods that trickle-down economics is superior, that Obama's policies have failed, and that the Affordable Care Act is a big jobs killer.

    The US economy also set a new record for consecutive months of private-sector job growth. The labor market is clearly strong.

    No doubt the ODS crowd will try to claim that part time jobs are up, and that wage growth is anemic because of Obama. Let's see if they can make a convincing case that any weakness in these areas are due to Obama's policies, rather than effects of capitalism and corporatism.

    The US Jobs Market Just Accomplished Something It Hasn't Done Since 1997
    Suffering from sometimers Esten? You are seriously crowing about 6 consecutive months of 200 k+ jobs when we already exposed the prior month was a loss of several hundred thousand full time jobs and gains of part time jobs? You know those full time jobs that Obamacare killed and the part time jobs that Obamacare created. You can keep on spinning, but those previously employed on a full time basis are not singing BO's praises.

    This reminds me of the joke where the blond is sitting on a bench bragging about how she now has healthcare thanks to Obama. Her friend congratulated her and asked whether her employer had covered her. No, the blond replied. I qualified for free healthcare because my employer laid me off.

  13. #5746
    "She just plays into Republicans worst suspicions." (Joe Scarborough)

    Quote Originally Posted by Esten  [View Original Post]
    I agree, MSNBC is a good example (at times). But I think conservatives outperform progressives here, in their endless attempts to cast Obama and Democrats in a negative light.
    But of course you do, I wouldn't expect anything less from you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Esten  [View Original Post]
    BTW, did you even watch the Youtube link you posted? They said Lerner's words demonstrated bias that fed the GOP narrative. They did not say that Lerner's actions were biased or corrupt. Guess what, the government is full of folks with bias. Democrats and Republicans. Like the Republican who said he was responsible for implementing the words "Tea Party" as a flag criteria. Lerner was dumb to put her opinions in an email, but an email does not equate with corruption. Let us know when you find that smidgen of corruption.
    Not only did I watch it, I heard what they said, you're the one who needs to read my previous post and play the video again starting at about the 1:27 mark, and remember this is the far-left-wing fringe MSNBC.

    Here's what they said:

    If the question is was there political, ideological bias inside the IRS, its hard to argue no after you read that, said Willie Geist.
    And malice, added MSNBC contributor Nicolle Wallace. She (Lerner) equates Republicans as inferior to terrorists. I think motive is there, I think state of mind is there again, if this were a legal proceeding, they've got their gal.

    Lois Lerner labeled people on the right "assholes" and "crazies" who are more likely to "take us down" than foreign terrorists. That's coming from a senior manager at the IRS, a group that is supposed to be absolutely non-partisan. She's entitled to her opinion about those who don't agree with her politically, I've said worse about progressives, and I will again. I believe progressives who want to replace the Constitution with "critical thinking" are the greatest threat the United States faces today.

    But there's a difference between Lois Lerner and me, I'm not responsible for writing or enforcing IRS regulations, Lois Lerner was.

    The problem isn't that she has different opinion than me, or that she even held a senior position at the IRS, it's that she acted on her opinion in her enforcement of IRS regulations. Anybody that doesn't believe that surely believes in the tooth fairy.

    "The Department of Justice so far has declined to investigate the IRS and isn't likely to ever do so as long as Eric Holder is in charge. President Obama is Holders close friend and pulled his fat out of the fire by blocking the Fast and Furious investigation.
    Obama has said there is not a smidgen of evidence tying Lerner's crusade against conservatives to the White House efforts to see Obama re-elected. That, of course, is what all the stonewalling and crashed hard drives are about. One of the impeachment charges against President Nixon was that he used the IRS to target political enemies. The smart money says thats exactly what Obama did, but any evidence of it has surely been scrubbed, and Lerner has been bought off or possibly threatened to keep her mouth shut."

    I don't think the American people need proof beyond a shadow of a doubt in the court of public opinion, they know what transpired here. I also think your refusal to acknowledge wrongdoing is helping make the case for smaller government, which would have limited opportunities for abuse of power. It's time to start taking away the tools of evilness and our current tax system is a good place to start. It's time to reduce the IRS to nothing more than bill collectors by adopting a fair flat tax across the board, no exceptions. The flat tax would also take away some of the tools used to cater to special interest.

  14. #5745
    Senior Member

    Posts: 577

    What Bias?

    Quote Originally Posted by Esten  [View Original Post]
    I agree, MSNBC is a good example (at times). But I think conservatives outperform progressives here, in their endless attempts to cast Obama and Democrats in a negative light.

    BTW, did you even watch the Youtube link you posted? They said Lerner's words demonstrated bias that fed the GOP narrative. They did not say that Lerner's actions were biased or corrupt. Guess what, the government is full of folks with bias. Democrats and Republicans. Like the Republican who said he was responsible for implementing the words "Tea Party" as a flag criteria. Lerner was dumb to put her opinions in an email, but an email does not equate with corruption. Let us know when you find that smidgen of corruption.
    Your calling someone biased is like the pot calling the kettle black.


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  16. #5744
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1740

    Best Jobs Growth since 1997

    The last time we had 6 consecutive months of 200K+ jobs was 1997. That's right, 1997. Not even Bush and all those tax cuts could do better. Again we see the epic exposure of Republican falsehoods that trickle-down economics is superior, that Obama's policies have failed, and that the Affordable Care Act is a big jobs killer.

    The US economy also set a new record for consecutive months of private-sector job growth. The labor market is clearly strong.

    No doubt the ODS crowd will try to claim that part time jobs are up, and that wage growth is anemic because of Obama. Let's see if they can make a convincing case that any weakness in these areas are due to Obama's policies, rather than effects of capitalism and corporatism.

    The US Jobs Market Just Accomplished Something It Hasn't Done Since 1997

  17. #5743
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1740
    Quote Originally Posted by Punter127  [View Original Post]
    Progressives and their media outlets routinely damage their own character by their own words. Some of us simply point it out occasionally. Works both ways Dude.
    I agree, MSNBC is a good example (at times). But I think conservatives outperform progressives here, in their endless attempts to cast Obama and Democrats in a negative light.

    BTW, did you even watch the Youtube link you posted? They said Lerner's words demonstrated bias that fed the GOP narrative. They did not say that Lerner's actions were biased or corrupt. Guess what, the government is full of folks with bias. Democrats and Republicans. Like the Republican who said he was responsible for implementing the words "Tea Party" as a flag criteria. Lerner was dumb to put her opinions in an email, but an email does not equate with corruption. Let us know when you find that smidgen of corruption.

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