Thread: Argentine Economy

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  1. #51
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657
    What the fuck are you talking about Canuck? Is that the only reason you come onto ArgentinaPrivate, to try to challenge me? You and your opinions don't even matter, last time I checked you haven't even contributed one single post of anything useful, So go ahead and make me laugh with your retarded comments. As far as you sending me your passport, I don't really think that has anything to do with this conversation, but I will tell you this, the moment Granny be gets the fuck out of Latin America, then I might consider it. And never to GW, he doesn't represent the US and neither do you. Member that.

    So anything else you want to contribute to Argentina Private?


    Quote Originally Posted by Canuck9970
    On the other hand you seem to take great delight in finding fault with the Argentina. I see a perfect opportunity for you to stand up for your lofty capitalist views. Why not show your solidarity and leave Argentina?
    BTW I agree with you 100% on that one, good call chanook, really good logic, I agree if he delights in finding fault in Argentina he should stand up for his lofty position and get the fuck out. Works both ways doesn't it?

  2. #50


    This is my last post to you because your not worth more than two posts.

    "GrandMa" is a personal attack on his age and his gender. "badpropaganda10" is a comment on political views. That is the difference! I mentioned your dick size once and you certainly didn't! The way you resort to attacks on a person age or sex shows lack of maturity! The fact that you have to be correct and continue this argument shows your lack of maturity!

    Take for example: "Well be my guess defend your lady friend" sounds like something an immature 18 year old would say!

  3. #49

    An opportunity to make a difference.


    In another post you say.

    "I know first hand that the dollar is turrning into shit over in Europe, and as a US citizen that has lived and invested in Europe, that does matter to me.


    On the other hand you seem to take great delight in finding fault with the United States. Well free speech is cherished in the United States so you can say what you like if you are indeed a citizen. On the other hand in another post you seem to indicate that you are actually a citizen of the former USSR. I see a perfect opportunity for you to stand up for your lofty socialist views. Why not show your solidarity with Castro and Chavez and the boys and mail your U. S. Passport back to GW?

  4. #48
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657

    And here it is

    First of all Wayne,.

    If you read GRANDMA be' post she called me and I quote " badpropaganda10 " I didn't hear you mention anything about that, I wonder why? Selective judgement or just plain stupid, which one is it, or maybe you condone her name calling yet you take personal offense to mine, and don't think I have the right to retort? Second of all My posts of my penis size were a few. The truth is Grandma be tends to mention my cock size way more than I do. And now so do you, what is it that threatens you so much? Because the truth is it has been months since I have even written about that. Why do you feel the need to bring up a few comments that I made about a month ago to try to prove a feable point?

    Anything else you want to add?


    Grandma be is a political dinosaur, and she and you seem to constantly try to bring up my age or youthfulness I don't get it. In my opinion she is the arrogant one and now you add your worthless two cents to defend her.

  5. #47



    You are arrogant young man who in all his wisdom still resorts to name calling when discussing political issues. Stop calling him "GrandPa B", you only make your self sound like an asshole! Why must you resort to character assassination when discussing the issue? It must be your lack of maturity. Anyone that feels the constant need to mention his 10 inch dick in all of his posts is obviously trying to impress someone. Certainly not me!


    I can't wait for your response.:-(

  6. #46


    You are simplistic and biased. Cuba does not need a large number of prision buildings because the whole island is a prison. Many many nations have no constitutional judicial system so they just shoot the prisoners on orders from the leader. Shall we go down this country list from Africa? How do you compare death to 3 full meals a day with running water and well defined term and no torture?

    The tens of millions that Stalin sent to their deaths you seem to not to be able to recall. Isnt it great that you can study the US with all its faults and not get a visit in the middle of the night?

    What is this bizzare ranting and raving about PapaB in your last emails?

  7. #45
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657

    Some more factually accurate data AKA propaganda to senile Granny B

    Population statistics.

    In 2000, the number of prisoners under the jurisdiction of the Federal or State adult correctional authorities was 1,381,892 and overall, the United States imprisoned 2,071,686 persons.

    In terms of federal prison, 57 % of those incarcerated were sentenced for drug offenses. Currently, considering local jails as well, almost a million of those incarcerated are in prison for non-violent crime.

    In 2002 roughly 93.2 % of prisoners were male. About 10.4 % of all black males in the United States between the ages of 25 and 29 were sentenced and in prison by year end, compared to 2.4 % of Hispanic males and 1.2 % of white males.

    As of June 30, 2005, about 1 out of every 136 U. S. Residents was incarcerated either in prison or jail. The total amount being 2,186,230, with 1,438,701 in State and Federal prisons and 747,529 in local jails.


    Compared with other countries, the United States has among the highest incarceration rates in the world.

    As of 2004, the incarceration rate in prison and jail, in the United States was 724 inmates per 100,000. For the most part, the U. S. Rate is three to eight times that of the Western European nations and Canada. The rate in England and Wales, for example, is 139 persons imprisoned per 100,000 residents while in Norway it is 59 per 100,000. In many countries, it is common for prisoners to be paroled after serving as little as one third of their sentences. In the US, most states strictly limit parole, requiring at serving of at least half of the sentence. For certain heinous crimes, there is no parole and the full sentence must be served. The prison population in China was 111 per 100,000 in 2001 (sentenced prisoners only)


    In recent years, there has been much debate over the privatization of prisons. The argument for privatization stresses cost reduction, whereas the arguments against it focus on standards of care, and the question of whether a market economy for prisons might not also lead to a market demand for prisoners (I. E. Tougher sentencing for cheap labor) While privatized prisons have only a short history, there is a long tradition of inmates in state and federal-run prisons undertaking active employment in prison for low pay.

    Private companies which provide services to prisons combine in the American Correctional Association, which advocates legislation favorable to the industry.

    The United States spends an estimated $60 billion each year on corrections. The population of inmates housed in prisons and jails in the United States exceeds 2 million, with the per capita incarceration population higher than that officialy reported by any other country. Criminal justice policy in the United States has also been criticized for the disproportionate representation of African-Americans and other minorities.


    The US is the last country in the world that has a right to talk about incarcerating it's own population. Call it political, economical, social, racial. It is all the same. The US puts more people in prison for longer periods of time than any other country in the world.

    Your personal comments are worthless Gramps, next time at least post some factual data. It will keep things interesting. Comments from a rabid wanabee right wing somewhat senile hack just isn't cutting the mustard.


  8. #44
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657

    THAT is all you could come up with?

    It took you a day and a half to come up with that response? Again you get more and more reactionary with ever post, SCREAMING Propaganda won't do any good. I don't think you even know the definition of the word, or the different forms of propaganda or even who the biggest propaganda players are. I won't answer those questions for you, but I am sure for those that are educated enough to understand what propaganda really is, know that you use Jackson's website for it. All you ever post about is how horrible Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Argentina are.

    I don't post on this sex forum about politics, why? Because this is a fucking sex forum. Granpda be posts to his old plaque filled hearts content about his hate and contempt for latin american leaders, and BTW, there is no propaganda in this statement. He is a sad, sorry old impotent man that NEEDS Jackson's forum to publish his PROPAGANDA on the internet. Everyone here sees it and most don't care. I do, I and many other find his comments not only out of place on this sex forum, but very insulting. And I will say this one last time, don't for one second think, that I will allow your insults to go unchallenged or your lies and propaganda to propagate without deconstructing them. For those blind motherfuckers who think anything but your own form of capitalism is not the answer. I will never try to change those opinions, but for those who do see a different path is available for their countries and their people, I agree.


    P. S, just give it up Grandpa, your bullshit is old, I hear this shit all the time, the funny thing is you could never have a real debate because factual historical evidence would drown your pathetic answers. I have seen and heard very good debates from real progressives and real conservatives. And even though they go at each other, they actually speak truthfully and bluntly about their positions and their historical research. You on the other hand scream propaganda, you would get laughed off the podium. Keep it up though. I can allready anticipate your next post. Let me guess, " Propaganda ".

    And in regards to your political prisoners on Cuba, read the report, there are 300, why don't you tell us about the political prisoners in the US? Or did you forget the 60's ? Or why don't you tell us about the US harboring Cuban Terrorists, tell us about Posada Carillos ? Would you have the nerve to talk about that ? My guess is you don't know enough about the topic to make an atempt. I love the selective memory loss. And about the USSR, again you never lived there so with every comment you make you only expose your own ignorance regarding the subject. You are a Black and White propagandist. You are a simple-minded individual that either doesn't see or doesn't want to admit that things aren't as simply as the arguments you make. I allready said it, for every 5 Soviets you find that loved the USSR, you will find 5 who didn't. You are stuck in a cold war mind set. Well the future will have to forget that mind set and forget people like you, so I am not worried much, you and people like you are on the way out, Just look at your buddy Rummy? Seems these motherfuckers are losing their jobs left and right. You're done for Gramps. Though I can appreciate your local following.

    Techniques of propaganda generation.


    Ad Hominem: A Latin phrase which has come to mean attacking your opponent.

    Appeal to Prejudice: Using loaded or emotive terms to attach value or moral goodness to believing the proposition. "A reasonable person would agree that our income tax is too low."

    Black-and-White fallacy: Presenting only two choices, with the product or idea being propagated as the better choice. (Eg. You are either with us or with the evil enemy)

    Demonizing the "enemy": Projecting a person or idea as the "enemy" through suggestion or false accusations.

    Falsifying information: The creation or deletion of information from public records, in the purpose of making a false record of an event or the actions of a person during a court session, or possibly a battle, etc. Pseudoscience is often used in this way.

    Glittering generalities: Glittering generalities are emotionally appealing words applied to a product or idea, but which present no concrete argument or analysis. A famous example is the campaign slogan "Ford has a better idea!"

    Unstated assumption: This technique is used when the propaganda concept that the propagandist intends to transmit would seem less credible if explicitly stated. The concept is instead repeatedly assumed or implied.

    Stereotyping or Name Calling or Labeling: This technique attempts to arouse prejudices in an audience by labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as something the target audience fears, hates, loathes, or finds undesirable. For instance, reporting on a foreign country or social group may focus on the stereotypical traits that the reader expects, even though they are far from being representative of the whole country or group; such reporting often focuses on the anecdotal.

    Oversimplification: Favorable generalities are used to provide simple answers to complex social, political, economic, or military problems.

    Intentional vagueness: Generalities are deliberately vague so that the audience may supply its own interpretations. The intention is to move the audience by use of undefined phrases, without analyzing their validity or attempting to determine their reasonableness or application. The intent is to cause people to draw their own interpretations rather than simply being presented with an explicit idea. In trying to "figure out" the propaganda, the audience foregoes judgment of the ideas presented. Their validity, reasonableness and application is not considered.


    Seems like you had all your propaganda bases covered, though you missed the more sofisticated forms, though I think that was more out of ignorance than intent. Keep it up with your oversimplified black and white fallacies. Again in a real academic forum you would get laughed at. Why? Because the real righties, don't believe their own bullshit, it is for public consumption. You on the other hand are that public and therefore know very little about how things really work. You gotta learn the REAL arguments. And believe me, there are valid counters to some of my retorts, just because you don't know them doesn't mean you have to scream propaganda.


  9. #43

    It Dee & quot; from the alamo

    It was awesome meeting you and speaking to you. I learn afew thing from our conversations. Papa, why do you even try to chat with this leafties commie. If all that he say is real. Why don't the cuban's in cuba send e-mail pictures to show how Cuba realy is. Do they have any laptops for there personal use. Take care.


  10. #42
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657

    Your last post was pathetic, it didn't even make sense

    I think you should be the one who should hang it up, I would tell you to go back to posting about chicas and such, but it seems the only thing you have added on this forum is your politically Naive commentary. Thanks for ignoring Don's comments, I guess he really shut you up, and thanks for ignoring all the facts I posted. I am sure the average monger is smart enough to understand you use this forum to post you very right wing political views and I guess they also understand that you only post because none of what you say will ever affect you and you don't know the first thing about either living in a Socialist society or a Latin American country as anything other than a US citizen with US money, You have never once had to live under US prescribed military dictatorships or US funded Civil wars. These are all facts, and you, with your narrow and ignorant world view can gloss over them. I am glad you keep posting, you only expose your own ignorance.

    Keep it up, and I never once in my post compared you to Somoza, so I don't know where you got that from, though it makes sense that you would deflect the main point (which was that the US was ok with that form of capitalism, so much so that they funded and armed and trained his death squads, something that your very own ivory tower grand pa benny never once lived through) instead you bring up a meaningless lie about me comparing you to dictators. I think mongers are smart enough to read for themselves.

    The only one on this forum posting PROPAGANDA is you, you say FRAUD? That without facts or historical and validated research is PROPAGANDA, you say DICTATOR, that without historical evidence is PROPAGANDA, you say alot, but you can prove very little. You are the propagandist and I am sure most on this forum see that. You don't give a rats ass about the 60% of poor in Venezuela, you just hate Chavez and his political views and so you attack him and other latin american leaders who are choosing alternative ways to bring their majority out of poverty, something that capitalism has not been able or willing to do for the past 100 years.

    I will continue to post on chicks and restaurants and anything else that is really useful on this forum. And you will continue posting your bullshit propaganda, but don't think for one moment I will let you post your lies without deconstructing them. You aren't doing anything with your cheap talk on a sex forum, but your insults won't ever go unchallenged.

    Have fun,


    And just to indulge you a little, we can debate basic math, though you can always try your best to alter reality to suit your argument. So here goes, 60% of 60 is alot more than 60% of 20, ( but here is where you distort the facts , the reality, and basic math to try to fit your own narrow political views ) 60% of anything is always going to be more than 10-20% of anything. And THAT is the point.

    And the significance you fail to see is BEFORE Chavez, that 15-20% never once went to the poor, it went to the wealthy, NOW most of those oil revenues are going towards social programs. You are a right wing hack and not a very good one at that. And your grasp on history is even worse. You have never once even attempted to refute any historical facts that I post, you just try to gloss over them by saying " Past US mistakes ". Well guess what ? Not only did those " past " US mistakes cost millions their lives, but there is nothing " past " about them. Iraq anyone ? Afghanistan anyone ? or maybe you don't listen to what is going on in the world ? You are as divorced from reality as your posts are.

    Your ideas are as antequated as you are, and all your politically motivated rants aren't affecting change, maybe that is the only reason you feel the need to come onto a sex forum and rant and rave about how much you hate latin american governments and how horrible they are to let you live under their dictatorial regimes. This is the only place you feel like you have a voice , that is sad, and the more I picture an impotent old man typing away all his percieved demons on his keyboard, the more I think just how sad the rest of your life must really be.

    Get help man, you need it.

  11. #41
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657

    Ben, The only amateur here is you

    I like how you glossed over Don's post. It is very telling of both your character and political analysis. Again, I think Hunt99 said it best, if you want to talk politics go rant on dailykaos. Com, By if you are insinuating something like fraudulent elections in Venezuela, you better have some factual information to back it up or else it is libel. Again, and these are facts, The UN, EU, OAS and many other groups that were observers validated the elections, Not to mention the very opposition, so you and the few miami cubans seem to be the only ones crying foul. In short, you are lying if you say the elections were fruadulent, or do you just have a " gut " feeling? Chavez is in power because he is doing good things that benifit the majority of Venezuelans. Plain and simple, Venezuela could be making twice what it makes now in Oil revenue, BUT and these are two very important butts that you fail to mention, If Chavez would not have renegociated sweetheart deals for the oil industry, Venezuela wouldn't be making anything or very little, this is a fact, one that you would like to gloss over. Second, even with increased oil revenues due in part to high oil prices but mainly renegociated oil contracts, if Chavez and his policies weren't benifiting the majority of Venezuelans, then he would not have been re-elected. Your argument is flawed and it reaks of close mindedness. You are the type of person, that even when you know you are wrong, you will continue to argue for the sake of arguing. Keep it up, however old you really are gramps with your " 50 years in politics ", you seem to still display a certain level of emotional and social and political immaturity that comes out in all your political posts.

    Equating Miami cubans to Casto Cuba doesn't make sense. What would be sincere and relavent would be to first, compare Early Castro Cuba with Bautista's Cuba, which anyone that lived in Cuba at the time and wasn't a member of the social elite would tell you was a shit hole. You also fail to mention the FACT, that Catro Cuba didn't start out authoritarian or Communist also Historical FACTS. Castro Cuba's first choice was the U. S, the US snubbed them and so the Cubans were forced into the Soviets hands, this is again all documented historical facts. And with all the Documented facts regarding all the distabalizing tactics by the CIA, Operation Mongoose? CIA trained and funded Luis Posada Carriles? The bombing of Cubana Flight 455, 1976, Operation 40, The Bay of Pigs? I could go on and on, all historical documented facts. Imagine for one moment how the U. S would look if we had endured all the political, economic, military, covert distabalizing agression that Cuba has on it's own soil. The US knows this and that is one reason they continue, with every overt or covert action they take the more authoritarian the cuban government becomes, the US government knows this, yet they don't care, they only care about showing the Cuban government as an authoritarian regime.

    The next flaw in your argument between Miami and Cuba is this, no country in latin america is Miami, take one look at all the latin american countries in the caribean and central america that have faced and been victims of US interventions, Guatemala? El Salvador? Nicaragua? Haiti? Dominican Rep? I am sure all these capitalist free market economies look just like Miami right? Wrong they are all economic basket cases with a 70-80% poverty rate, where children die by the thousands of curable diseases, the poor have no education and the only freedom the majority seem to have is the freedom to be poor, the freedom to not have adequate food or education or health care. What the hell do these people care about our silly Ivory Tower analysis of their freedoms if all the see is poverty, lack of basic education, health care and food. It is easy for someone like you to speak because you have never lived the way these people have lived, you weren't in El Salvador during their civil war and all the military dictatorships that pacified the unions and the workers so big US corporations could make huge profits exploiting the countries, land, people, and resources. You weren't in Nicaragua during Somoza were you? You didn't lose 60-70 % of your family during the US funded Contra civil war did you? You will not be a poor Venezuelan who will lose his food subsidies or have his children go without education or healthcare if Chavez loses power will you? Your children or grandchildren will not suffer your arrogance, it is easy for you to talk and babble and judge, but you only show your own ignorance, but keep on preaching just don't think for a moment Latin Americans think you are looking out for them, maybe the wealthy Miami Cubans will thank you for your efforts, but the majority who would lose so much if any of you christmas wishes were to come true would suffer and they know better. But you don't seem to care.

    You make no sense when you equate Miami to Cuba and I just illustrated that. You can keep saying you are right just because you say so, but upon further analysis, all your arguments are not only flawed, but also factually and historically incorrect and naive.

    I wish you luck and I hope you open your mind and you and your family never have to go through what alot of people around the world have had to go through because of American Arrogance and Ignorance. To me and to many other YOU are the ignorant arrogant american who talks because he has a mouth but could never live one day in the world he advocates for others.


  12. #40

    We're saucy today, aren't we Papa?

    I did not know you were so sensitive sir, please accept my apologies. I didn't call you a drunk, but merely suggested that your last post read as if you wrote it drunk. There's no need to go crumudgeon on me, I was merely responding to some of your statements in your last post; I would hardly characterize them as ad hominem. And I get the feeling that you didn't watch the movie, did you?

    Now, on to the fun part.

    1. Thank you for correcting my error on 200 million, that is indeed what I meant (I wouldn't have had corrected it, but thank you) As for China, I agree with you. I am not a big fan of the country. But you probably don't see today's China as capitalism run amock and what happens without environmental regulation or the stark results of nationalism / patriotism; you probably spin it as communist idiots that don't quite understand capitalism and democracy.

    2. Sweden had a 2.7 percent growth rate last year, around the same rate it has had for the last couple of years. Sure, you're going to say that this is in light of privatizations and wage deregulation, and I won't disagree with you there. Sweden, like every other country in the world is trying to find the right balance, it just starts out with a different starting point. (note, I didn't even mention Norway. Yes, I know, oil reserves.

    3. Smooth move on your last response. Didn't even mention Cuba, huh? Ok, what I should have said was compare the poor in Cuba to the Dominican Republic / Guatemala / El Salvador / Honduras / Jamaica, or the poor in Venezuela pre-Chavez to the poor today. What then? With your blinders on, I'm sure you're going to say, the poor in Venezuela would be even better off now if it didn't have Chavez, right? Whatever, at least the guy is trying. I think a strong hand should be the last resort, but America (and its puppets) has been trying for the last 50 years to get Latin America on its feet and it hasn't worked. Maybe what countries in Latin America need is someone like S. Korea's Park? Who is John Galt? But surely, you would agree that the world is not as simple as dictator=bad, democracy=good. Or communism=bad, capitalism=good. And that was my intended point in my last post.

    I leave you with a quote from one of my favorites:

    "The more I read, the more I meditate; and the more I acquire, the more I am enabled to affirm that I know nothing"



    The Last Don

  13. #39
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657
    Quote Originally Posted by Papa Benito
    P. S. I have been in the ''political fray'' for 50 years, possibly before you were born.
    It shows, Look Benny, I know tons of Chinese, they love their country and have a strong sense of nationalism, and I can tell you from my first hand experience that those hundreds of millions of middle class are some wealthy motherfuckers. Pollution is huge, but that goes for every industrialized country. You can challenge all the dicators you want, but I don't think Jacksons sex forum is the proper place to make a stand. Again leave The venezuelans alone, they have done nothing to you, you seem to talk about Chavez alot but you fail to mention the country before him, I was their before and during Chavez and I can tell you, people are living well, and the poor are living better than they are living in any other country and remember they are the majority. And you made a pretty rediculous statement, Chavez is in office because of oil? No he is in office because of his social programs for the majority and the fact that that country has had continual economic growth, It is only logical that he use the profits for the people. The main gripes the opposition has are twofold, the crime rate, which has gone up, and a better distribution of the oil wealth to benifit the upper middle class. The country democratically elected him, leave them alone. You sound like one of those motherfuckers who would have praised Pinochet and Videla and Somoza for wise capitalist policies while failing to mention the thousands that were being disapeared. If those are your views I think we all can understand the only good dictator is a capitalist one right benny?

    And the only good communist is a dead one, aint that right McCarthy, yeah I can see where your politics come from. You can post what you want but don't post libelous opinions with no basis in reality. Say what you want but if you say the elections were fraudulent you might want to back that up with some facts and not just what the miami cubans told you.


    And don't pretend to tell me anything about the Soviet Union, I know my country well enough, even though you just basically repeated what I said. The Soviet Union collapsed for many reasons yes, but the biggest reason was they lost support from the Youth of the country, if the youth were behind the country, they would have never collapsed. The problem was they focused on military spending and stopped spending on society and youth. During it's hay day, the U. S. S. R was educating millions from the URS and from just about every country in the world all for free. Towards the end they didn't have the money to do it.

    I can and have lived in the US, the USSR, Europe and Latin America. They are all wonderful places and as an intelligent human being I understand that no country is perfect and the longer you study a country, it's politics and its society the shorter the honeymoon period becomes.

    Have respect man and know you do offend alot of Latin Americans when you post unfounded rumors about their countries, their leaders and their way of life. Understand that, and maybe we won't butt heads too often.

    It's been grand Grandpa Ben.


    PS, you might want to spell the title of your post properly if you are trying to insult me at least spell the insult correctly

  14. #38
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657

    Nice try but not good enough

    For the last time, I was never "trained" by anyone, I have my opinions just like you have yours. We have Big Government in the US and it is getting bigger and Big Brother is all getting more technoligically advanced and more intrusive. And I never said those are good things, you are arguing with yourself I never said those things. I think you have a problem with labels, " isms" are played out, I don't think any one type of government is horrible or great, I think some can be more effective under different circumstances and for different purposes, capitalism is used to accumulate wealth and capital ergo capitalism and it doesn't take into account the social toll, socialism is used to distribute national wealth and resources amouth the society ergo socialism, communism is used to instill a sense of community and togetherness and also a sense of what is good for the collective is better than what is only good for an individual. All these isms have their strong points and their weak points, the weak points being human nature which is easily corrupted. THAT is the biggest problem corruption. In regards to your " mix " comment, if you read my earliest posts you will see that what I advocated was just that (for the near future) a socially conscience capitalism. I think if you had more responsible capitalist leaders, you would see less rejection of that social model. But the more extreme the disparities and greater the capitulation to big business and US sponsored policies, the stronger the socialist model will become.

    To answer your questions, Soviet socialism was corrupt, it didn't start off that way and it did alot of good around the world and I would go into all the good and all the ills they actually did, but all that information would fly past your head since you never lived it. But I will say this for every 5 people that speak negatively of Soviet Socialism there will be 5 who will disagree. I have lived it and even though I wasn't alive during it's hay day and it did have it's moment in the Sun, I have seen the good and bad and if anything, it's biggest fault which persipitated its end was it forgot about significant social spending, in a sense it forgot about it's youth, it focused on playing the premacy game with the US, That is why it had the biggest war machine and the largest nuclear arsenal, but they spent their money on the wrong things.

    You seem to belittle the choice of millions of latin americans around the world just because you don't agree, you seem to always make wild inuendos about dictatorships fraudulant elections and so on even though the world, OAS, UN, EU and the Opposition itself are stating there was no fraud and they lost. So whatever inaccurate right wing media you are quoting is obviously severely divorced from reality. Again I am sure you will try to salvage those statements somehow, though an honest man would take them back. The world doesn't belong to you or to the US, so if people choose a different path you need to respect them and let them choose their destiny.

    And I could go on and on about US presidents and US sponsored dictators who would be considered either terrorists or war criminals in an international court. We can go back and forth about the war crimes of the US, in and out of latin america. For days. But guess what, this forum isn't meant for that. You use this forum to do nothing but speak of your own malcontent with a country and a people who have allowed you to freely live among them and that is not only ungreatful but disrespectful and it denotes a certain level of classic rascism, you seem to think you and your education is the only truth and you are somehow superior to all these people that don't think like you, and because of that belief you seem to think it is your right to go onto a sex forum and rant and rave about how horrible these countries, their governments and their stupid electorate is (I make this last comment, because that is what you are insinuating) This country and this continent is not yours, if you hate it, leave it, if you stay here, please respect it and its people.

    I would suggest you go back to school, it's never too late, but it seems whatever it is you learned in school 30 years ago has now become outdated and obsolete. The world is changing and believe it or not it won't change according to your beliefs or mine for that matter. What I can tell you is latin america isn't you fathers latin america, and to the majority it is changing for the better, so who cares what either of us think, if in the end we are both fighting for latin american freedom of choice and self determination. Let them have their cake and eat it too, and lets us get back to talking about pertinent topics on this sex forum, like sex and women and good food the things that would interest and be helpful to the general tourist monger population.


  15. #37

    Were you drunk Papa?

    Forgive me, but I didn't quite get the point of your last post. It reads like what I imagine Rush Limbaugh sounds like when he's on his "medications."

    Mad ramblings from ideologues, whether from the left or right, are obnoxious. Statements like:

    "Big government, big brother, communism, socialism, populism fail."

    "Over and over, they fail"

    Oh, this is an undisputed fact, huh? China lifting 200 thousand people out of poverty in the last 20 years, is that a failure? Sweden for the last 40 years?

    "Were you also a believer in Stalin, Kruschev, Hitler, Mussolini,.

    Hirohito, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Min, the N. Korean dictator, etc."

    You won't hear me defending these people, but I wouldn't easily categorize these people as "communist" or "populist" or whatever label you seem to be ascribing to them. Also, were you or are you a believer in Pinochet, Suharto, Franco, Rios Montt, Kai-shek, Niyazov, Crown Prince Abdullah, etc.

    If your point is that tyrants and dictators tend to be evil people, I don't think you'll hear Bad Boy disagreeing. But just don't pompously try to lecture about the virtues of a "well rounded [sic] education", and act like you are above the political fray, because clearly you are not.

    The film posted above is worth watching if you keep an open mind. Chavez may not be your idea of a hero, but compare poor people in Guatemala or El Salvador to poor people in Venezuela and Cuba and I doubt that even you would have an unequivocal opinion about who is better off.

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