Thread: Argentine Economy

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  1. #66
    EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report could potentially incite a flame war. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

  2. #65
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657

    Ok now I am sure of it someone HAS cut this chickens head off

    Poor Geo,

    It is obvious I am playing with you, Just look at your reactionary ass, just like a feable little mouse, but I guess mice are pretty fierce when backed into a corner. I don't get the ramblings about the lunch box or your spending too much time with your mother. Just doesn't really make much sense.

    I fear you are off your Lexapro and if you are still on it I would suggest talking to your psychiatrist and having him up the dose. Please, I think you are getting retarded. But it's quite entertaining watching you break down. I can almost picture your brain melting.

    And BTW, you can meet me anytime, in fact let me know where you are at and I will be more than happy. But I fear the Alamo won't be the correct place since I only go their for breakfast.

    Get help with those passive agressive rants, they will only serve to make you look rediculous and low rent.


  3. #64
    Ha ha Bbadboy, I am getting under your skin, just the way I wanted .

    You are truely a small frustrated child, you [Deleted by Admin], and I know you do give a rat's ass about it, because of your messages.

    You must have been the child at school who had his lunch taken away from him in school. I'll bet you are a MAMA'S BOY.

    And talk about frustrated, I see now you are the guy with the [Deleted by Admin].

    Please hope I do not meet you at the ALAMO.

    EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited in accordance with the Forum's Zero Tolerance policy regarding reports containing any personal attacks or derogatory comments directed towards another Forum Member or the Forum Membership in general.

  4. #63
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657
    Quote Originally Posted by Papa Benito
    Subservient to any and all totalitarian leaders. We are not going to be able to change you. I give up on you! Long live Cuba, Red China, Chavez, etc. Yeah, right!
    Choke on it Granny B, I don't really care what you think, you are a silly little propagandist, if you read my quotes I have not said anything false, maybe unapealing to you but all truth that you can't dispute so you have to counter, never dispute right? Only counter, good strategy learn to debate without blowing your top and screaming propaganda, you continue with this lame moniker and that is your right, you want to continue to be a disrespectufl fuck then get out of this country and go back to where your views are respected. I don't even pretend to debate your silly ass. You are a coward that screams propaganda when someone brings up facts your slow dim witted mind never knew. So don't worry I am with you pal. Long live Capitalist Iraq, Videla's Argentina, long live Somoza's Nicaragua, Pinochet's capitalist wonderland Chile, Bautistas Cuba, Trumans USA or how about the Shah's Iran? All high points in the capitalist past I would say. Pick up a history book you silly old man and then talk to me.

    You define the term " ignorance is bliss ", too bad it's only made your ass bitter.


  5. #62
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657

    Did somebody cut this chickens head off?

    Quote Originally Posted by Geo Eye

    A frustrated young man if indeed you are the age you say you are.

    Let it go, Argentina is headed for Complete socialisim, and that is ok.

    As long as I can keep fucking sluts for 40,50 dls. US.

    Yea US dollars, man, because that is what it is all about.

    Like you there are alot of ignorant people who do not know what the.

    USA is all about, but take it from me it is the best living in the World.
    So what does that make you?


    Or maybe an OLD FRUSTRATED MAN who feels the need to come onto this thread and attack me for no reason other than the fact that you can't write about pussy so you come onto AP and your only contribution is to attack Badboy, well Bravo.

    And what the fuck is that you are babbling about? Yes USA living is good, I should know I spend a third of my time their what the fuck is your point? I have learned that Argentina living is just as good? And European living is also just as good except with even better looking women just as long as you have the euros to live it. So what the fuck is your point in this meaningless rant?

    Life is good AND?

    Get a life you silly yokol, I for one don't give a rats ass about your silly opinions, and I am sure whoever you attack will say the same thing.

    Argentina is a sovereign country last time I checked and it is up to their electorate to decide what will happen to their country. I for one am here as a guest and not a diplomat or a political commentator or an economic advisor so I will withhold my judgements and worthelss opinons and enjoy their hospitality, good food, and women. Which is what I suggest you do and while you are at it contribute to the fucking forum. Write some reviews and maybe then I will give a rats ass about anything that escapes your yap.


  6. #61
    Senior Member

    Posts: 610


    Interesting. Because you (and anyone else) disagree with Geo Eye you are ignorant. I did not realize that Geo Eye was the world evaluator of ignorance.

    I learn something new every day.



  7. #60
    Badboy, you are starting to get to get attention, you are a LEFTIST, SOCAILIST, IGNORANT COMMUNIST. PERIOD.

    So what else do you have to say for yourself, it seems to me your are a frustrated young man if indeed you are the age you say you are.

    Let it go, Argentina is headed for Complete socialisim, and that is ok as long as I can keep fucking sluts for 40, 50 dls. US.

    Yea US dollars, man, because that is what it is all about.

    Like you there are alot of ignorant people who do not know what the USA is all about, but take it from me it is the best living in the world.

  8. #59
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657

    can't you read Granny? Accept logic, shit or get off the pot.

    Posted in the BA Harald.

    'Accept UK values or stay away'

    Blair said the government would take a series of measures to encourage immigrants and minorities to mix with mainstream British society.

    Migration had been good for Britain and London's hospitality to many nationalities had made it perhaps the most popular capital city in the world, Blair said.

    "But we protect this attitude by defending it. Our tolerance is part of what makes Britain Britain. So conform to it; or don't come here. We don't want the hatemongers, whatever their race, religion or creed," he told an audience that included academics, students and Muslim leaders.

    Immigrants wishing to live in Britain will have to pass an English test and ethnic or religious groups seeking government grants will have to show they promote integration, Blair said.

    There was no question of Britain allowing the introduction of religious law, he said, while adding, "We must demand allegiance to the rule of law." To combat forced marriages, the government will consult on raising the age for people entering Britain to get married above the current minimum of 18, he said.

    "We should continue celebrating" multicultural Britain, in which different communities live side by side, he said. "But we need — in the face of the challenge to our values — to reassert also the duty to integrate." he said. (Reuters)


    Well said Blair, conform or get the fuck out, no hate mongers or subversives, Maybe since granny likes the BA Harold so much when it serves her purpose she might listen to this article and take a hint.


  9. #58
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657

    Granny B is all talk, she can talk shit about BA, but she knows she can't stay away

    What the fuck are you talking about? Again you evade the questions? I said and I quote if you leave then I might consider it and I have, and that consideration has led me to the conclusion that if I give you a piece of paper, how will that stop your sorry ass from returning like a dog with it's tail between its legs? The point is to not have to hear your stupid political bullshit on Jackson's sex forum. That is the point. And again, if you hate this country get the fuck out, stop clinging to Chanooks ideas about me giving him a passport so he can sell it on the black market or something. You make no sense, I am and always will be a US citizen whether your old senile ass likes it or not. But if me giving you that piece of paper will rid us of your political bullshit and senile stupidity then I am all ears, make me an offer and I will consider it.

    Badboy ( plahoy malchik )

  10. #57
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657
    Quote Originally Posted by Hunt99
    It's either that, or a know-it-all left-wing boychik pining for the return of Stalin.

    Personally, I choose door number three, discussion about pussy, pussy, and more pussy.
    Very good retort, as always. Though the proper term is either malchik or chelovek, and I don't pine for Stalin. Or Truman or any war time leaders that have too much blood on their hands.

    I choose door number three as well, just get this yas to stop the political bullshit and I will leave it alone.


  11. #56
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1543

    Hmmm. A wonderful choice

    Quote Originally Posted by Badboy13

    If this means you are never coming back and we don't ever have to hear sorry " drivel " from an antequated half senile political dinasour on our Argentina sex forum? Is that what you are promising? Or is this more of your mindless " drivel "?
    It's either that, or a know-it-all left-wing boychik pining for the return of Stalin.

    Personally, I choose door number three, discussion about pussy, pussy, and more pussy.

  12. #55
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657
    Quote Originally Posted by Canuck9970

    On the other hand you seem to take great delight in finding fault with the Argentina. I see a perfect opportunity for you to stand up for your lofty capitalist views. Why not show your solidarity and leave Argentina?
    BTW I agree with you 100% on that one, good call chanook, really good logic, I agree if he delights in finding fault in Argentina he should stand up for his lofty position and get the fuck out. And never return.

    Quote Originally Posted by Papa Benito
    I am leaving Tuesday.
    If this means you are never coming back and we don't ever have to hear sorry " drivel " from an antequated half senile political dinasour on our Argentina sex forum ? Is that what you are promising ? Or is this more of your mindless " drivel "?

  13. #54
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657

    The only one that needs to get the fuck out and not return is you Granny be

    I am actually most welcome here in BA and in the US as well and anywhere else I travel because when I am in a country I accept their hospitality and stay as far away as I can from their internal issues as I can, if I want to change things or even have a voice I must first become a citizen, pay my taxes, buy a home and actually be a contributing part of conventional society and then I have a right to my opinion as a citizen of a sovereign nation. As I am a citizen of the US and a tax payer in good standing that contributes to the US economy I have the right to say whatever the fuck I want about my country, only a fascist like you would want those CITIZENS, that disagree with your war mongering right wing imperialistic view of the US to somehow leave the country, what's next Granny? You gonna open up concentration camps or re education centers for those that choose to study and research a more critical view of history? Again you make no sense and your arguments never hold up to scrutiny. Do yourself a favor and answer my points honestly and introspectively or just shut up. You equate socialism with totalitarian regimes and that is a fallacy another one of you black and white fallacies, maybe only blind right wingers like you understand that. So none of your questions make sense.

    And you talk about changing the subject, You say I attack US prisons without answering the points that I make, which are valid by the way. You are the propagandist. Read my last posts, no propaganda in them. Just calling you out for what you are, A liar, a propagandist and someone who uses Jacksons forum for something it is not ment to be used for. You use this to spread your right wing idiological bullshit, you attack latin american countries even though most of the people that come onto this forum live and enjoy these latin countries and their hospitality, You try your best to breed contempt for latin american leadership and insult the majority of actual latin american citizens with your hate rhetoric. Again I agree with Tony Blair on this one, take the country for what it is and assimilate or get the fuck out and spread your hate speech in the US, no one here needs your bullshit. And even if they do, Jackson's sex forum isn't the place for it.

    You are getting more and more incoherent every time you speak, as far as you wanting my passport? I still don't get it. Though again if you leave and never return I might consider it. Since you Hate Argentina so much and show so much contempt for it while living inside it's borders maybe you would want to " stand up for your lofty capitalist views and get the fuck out and not return ". If you do that then we can discuss you wanting one of my passports. Til then, you are the one bitching about a country you live in, not me.


  14. #53
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657
    Quote Originally Posted by Wayne Will

    "GrandMa" is a personal attack on his age and his gender. "badpropaganda10" is a comment on political views.

    I mentioned your dick size once and you certainly didn't!

    The way you resort to attacks on a person age or sex shows lack of maturity! T.

    He fact that you have to be correct and continue this argument shows your lack of maturity!
    Ok now you are a real idiot, first of all Granny be has consistantly attacked me personally and politically, I think you are stupid or blind not to see that. But I will pretend you are just blind. So no harm.

    Second, why the fuck would you even talk about my dick? Shouldn't you be discussing this in another type of forum?

    Third CAN YOU FUCKING READ? Granny be was the one that mentioned my age on multiple occasions, you might want to read the posts before you start sounding stupid.

    And lastly, what does it say about your own level of maturity that you have to come on here and try to attack me when I have not said two words to you?

    You're a coward and why don't you try to contribute to the forum before you get involved in something that doesn't concern you.


  15. #52
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1543

    What a shitty thread

    While I occasionally will discuss politics in this forum, I must this morning observe that you guys who are arguing here have offered precious little in the way of pussy info lately. Yes, politics is interesting, but not to the exclusion of the more appropriate topic.

    As Jackson regularly says, "The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex."

    I think we can all agree that this board works best when the posters' focus is on ass, instead of politics.


    Hi Hunt,

    Well, I guess we could all talk about something else, like transvetites perhaps?



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