Thread: Argentine Economy

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  1. #81
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657

    Corruption, it greases the wheels of capitalism, one can't exist without the other

    Again Exon, you miss the simple point. The Argentine law enforcement has already come out and said bringing X amount of dollars into Argentina is NOT a crime, the crime was not declaring it, and the penalty for said crime is just a fine.

    Get off the high horse guys how many Saudi Arabian princes fly into the US with suitcases full of money? Nothing new, nothing to see here, Again the fact that we keep trying to pin this on Kirchner somehow shows where this is going. Politically motivaded persecution. The one thing that is reassuring is the local population actually seems to be less hysterical than you guys.

    How many heads rolled when plane loads of Saudi Arabian royalty were flown out of the US bypassing customs all together after 911? Business as usual, this will blow over very quickly and as usual there is no direct connection with the higher ups, just a bunch of conjecture and innuendo. But do continue. Quite amusing.


  2. #80
    Retired Member

    Posts: 2599

    And The Cow Jumped Over The Moon

    Quote Originally Posted by Badboy13
    Well this businessman isn't just Venezuelan, as you stated he lives in Miami Florida and is an AMERICAN as in a US citizen, With a surname like Wilson, how could anyone pin him as just a Venezuelan.

    And by the way, this isn't a case of smuggling, this is a simple case of not declaring the correct amount of funds at customs. There was no reason to place him under arrest since this infraction only carries a financial penalty.

    This is getting blown way out of proportion for political purposes and has therefore become irrelevant.

    A special chartered Jet flight, paid for by the Argentine Government. With three Venezuelan Oil executives and an unknown American with $800,000 US Dollars in cash on board he fails to disclose. And the Argentine Federal Judge assigned to the case recuse's herself and you see nothing wrong.

    Try driving down any road in America get pulled over and let the law enforcement officer find $800,000 in cash in your car and see what happends, Your going to jail. The Fed's would be all over you and they wouldn't quit until they had a Federal "Rap" on you that would put you in "Club Fed" for quite sometime.


  3. #79
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657

    This Venezuelan smuggler is actually a Miami based American

    Well this businessman isn't just Venezuelan, as you stated he lives in Miami Florida and is an AMERICAN as in a US citizen, With a surname like Wilson, how could anyone pin him as just a Venezuelan.

    And by the way, this isn't a case of smuggling, this is a simple case of not declaring the correct amount of funds at customs. There was no reason to place him under arrest since this infraction only carries a financial penalty.

    This is getting blown way out of proportion for political purposes and has therefore become irrelevant.


  4. #78
    The poor guy was probably just intent on treating himself and his buddies to a good time at Black.:)

  5. #77
    Retired Member

    Posts: 2599
    Judge opts out of money case.

    The case involving a Venezuelan businessman found carrying a suitcase filled with nearly 800,000 dollars on a flight chartered by the Argentine government found itself without a judge yesterday, while the main suspect is in Argentina, according to a local daily.

    Marta Novati the judge assigned to the case declared herself "non-competent," meaning she felt she could no longer be considered impartial. Novati received heavy criticism from the head of Customs, Ricardo Echegaray, on Thursday who accused her of not doing enough within her power to apprehend the alleged smuggler.

    Echegaray claimed in a statement that Novati was already aware of the incident before it became public, but refrained from ordering the arrest of the Venezuelan. As a result, sources close to the judge revealed, she felt that "after aspersions had been cast on her by a public servant, she should step aside so as to not hinder the investigation."

    As for the businessman himself, Guido Antonini Wilson, La Nación newspaper quoted him as saying he is eager to explain what happened. A correspondent for La Nación in Florida went to the gated Miami condominium complex where Antonini Wilson is registered as owning a home and spoke to him from the guardhouse via telephone.

    "I'm very interested in this, in explaining all of this," Antonini Wilson was quoted as telling the paper, adding he was speaking via a cell phone from Argentina. It was also believed he was either in Miami or Uruguay. In Venezuela the government denied any links to the businessman.

    Finance Minister Rodrígo Cabezas insisted the government "has nothing to hide." A Venezuelan legislator, meanwhile, called for the dismissal of the three executives of the state-owned PDVSA oil company also on board the private jet.

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  6. #76
    Retired Member

    Posts: 2599
    Quote Originally Posted by Andres
    It seems a pretty lame rumour: If the official candidate had to bring USD 800K in cash, she could easily do so though "diplomatic courrier". Or better: A Chavez assistant would have handed the briefcase to a Kirchner assistant.

    Its worse than that Andres,

    It gives the impression an outside government or individual is financing the Argentine presidentual election.

    If Christina has a brain in her head she'll denie any knowledge of the money.


  7. #75
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1012
    Quote Originally Posted by Facundo
    Bad, it appears the money is / was, so they say in las calles, for Cristina's political campaign. The idiot thought he had political protection and he didn't declare the 800 grand. However, all he has to do is pay a fine for not declaring the money and he will get it all back.
    It seems a pretty lame rumour: If the official candidate had to bring USD 800K in cash, she could easily do so though "diplomatic courrier". Or better: A Chavez assistant would have handed the briefcase to a Kirchner assistant.


  8. #74
    Bad, it appears the money is / was, so they say in las calles, for Cristina's political campaign. The idiot thought he had political protection and he didn't declare the 800 grand. However, all he has to do is pay a fine for not declaring the money and he will get it all back.

  9. #73
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657

    Yawn, he will buy up the rest in the next few months but anyways

    Hey I just read in the Clarin this morning that some Venezuelan dude was caught trying to bring in over 800,000 Dollars cash into Argentina in his briefcase without declaring it, and he got caught. I am wondering why he didn't just slip the customs agent a kool stack of C-notes.

    Nice try though dumb motherfucker.


  10. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidney
    Tax receipts +38% in a year. Tourism +24% in June vs last June.
    To bad government spending is out of control, with more to come in the next 3 months

  11. #71
    When do you guys think the slide will end?

  12. #70
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657
    Just read your post Bunda, and I would have to say first of all I have never once responded to someone without them first attacking me. You see, just like you here, I haven't said two words to you, but you feel the need to personally attack me calling me young and foolish, isn't it my right now to call you old and senile? I think Jackson sees that. YES I have views that alot of the senior mongers on this website don't share and I am repeatedly attacked for it. About the only person I have truly gone at it with lately is Granny B, she wants to change my handle and attack my character and even say I make up facts to " prove my ignorant socialist viewpoint ". I think anyone looking onto this thread at this point in time can see you are trying to not only personaly insult me but are trying to start a flame war. I have been accused of just about everything in the book on this forum and alot of it has been under the guise of telling me how young and ignorant I am. Just like your latest post. You have the nerve to talk about flame war policy and then go on to call me " young and foolish ". And then say " ignorant socialist viewpoint ". Very non personal, very non ignorant, and you are certainly not looking for a response from me, are you?

    I will always challange people who feel the need to disrespect Latin American countries their electorate, and their leaders. These aren't personal attacks, I am always amazed at how many people take time out of their day to come onto a thread and not say one word about the actual topic at hand and just start personaly attacking me. That is precisely what Gia did. And it seems you have done the same, although I will add it has been in a much more sedated and cordial manner, even though you also resorted to personal attacks. I won't respond to you because if it is one thing I have learned, most of the people on this forum don't know two cents about actual debate, meaning in an actual debate, you debate facts, if you think someone is lying, it is not enough to call them a liar, you need to reference said lie and prove it. You need to make the other motherfucker studder, you need to make the other person pause, the point is to make each other think, very few people have made me do that. They resort to the usual, calling me young, ignorant, socialist immature and so on. I have heard it all before and at this point I am understanding that other than a few exceptions, most people on this forum aren't the type of person I can or want to argue with, I say argue, because that is closer to reality, very little factual debate actually goes on in this forum.

    Argentina is a sovereign country last time I checked and it is up to their electorate to decide what will happen to their country. I for one am here as a guest and not a diplomat or a political commentator or an economic advisor so I will withhold my judgements and worthelss opinons and enjoy their hospitality, good food, and women. Which is what I suggest you do and while you are at it contribute to the fucking forum.


  13. #69
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657

    Bunda, I guess its your chance to show some character and comment on his attacks

    Quote Originally Posted by Papa Benito
    So Mongers, Ah Men this: He can't resist posting that oil rich Ven. Is buying AR cars in increasing numbers (I wonder if these AR cars any more reliable than the Yugos from his beloved USSR? Of course this pales in significance to the former AR Central Bank Chairman's warning about Ks inflation mánipulations and the degrading affect on vital ag. Sector. But well, that is how a propagandist operates.
    Actually Porpagandists usually change the subject, which is what you are doing, I don't think anyone was talking about the cars made in the Soviet Union. As far as you calling my post propaganda, you are just lying, why? Because I just stated a fact and in no way equated it to what you posted, you are making that feeble equation. Do I think that it is important for the AR economy to have strong trade ties with its immediate neighbors? Yes I do. And it seems things are working out well for them. Thats it. You want to personally try to attack me again? I am done with you, you're just not on my level.


    I guess I shouldn't be surprised I have geriatric old senile men, sitting around talking about my cock. Pretty strange, but with all the psychosis floating around on this forum I guess it was inevitable

  14. #68


    If you are going to delete / edit some posts due to the flame war policy then much of Badboys ranting should be deleted too. The young and foolish agitator likes to mix facts with highly biased opinions and present them as 'proof' of his ignorant socialistic viewpoint. He can't resist personal attacks on any who dissagree. Lots of entertainement value and he's smart but he goes over the line too much.

  15. #67
    Senior Member

    Posts: 1657
    Buenos Aires, Dec. 11


    Argentinean exports to Venezuela increased by 56 percent compared to 2005, representing 529 million dollars during the first nine months of 2006.

    The automobile industry played and important role, noted the specialized consultant Abeceb. Com.

    Caracas is the third destiny of Argentinean passenger transportation shipment and fourth in commercial and family automobiles, emphasized the firm according to a version from Clarin newspaper. also reported over 1119 local enterprises that made transactions in Venezuela in this year.

    According to El Clarin, Caracas incorporation to MERCOSUR, a trading bloc integrated by Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay, as full member in July contributed to strengthen the two countries links.



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