Thread: Clubs and Boliches - General Info

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  1. #228
    Quote Originally Posted by Maxuk  [View Original Post]
    Periplo was open Saturday bit not worth the effort.

    Mia on Marcelo looks shut.

    Any info on these places San Telmo.

    I used to live on the same block as La Casa Blanca in San Telmo for three years. I stuck my head in there one time and that was it. This was when all the boliches were rolling so I had no reason to do more than look. Plus, I wasn't thrilled with my neighbors seeing me frequent the place. I'm going to take a look soon to see what's what but I'm not expecting much.

    My guess is that it is a bit like a poor man's Ness.

    I did venture into Sailor a few times and wasn't impressed. Some sketchy looking characters and nothing more than 4-5 level girls. Small, dark, and foreboding.

  2. #227
    Quote Originally Posted by ElPerro  [View Original Post]
    Periplo ?

    Marcelo T Monica place ? I'm betting if not permanently shut it will be soon. Why wouldn't it be given the crackdown ?

    La Casa Blanca in San Telmo, but only if you want to count that place.

    I don't know if Sailor is still open in San Telmo, but again, not really worth counting even if it is.

    Its a no holds barred blitzkrieg.
    Periplo was open Saturday bit not worth the effort.

    Mia on Marcelo looks shut.

    Any info on these places San Telmo.


  3. #226
    Quote Originally Posted by JamesBond69  [View Original Post]
    So what's left?

    As of Saturday night just Nuevo Estilo and Ness? Is that it? Only two boliches in all of BA?
    Periplo ?

    Marcelo T Monica place ? I'm betting if not permanently shut it will be soon. Why wouldn't it be given the crackdown ?

    La Casa Blanca in San Telmo, but only if you want to count that place.

    I don't know if Sailor is still open in San Telmo, but again, not really worth counting even if it is.

    Its a no holds barred blitzkrieg.

  4. #225

    So what's left?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tres3  [View Original Post]
    That closure really surprises me. A lot of well connected Argentine men went there for many years.

    So what's left?

    As of Saturday night just Nuevo Estilo and Ness? Is that it? Only two boliches in all of BA?

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to JamesBond69 For This Post:

  6. #224
    Senior Member

    Posts: 577


    Quote Originally Posted by Maxuk  [View Original Post]
    Also now closed. Embossed with the standard sign.
    That closure really surprises me. A lot of well connected Argentine men went there for many years.


  7. The Following User Says Thank You to Tres3 For This Post:

  8. #223

    Cutty sark

    Also now closed. Embossed with the standard sign.

  9. #222
    Quote Originally Posted by JamesBond69  [View Original Post]
    Indeed It is a sad state of affairs and not only for the mongers. For hundreds - if not thousands - of single mothers working the clubs this was their sole source of income during a severe recession.
    Again we have a difference of opinion about a "sole source of income" and about a "recession." The problem I have with this point of view is that I personally know five chicas who used to work in Hook, Ness, etc. and then went back to school or got job training and no longer have this purported or alleged "sole" source of income. And, this has held true through at least one full economic cycle. I disagree completely that in a fairly well developed country such as Argentina, that prostitution ever was or ever will be the "sole source of income" for anyone. It is just often the most expedient one. My perspective comes from having lived in several Latin American countries that are much less developed than Argentina, and seeing how much lower the percentage is of women who turn to prostitution at the bottom of the business cycle.

    This leads me to the ineluctable conclusion that a lot of these chicas are just plain lazy, because of these five women I know:

    #1 dropped out of seventh grade and after I met her she went back to school at night for several years, graduated from high school, and has been working factory-type blue collar jobs ever since. #2 dropped out of seventh grade, went back to school at night, graduated from what I guess is junior high school, and then went to culinary school, and has worked various low-level jobs ever since. #3 almost made it through high school, went to barber school, and after I met her opened up her own barber shop. She worked pretty hard at that but the business failed during a down economic cycle, so she went back to school, got a security guard license, did firearms training and etc. And worked in factories, as a security guard, and now is happily married and works part-time in a barber shop. #4 is from Paraguay and is only marginally literate but saved up money, bought a car, and is a remisera in Zona Oeste. She drives during the day and rents out her car at night #5 is from Per, where wages are even lower than here. She graduated from high school and had some college before coming to BA to sell pussy at Exedra. She learned some English and already knew some French from school. She became a mistress instead of a hooker for a while, saved up money, bought a car but did not know how to drive so rented it out, did that for a while, then bought an apartment in Per and rented that out, bought another and etc. And now is doing quite well as a slum lord of sorts.

    It is certainly posible that one or more of these friends of mine continued to sell pussy at times during the process, but they all developed other alternatives. For those who don't know, it is free to go to school at night and every suck ass provincia has a place to do it.

    So, it is not a question of having a "sole source of income"; rather, it is all about choices and consequences.

  10. #221

    Sad to see the scene going down.

    Quote Originally Posted by RobBarone  [View Original Post]
    Thanks man.

    Still going for the family but It's sad to see the scene going down.
    Indeed It is a sad state of affairs and not only for the mongers. For hundreds - if not thousands - of single mothers working the clubs this was their sole source of income during a severe recession.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to JamesBond69 For This Post:

  12. #220
    Quote Originally Posted by Dickhead  [View Original Post]
    Basically, if a significant part of your motivation for coming here was to go the clubs, you should cancel your trip.
    Thanks man.

    Still going for the family but It's sad to see the scene going down.

  13. #219
    Quote Originally Posted by RobBarone  [View Original Post]

    Where the heck do I go now?

    Evrything is close?
    Ill get there in 3 weeks and all is gone?
    Basically, if a significant part of your motivation for coming here was to go the clubs, you should cancel your trip.

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to Dickhead For This Post:

  15. #218

    Where the heck do I go now?

    Evrything is close?
    Ill get there in 3 weeks and all is gone?

  16. #217

    Hook etc

    Hook was closed...

    Ness was awaiting it's execution.

    Cafe X was busy of sorts but not as busy as the beginning of the week.

    Cafe O was completely dead.

    As was CS.

  17. #216
    Hook was closed last night with the official "closed" strip on the door.

    Ness was open, but the old head bartender was standing outside looking like he was awaiting the axe.

  18. #215

    I said it before and I'll say it again

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandolf50  [View Original Post]
    This is true. But with the elections coming, if the FPV loses control..!
    Hope springs eternal in the human penis.

  19. #214
    Seems to me Nuevo is even more illegal than the rest because of the tying arrangement with the hotel. But those guys are pretty seriously mobbed up.

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