Thread: Exchanging Currency
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01-13-14 00:04 #1297
Posts: 1Originally Posted by Conchuir [View Original Post]
I changed today with two girls who are traveling. They didn't know anything about the blue dollar. Helped them out a bit. Feel like helping some more.
01-12-14 23:18 #1296
Posts: 911Originally Posted by MisterTea [View Original Post]
01-12-14 22:15 #1295
Posts: 13Originally Posted by Gandolf50 [View Original Post]
01-12-14 21:19 #1294
Posts: 27Exchange in Palermo Soho?
Hey Fellas,
Anyone know of a reasonable Cambio in the Palermo Soho area?. I arrive Wednesday AM and have rented an apartment near Thames y Charcas. It would be very handy for me if any of you know of a place within walking distance or a short cab ride to exchange some Dollars on Wednesday morning. Thank you.
01-10-14 22:04 #1293
Posts: 304010.60 Today
Originally Posted by DavieW [View Original Post]
With or without my name.
01-10-14 20:28 #1292
Posts: 911The way I see it is 20 cents or more difference adds up to quite of bit of money over the period of a year. But as pointed out in other threads some people just don't care if they are losing or throwing money away. To each his own!
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01-10-14 17:15 #1291
Posts: 416Originally Posted by Spassmusssein [View Original Post]
There are plenty of people who DO care about the 20c, and even to those who don't, unless you know what the best rates are, you don't know if you're just 20 points off or 100 points off! If I hadn't pointed out that I'd gotten 10.60 and the only reference point was TL's buddy's 10.40, you'd have been happy to get 10.20 you're down 40c on the dollar. Where do you draw the line? How much are you happy to lose?
Originally Posted by Spassmusssein [View Original Post]
And the only people being antagonistic right now are TL (who I forgive because I expect it from him and I know he's just trying to make a living) and BadMan. Re-read the thread - I'm just supplying information to try and help anyone with dollars to get the best exchange rate. If, in order to do that, I'm pointing out that TL's mate isn't giving the best deal, that's not attacking anyone, it's pointing out a demonstrable fact.
(And if you don't understand the humour in the 'childish attack' I made on BadMan, ask an adult to explain it!)
01-10-14 12:16 #1290
Posts: 187A mi no me importa un pomito-
- I don't care a thumb getting 0,10/0,20 more or less.
I like to get into a store being save and treated like a friend as it is in the place, Ramiro recommended.
Alejandro gives you the best price possible, counts slowly twice the money you receive and there is never a faked bill.
Running around for smallchange is not my part of the game.
Aside of this, the two vendedoras in the place are pleasant and muy guapas (beauties).
Personal miss-understandings or antagonism are not helpful in this forum.
01-10-14 11:36 #1289
Posts: 416Originally Posted by Doppelganger [View Original Post]
01-10-14 10:54 #1288
Posts: 912Exchange reate
Received 10.4 at my usual cambio. Corrientes / Florida. Was surprised the rate had broken the 10 to 1 barrier.
Looks as if the price for everything has gone up as well but perhaps we are still a bit ahead of the game.
01-09-14 23:53 #1287
Posts: 1657Hahaha. Wow. Serious issues.
01-09-14 23:25 #1286
Posts: 416Originally Posted by BadMan [View Original Post]
I expect TL is shaking in his boots at the ferocity of my attack also....
"no matter how good the other services he provides are, don't go to TejanoLibre to change your dollars - he may have great contacts for finding chicas, but his favoured money changers are always behind the curve!"
"after your generous attempt to send people to someone to ask for 10.40 in your name. Which is fine. You do your bit to help, I'm doing mine."
"You should take a chill pill and carry on about your business, but if I see you giving people a bum-steer I'll be calling you out on it."
"And so does EVERYBODY on this fucking board! Idiot!"
Oh, sorry, that last one wasn't me was it? Thought I should include it anyway because it's the only thing that even resembles an 'attack', even though it just made me smile. :-)
Originally Posted by BadMan [View Original Post]
Originally Posted by BadMan [View Original Post]
Originally Posted by BadMan [View Original Post]
01-09-14 21:05 #1285
Posts: 1657You seem to have a real personal problem with TL. You should keep that between the two of you instead of trying to attack every forum member who doesn't share your narrow point of view. I've personally never changed money in the centro so I've never used the particular place TL recomends but his numbers seem accurate enough so I don't see why you're so angry with him for posting some information. If you have actual information to add about the topic, I'm sure it will be well received but your angry attacks against other forum members seem childish and out of place.
Ill wait for your personal recomendation.
Originally Posted by DavieW [View Original Post]
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01-09-14 10:15 #1284
Posts: 416Originally Posted by BadMan [View Original Post]
Anybody else who's interested in getting the best exchange rate for your dollars, use a bit more common sense!
Originally Posted by TejanoLibre [View Original Post]
Originally Posted by TejanoLibre [View Original Post]
Originally Posted by TejanoLibre [View Original Post]
01-09-14 03:21 #1283
Posts: 1657This is just a reference of what the exchange rate should be every day. Today its at 10.70 for the sell rate. Most money changers usually give you 20-30 points less. That is their earnings. So a rate of 10.40-10.50 is completely reasonable. I'm sure some places will give you more while others will give you less but the most average number is somewhere in the middle. I haven't changed dollars this month so far but my exchange house usually gives me 20 points less than the published blue rate. I'm sure if I drove to the centro I might get a couple points more but I'd lose time, gas money and parking fees so it doesn't make sense for me. Parking in recoleta and the centro is a bi*tch so I only drive there when I have no other choice. 50 pesos just to park your car for an hour. Ridiculous.
TL is a good reference point. Hes lived here for a while and knows the score.