Thread: Tour guide

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  1. #49


    If you want a quiet place to meet chicas contact a great Buenos Aires Guide: TejanoLibre.

    Whatsapp :

    +54911 3 799 5698.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Cops.jpg‎   Cemetery.jpg‎   Evita.jpg‎  

  2. #48
    Senior Member

    Posts: 314


    I had considered one last trip to Peru and Argentina this year, but it looks like that will no longer be possible.

    Don B.

  3. #47

    Tour Guide

    I am sure if you are in town this guy can find something to do.

    Quote Originally Posted by WorldTravel69  [View Original Post]
    If you need an Buenos Aries Guide contact TejanoLibre.

    Whatsapp :

    +54911 3 799 5698.

  4. #46

    Tour Guide - Tejano Libre

    When I was in Buenos Aires a few years ago Tejano Libre gave a few tours of the city action, especially places on 'the dark side'. He knows the town and how to get around. Excellent guide that I would highly recommend. Give him a try.

  5. #45

    Tejano Libre is ALIVE and very happy and more than willing to help you with your desires !

    Quote Originally Posted by WorldTravel69  [View Original Post]
    The best guide in Buenos Aires.

    Contact him.
    Tejano Libre is ALIVE and very happy and more than willing to help you with your desires!

    MY cell phone is KAPUT for the moment, , but you are more than welcome to use the Private Messaging System and I will be able to send you my email address and we can begin to get acquainted and you can tell me exactly what you want to do while you are in MY TOWN !

    Grassy Ass Amigo !

    Sincerely ,

    Sir Lancelot.

    But Lance will suffice !

  6. #44

    Tour Guide

    The best guide in Buenos Aires.

    Contact him.

  7. #43

    Tour Guide

    He is waiting for you.

  8. #42


    Yeah, I have his number but wanted to make sure he was still in the game before I bothered him. I'll shoot him a message when I know for sure I'll be heading down.


  9. #41

    Call Him

    His number should be a WhatsApp number.

    I am in contact with him all the time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Luminus  [View Original Post]
    Does anybody know if TL is still around and offering his services?? I have been preparing for a trip to BsAs for quite a while and could probably get around the regular toursty stuff my self, BUTT!! I am looking for the best month of my life and from what I've read here, he and I have similar tastes.

    I'll be heading there for mid April/May 2020 (should be good weather) and will most likely staying around the Obelisk/microcentro area with possible trips to Patagonia/Cordoba or wherever I damn well feel like going.

    I've probably put more than I should have in this post butt, fuck it!


    Edited for spelling

  10. #40


    Does anybody know if TL is still around and offering his services?? I have been preparing for a trip to BsAs for quite a while and could probably get around the regular toursty stuff my self, BUTT!! I am looking for the best month of my life and from what I've read here, he and I have similar tastes.

    I'll be heading there for mid April/May 2020 (should be good weather) and will most likely staying around the Obelisk/microcentro area with possible trips to Patagonia/Cordoba or wherever I damn well fell like going.

    I've probably put more than I should have in this post butt, fuck it!


    Edited for spelling

  11. #39

    Very Important, What everyone needs is a good Guide

    I have had a few problems thinking I can take care of myself because i am so smart.

    Maybe at home, but never on the road can you be sure you do not need a friend.

  12. #38

  13. #37

    I'm Back !

    Quote Originally Posted by WorldTravel69  [View Original Post]
    Do you want a great time in B.A.?

    TejanoLibre knows all the places.
    Hola Amigo!

    How are you doing today? Nobody ever bothers to ask anymore! Bad manners and upbringing or just plain old laziness? Both!

    * I must preface this post with a reason as to why I have been A.W.O.L as of late . Someone changed my 15 year old Password and I have just NOW been able to Log-in ! I sincerely appologize for not being able to read my PMs and I promise to make it up to the guys who I missed by this FUCKING inconvenient problem ! *.

    I was able to reply to a few PMs but hopefully this post will answer some of your questions.

    Unfortunately I am a Professional Adult Activities Consultant and Extremely Specialized Chica Bar Tour Guide and also a Straight City Daytime Walking Tour Guide . Best way to see the city ! From the ground up !

    I say unfortunately because someone told me that if you do something well then you should never do it for free . Wise old Man .

    The basic rate is a flat Benjamin per Person for an 8 hour City Tour or Bar Tours plus cover charges ( About $12.00 per hour ) and the same rate applies to a shitload shit load of Direct Whatsapp Contacts so you can begin Flirting Long before you leave the country and Make Friends , Save Time , Save Money and Have a Great time !

    Absolutely never ever hurts to set up your Batting Order ahead of time ! The Financial unpleasantries are entirely up to you and your carisma ! However I will guide and recommend and translate if need be and I will also say:

    "Are you Fucking Crazy ? I don't want to buy it and it's not made of Gold ! I just want to rent your little money maker for a while !".

    You are most welcome to send me whatever you think that 15 years worth of experience and knowledge and making absolutely sure that you are going to be very safe and secure during your stay is worth .

    I will leave it up to you.

    E-Mail : ( I did not post my email address originally . WorldTravel was kind enough to Help me when I couldn't login ).

    Whatsapp: +54911 799 5698 ( preferred due to convenience ! ).

    Is the place to be!

    I sincerely appreciate your time and effort and friendship Amigos!

    Have a great day!


    Sir Lancelot.

    I finally killed Howard Hughes and I have been in my H.H Faze for a very long time !

    I am now Sir Lancelot but I probably always have been !

  14. #36

    I'm Back !

    Quote Originally Posted by WorldTravel69  [View Original Post]
    Do you want a great time in B.A.?

    TejanoLibre knows all the places.
    Hola Amigo!

    How are you doing today? Nobody ever bothers to ask anymore! Bad manners and upbringing or just plain old laziness? Both!

    * I must preface this post with a reason as to why I have been A.W.O.L as of late . Someone changed my 15 year old Password and I have just NOW been able to Log-in ! I sincerely appologize for not being able to read my PMs and I promise to make it up to the guys who I missed by this FUCKING inconvenient problem ! *.

    I was able to reply to a few PMs but hopefully this post will answer some of your questions.

    Unfortunately I am a Professional Adult Activities Consultant and Extremely Specialized Chica Bar Tour Guide and also a Straight City Daytime Walking Tour Guide . Best way to see the city ! From the ground up !

    I say unfortunately because someone told me that if you do something well then you should never do it for free . Wise old Man .

    The basic rate is a flat Benjamin per Person for an 8 hour City Tour or Bar Tours plus cover charges ( About $12.00 per hour ) and the same rate applies to a shitload shit load of Direct Whatsapp Contacts so you can begin Flirting Long before you leave the country and Make Friends , Save Time , Save Money and Have a Great time !

    Absolutely never ever hurts to set up your Batting Order ahead of time ! The Financial unpleasantries are entirely up to you and your carisma ! However I will guide and recommend and translate if need be and I will also say:

    "Are you Fucking Crazy ? I don't want to buy it and it's not made of Gold ! I just want to rent your little money maker for a while !".

    You are most welcome to send me whatever you think that 15 years worth of experience and knowledge and making absolutely sure that you are going to be very safe and secure during your stay is worth .

    I will leave it up to you.

    E-Mail :

    Whatsapp: +54911 799 5698 ( preferred due to convenience ! ).

    Is the place to be!

    I sincerely appreciate your time and effort and friendship Amigos!

    Have a great day!


    Sir Lancelot.

    I finally killed Howard Hughes and I have been in my H.H Faze for a very long time !

    I am now Sir Lancelot but I probably always have been !
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Veronica.jpg‎  

  15. #35

    Tour Guide

    Spring and Summer is about to start.

    Good time to be in Buenos Aires.

    Quote Originally Posted by WorldTravel69  [View Original Post]
    If you need an Buenos Aries Guide contact TejanoLibre.

    Whatsapp :

    +54911 3 799 5698.

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